23 Things I Learned From A $250,000 Internet Marketing Education

90 replies
Hey all, I just wrote a blog I think you might benefit from. Don't worry, nothing to sell here. No optins, launches coming, etc. Just thought you'd like this post I just wrote. Hope you enjoy!

Start Blog Post:

Who do you believe? Who do you trust, online and in life?

I want to share a story with you, something I hope can help you as you move forward in business.

When I was 22 years old, I was in the Air Force and working Langley Air Force Base, at a place called MILSTAR (Military Satellite And Tactical Relay). It sounds complicated, and the job itself could be, but thank God all we did was play PlayStation on the 3 p.m. - 11 p.m. shift.

Because of the cake hours, that job became the birth of my online career. I had no clue what I was doing; I just knew that the Internet was the future, and I hated being in the Air Force.

So I started reading forums - particularly the SitePoint forum when I first got started. I was reading about 10-12 hours per day. I couldn't stop. Merchant accounts, conversion, websites, HTML, blogging, e-books, etc. It just didn't stop. My brain was on fire.

Then, in the beginning of 2004, my wife and I registered our first domain name, and it was game-on.

As I'm writing this on January 11, 2010, I've gone through all of my corporate tax returns and calculated that I've spent a little over $250,000 on my Internet education. This includes seminars, paid phone calls, mentorships, coaching, digital products, physical products, etc.

You're probably asking the question, "Dude! Are you freakin' serious?" Yup.

Most people think I'm crazy. And, at the end of the day, maybe I am.

But here's the real reason I spent that much money on education: I always thought I was missing something. I always thought there was so much more I could learn. Basically I didn't feel "qualified." I thought I knew a lot, but not enough.

In 2005 I got sick from the stress. Back then I would have books about marketing, copywriting, and the Internet piled up by my side. I would read until my eyes hurt. I'd study until I fell asleep. Then, I'd wake up and do it all over again. And the sick part is, I always felt like I was so far behind...I felt like everybody was so far ahead of me, and it drove me even harder.

Insecure? Maybe. Not confident in my own abilities? Possibly. Serious about succeeding? Absolutely. If I knew then what I know now, would I still do it? No.

So, in 2007 I had a "moment of clarity." I had just paid $800 to talk to a sales "guru" on the phone for an hour because I wanted to acquire a skill I didn't have at the time.

After that disappointing phone call, I was very frustrated with the value delivered. I knew about 100 times more than the person I'd just spoken to, and I knew it in my heart. It was an important revelation for me personally. That call helped me prove to myself that I was "qualified."
After all these calls, courses, and time, you're probably asking what I learned.

Let me answer this question very bluntly. After $250,000 of Internet marketing education, consulting with CEO's, doctors, marketing professionals, lawyers, and making a full-time living online myself, I offer the following advice...

1. You're probably much smarter than you think. Most people have no idea what you know.

2. Wisdom has nothing to do with time. There are 85-year-old idiots. Time doesn't make you smart; study, working hard, implementation, and experience do. Never be discouraged by age - yours or someone else's.

3. There are more scam artists online than you think. Be skeptical - a lot of people are faking success online.

4. Be careful what you study when it comes to marketing, copywriting, conversion, etc. You can waste a lot of time on "information." Know that action normally trumps education, but I highly recommend getting some education before you create an action plan. Most people go head-first into stuff they have no clue about it, and the action they do take is almost worthless.

5. Only build relationships with people of integrity. The majority of online marketers are willing to whore themselves out and be associated with anyone as long as it makes them money. I see this every day. Integrity is so important.

6. Be yourself. I think the biggest reason people fail online is because they aren't doing what they truly love. Some people love the marketing process, like me, and that's fine - do that. I personally could sell washers and dryers, I just love selling, design, conversion, building, creating, etc. Some people have to actually sell something they love, and those people should stick with that. You will never make it long-term in this business if you don't wake up hungry, ready to make things happen.

7. You must distinguish between what matters and what doesn't matter. Decisiveness is a quality you must develop. Think, then decide quickly. Time doesn't create better decisions, unless the decision requires more information. If the decision doesn't require more information, make the decision fast, be confident in your decision; then, move on and forget about it. Don't worry if you made the wrong decision.

8. Learn to ask great questions. I recommend when you are speaking to anybody that you think of great questions and ask them. It shows humility, and you'd be surprised at how much people will open up to you. Be willing to learn. Labor for the right questions, and ask a lot of them.

9. Determine to live your life on deadlines. Most people don't, but you must. When I start doing business with a new person, I always let them know how I do business, and they're always surprised. I let them know that I put everything in my Outlook calendar with a deadline, and then forget about it. This does 3 things. First, it allows me to forget about the project, freeing my brain from more information. Second, it establishes my expectation of the person who's working for me. And third, it allows me to figure out who is dependable.

10. Be teachable. I still read a lot. I do so to stay fresh and on top of my game. Don't ever think you know it all. Continue to search for tactics and techniques that can help your business, but be more obsessed with implementing what you learn so you can test it for yourself.

11. If you're going to follow someone's teachings, make sure that they are making money with the same things they teach. This can be very hard; I've been through many "teachers" and spent a lot of wasted money, and most of the time I just keep coming back to the basics or a book from back in the day.

12. Build your "team" early. Find your graphic designer, webmaster, etc. early. Pay them what they ask, pay early or on time, and be faithful. These people will play a very important role in your success. I went through about 15 graphic designers before I found the person I'm with now. And I'm not afraid to send that person business either. Never be afraid to share the wealth.

13. Recognize your weaknesses. I am not skilled at webmaster-type work such as CSS, HTML, etc. It stresses me out and it frustrates me. But what would be even worse is if I tried to fight that weakness on a daily basis, tried to excel at something I'm not gifted at, and become even more stressed and unhappy doing that sort of thing. Recognize your weakness and outsource it.

14. When starting out, I recommend a 50% education vs. 50% action model. As you start becoming more successful online, I'd recommend moving to a 30% education vs. 70% action model.

15. Start to value testing. I recommend that you stick with A/B split testing. It's so easy, and anybody can do it. You will probably get discouraged, as most do, if you start with multivariate testing, learning about different compressions and algorithms, etc. Just stick with A/B testing and do it consistently.

16. Become a person of extreme consistency. You win at this game by doing it every day. Don't stop. Go, go, go, go, go. You're looking for longevity in the game. When you do something and it works, the next thing you have to ask yourself is if you can outsource the task and scale it. If you can, write up a procedure or record a video so you can train someone to do it. But most people will work really hard for 2 to 3 weeks and get burned out. Don't let this be you. It's all about consistency, day in and day out.

17. Understand that making money online is a learned skill, nobody is born with it. I know people who are stumbling and fumbling all over the place, bringing in a few million bucks online. Frankly, they are not that great as marketers, copywriters, or tech people. They just execute on the basics, day-in and day-out, and work hard.

18. Pick an Internet business model you're comfortable with and do it. Don't try to be a "guru" if you're an introvert. Don't create your own products if what you really want to be an affiliate. Don't worry about what other people say is the best model. There is no "best" model. The best model is the model that lines up with the type of life you want to create for yourself. I personally think one of the better models is creating your own products because you have full control of every part of the sales process.

19. Commit to execute daily on the basics. Most people are into tricks and schemes. Sure, tricks and schemes can and do work, but while you're executing the tips and tricks, never neglect the basics, and make sure to hammer on them almost daily.

20. Think of your online business as a constant work-in-progress. Understand that you're never "there." Once you think you get "there," there will be something else you want achieve and do, and it will feel like you're starting all over again. Embrace the process.

21. Commit to learn about design. It doesn't take long - read a few books, learn about typography, etc. Your design affects your conversion, which affects your bank account. Don't neglect the importance of design. You don't have to be an expert, but do try to understand it.

22. Spend more time researching your competition. You can reverse engineer your competion when it comes to selling processes, link building, etc. Spend more time on this, and you'll never go wrong.

23. Find people who have achieved what you want to achieve, and be humble enough to search them out and talk to them. Make sure they are making money outside of "coaching". If they say they are in a lot of different markets, don't believe them, make them show you a few to verify. Most coaches don't make money in real businesses, their business is coaching. I try to avoid that type of coach.

I could keep typing a lot more of these lessons learned and words of advice, but I want to keep this blog post to under 2,000 words and it's getting a bit long winded :-).

Hopefully you got something from this blog and enjoyed it. If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment.
#$250 #education #internet #learned #marketing #things
  • Profile picture of the author KarlWarren
    Hi Ricky,

    long time no speak, I hope all is well with you... especially in business.

    Very good list, I'm going to swipe it and print it because there are a lot of nuggets in there.

    Kindest regards,
    eCoverNinja - Sales Page Graphics & Layout Specialist
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  • Profile picture of the author butters
    Great post , I especially agree with number 1, I sat down and wrote down all the stuff I knew and then looked back on it and thought, wow.
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    • Profile picture of the author Hups
      Great Post Ricky.

      Really enjoyed reading it...
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  • Profile picture of the author Gee S
    Quality post Ricky. Probably one of the best I've read here in a while.

    Good luck for the future.

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  • Profile picture of the author Hamboy
    Thanks so much for the terrific post. I am literally just starting out and a lot of your points really resonated with me ! I often find myself dealing with analysis paralysis or chasing the next shiny object.
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  • Profile picture of the author InternetM39482
    Awesome, Awesome & Awesome.

    Seriously one of the best posts I've read here in a long while.

    Thank you and Best of Luck, Ricky!
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    • Profile picture of the author Lance K
      Hey Ricky, been a long time.

      Great post!

      For anyone who doesn't know who Ricky is, let me just say...HE'S THE REAL DEAL! Add his blog to your favorites/bookmarks. You'll be glad you did.
      "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
      ~ Zig Ziglar
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  • Profile picture of the author priyankeshu
    "You're probably much smarter than you think. Most people have no idea what you know."
    >> i am at a stage in my internet marketing career and i can relate to it, also now i want to put 90% action and 10% learning.. there has been enough learning now... i am finding it difficult to put things into action..

    because i do not have money to invest.. another problem with me is i over think and only want to sell something that REALLY adds value to the buyers.. so i am still kind of searching for a value model.. which i would get but eventually but of course it will take time..

    very inspirational.. amidst the other posts information out there solely for selling or promoting something.. posts like these add REAL value to these forums..

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  • Profile picture of the author Maddi
    This post hits home.

    Excellent post and very informative. I'd highly recommend this to anyone starting out as it conveys easily the mindset and the attitude needed in Internet Marketing no matter which business model you follow.

    This should be made a sticky for newbies by admin.

    Great post man. Appreciate it.
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  • Profile picture of the author statelizard
    I agree with Maddi, this should be a newbie sticky. When I was starting out I was the same way, I didn't spend nearly as much, but I was all over the place. As soon as I thought I learned one thing, there was something else that I needed to learn, and so on and so on. I took forever to put anything into action. Finally, I came to a conclusion very similar to this message, and things have been good since.

    Very well put Ricky, great for people just starting out and for others to remind them to stay focused.

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  • Profile picture of the author Marian Berghes
    Great post.

    I especially agree with 21...way to many people underrate design when it can have such a huge impact on visitors.

    But I do disagree somewhat with the whole passion thing...ever since this line with "do what you love" got popular people use it for the wrong reasons and in the wrong places.
    I've started seeing stuff like: "I can't do link building...its not my passion" "I can't learn SEO...its not my passion" " I can't use twitter for my business...its not my passion"

    Well...let me tell you this: When you HAVE to make money, and you HAVE to support your family...you can't afford to think about passion, buckle up...get your sht together, make some cash, build somewhat of a business then start looking at what your passion is and how you can make money from it.

    I know Gary Vaynerchuck is a successful man...but don't use passion as an excuse for your failures or bad decisions.

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    • Profile picture of the author Tyler Pratt
      Great post. Great Title!!! Your spot on.

      Actually I tell people they can spend less than $100 and get all the education you need to be successful online.

      From that "Action" is your education.

      Get the Top 11 Millionaire Tools and 7 Of them are FREE
      >> Yes Get Instant Access <<

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1624921].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author mpx305
        My favorite is number #1 (You're smarter than you think) which I realized when I was talking to some of my buddies about link building and page rank - they had no clue what I was talking about and they are computer geeks!

        I definitely need to work on number 22

        22. Spend more time researching your competition. You can reverse engineer your competion when it comes to selling processes, link building, etc. Spend more time on this, and you'll never go wrong.

        Great Post - Thank you!


        I'm unique, just like everybody else

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  • Profile picture of the author 1960Texan
    That was a fantastic post! There wasn't a bit of fluff in it, although #16 hit home the hardest for me personally, (go, go, go, go, go). Thanks,
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  • Profile picture of the author Christophe Young
    Thanks for the tips! Yes, integrity is so important! Unfortunately we don't see enough of it in IM. I found that I'm already doing a lot of the things mentioned in your post.
    Under Construction
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  • Profile picture of the author rapidscc
    I liked the 30% learning 70% action plan.
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    • Profile picture of the author tom03
      Sweet post man! Way to actually provide meaningful insight that beginners can use, and not having sell them something.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheDebtEliminator
    Hello Ricky,

    Thanks for sharing your story and the 23-things that you have learned.

    Sometimes experience is the best teacher

    Better to learn here from fellow Warriors

    It is quicker and a lot cheaper

    All the Best
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    This is available for individuals with more than 10-K of debt and only by phone to start your debt analysis ... PM Me Your Phone Number and best times to call.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1625500].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author just do it
      Originally Posted by TheDebtEliminator View Post

      Hello Ricky,

      Thanks for sharing your story and the 23-things that you have learned.

      Sometimes experience is the best teacher

      Better to learn here from fellow Warriors

      It is quicker and a lot cheaper

      All the Best
      LOL im sorry but that monkey looks funnny as hell
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  • Profile picture of the author Ricky Breslin
    Thanks for the kinds words everyone, glad I could add some value through my experiences.
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  • Profile picture of the author trevor75
    Ya know, its people like you who make working online worth every bit of the frustration we'v all felt over the years in this crazy 21st Century business. I worked in a office for 15 years before I said, enough is enough. I can tell you this, with this business I've found nicer people with better character then I ever saw in a 9-5 office job. It may be hard, but meeting people like you makes it all worth it! Keep writting great blogs. ;-)

    FREE Report Reveals 5 Secrets To Earn Truckloads Of Affiliate Marketing Cash In Less Than A Week!

    How To Do The Marketing

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    • Profile picture of the author Peter Nguyen
      Such a great list, Brilliant post! I agree with taking consistent action and I also like the idea of outsourcing tasks that you aren't skilled at. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us
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  • Profile picture of the author theunknownthem
    Thanks for this. I'm a noob looking to get started. I'm at the trying to research and learn and study a lot before starting so I really understand that part. Wish I could thank the post, guess I need more posts before I can do that.
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    • Profile picture of the author deanmoney
      Thanks for sharing such a great list. I am not good with writing articles so I agree that outsourcing tasks that you are not skilled at is the way to go.
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    • Profile picture of the author keseros
      Starting out too. Hope all these make sense at the end.

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  • Profile picture of the author mailcold
    This is a great post with many excellent points.
    Thanks to Ricky
    I need to work on 30% education and 70% action rule.
    Till now it has been 70% education and 30% action for me.
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    • Profile picture of the author jksarra
      Great post, thanks for sharing there is some good tips in there that nearly everyone could relate to.
      Just had a similar conversation with wife about #1

      Thanks for the great post
      Life is a game, and I want to win
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  • Profile picture of the author DogScout
    Originally Posted by Ricky Breslin View Post

    3. There are more scam artists online than you think. Be skeptical - a lot of people are faking success online.
    Ain't it the truth... "on line, no one knows you are a dog!"
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    • Profile picture of the author PMB
      Great post. I appreciate your willingness to share your expensive education with us in this forum. You made so many points that resonated with me that I will have to print this out and review periodically over time in the days ahead. Thanks again.

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  • Profile picture of the author Marketstriker
    I agree with all the writers here. It's really useful story with a lot of experience. I would like to know your recommendations about Internet Marketing Education. What products were the most valuable for you?
    Thanks in advance.
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  • Profile picture of the author hotftuna
    Thanks Ricky- Great story and post.

    My story is quite different but I realize that there is much to learn from guys like you.
    HeDir.com ranks #1 for "human edited web directory"

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  • Profile picture of the author SEOBro57
    Great post, Ricky. Thanks and best wishes for continued success.
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  • Profile picture of the author QuadDamagePT
    Excellent post, thanks for your sharing!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mili_D
    Expressing you experience to us has been a great thing, not have u learnt but u can really relate too. I agree with number one, really this stuff is really amazing!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author JNada
    I learned something (actually quite a few things) new today.
    Thank you for words of wisdom!
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  • Profile picture of the author MCDavies
    Very good post here!

    Ricky, you should probably add #24 to your list:

    If you're going to put your website in your signature file in the forum, make sure the hyperlink is working. Most people are too lazy to type it in the browser.

    Hope this helps.

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  • Profile picture of the author thebitbotdotcom
    I like #'s 17 and 18 the best:

    17. Understand that making money online is a learned skill, nobody is born with it. I know people who are stumbling and fumbling all over the place, bringing in a few million bucks online. Frankly, they are not that great as marketers, copywriters, or tech people. They just execute on the basics, day-in and day-out, and work hard.

    18. Pick an Internet business model you're comfortable with and do it. Don't try to be a "guru" if you're an introvert. Don't create your own products if what you really want to be an affiliate. Don't worry about what other people say is the best model. There is no "best" model. The best model is the model that lines up with the type of life you want to create for yourself. I personally think one of the better models is creating your own products because you have full control of every part of the sales process.

    These fit me...Thanks...

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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    Well this was worth the elevator ride up from the basement (OT).

    Best post award nomination.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

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  • Profile picture of the author eAvenue
    Great Post! The first thing you mentioned

    1. You’re probably much smarter than you think. Most people have no idea what you know.

    Until people start asking you questions its hard to know how much you actually know. Once you start answering questions for people that are not in the know you instantly realize how much knowledge you have in your head! If you have it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Anup Mahajan
    Thanks for this amazing share.. This one's bang on target..

    My favorite ones are 1, 4 & 5


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  • Profile picture of the author sfrias
    Great post. Really like the honesty. I have been, educating-attempting to make it online for 1.5 years now. Unfortunately my story is not possitive yet.
    I preffer my own product be it ebook or tangible product over affiliate. Sadly I have simply not hit on the magic combination of how to make net sales be greater than expenses. Tried adwords and found google is the only one that makes money. Working on SEO but still don't have very good results even though I have put the enormous time and work needed to climb 4 keywords to the first page.
    Aside from the "gusus" who have a "deal" every week on the release of a new software or method that "this time really works" to make you millions; are traffic generating methods and online conversions possible to cover expenses?
    I don't know if anyone else out there is kind of tired of attempting to do research on a product/method or educate on a subject without the obviously fake "reviews" or inforation. Its getting to the point where you simply cant believe anything available online.
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  • Profile picture of the author LeeLee
    Originally Posted by Ricky Breslin View Post

    Insecure? Maybe. Not confident in my own abilities? Possibly. Serious about succeeding? Absolutely. If I knew then what I know now, would I still do it? No.
    I found a lot of good advise in this post but your one statement above intrigues me. Could you elaborate?
    The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of nonessentials. ~ Lin Yutang
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  • Profile picture of the author Edwin.Ryan
    Hey Ricky,

    This resonated with me. Thanks!
    I've just saved this on my hard drive.

    Where's the blog post? please PM me your website link.
    I'd be happy to tweet or send it to our subscribers

    -Edwin Ryan
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  • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
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  • Profile picture of the author vok
    That's an excellent post and a lot of cash to spend on education! Next big question I have is are you profitable or not yet?
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  • Profile picture of the author KevinFranz
    I haven't seen this post before - glad it made it back to the first page.

    #1 is stunning in its truth
    #16 is painful in its reality

    So many other strike chords. This is one I'll keep and reread, thankful that my own education total is (for now) less than $250,000 . . .
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  • Profile picture of the author ladida
    Wow. This is an awesome post!

    The bridge between knowledge and success can be much shorter than people realize.

    Confidence, a willingness to act now and a decision NOT to take shortcuts will get you a long way fast enough. Crawl, then walk, then run, then leap! Be diligent and aggressive.

    It seems many people are either afraid to fall (so they never attempt to stand up on their own and take a step) or don't fully appreciate the value in starting small then progressively building on their knowledge.

    Sometimes it's so much simpler then we make it! :-)

    I think I'm going to print this post out and affix to fridge. Ha!
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  • Profile picture of the author sellerscompanion
    I love #19 as it is so true. You have to do certain tasks daily in order to keep things moving. A lot of newbies think they can create a few articles, throw up a site and wait for their millions. In fact, it takes daily effort to keep building links, creating great content and generating traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ricky Breslin
    Wow, someone dug this post up from January :-). Thanks for all the nice comments, I appreciate it!
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    • Profile picture of the author MikeMorgan
      Hey Ricky ,

      Very informative post .

      It is really Million Dollar advice, especially for those who are starting .

      CPA Game Changer - Coming Very Soon !

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    • Profile picture of the author wanzu
      Thanks for the great post
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    • Profile picture of the author dbarnum

      Nice list, thanks for sharing! I want to offer caution on a couple items, though:

      8. Learn to ask great questions. I recommend when you are speaking to anybody that you think of great questions and ask them. It shows humility, and you’d be surprised at how much people will open up to you. Be willing to learn. Labor for the right questions, and ask a lot of them.

      22. Spend more time researching your competition. You can reverse engineer your competion when it comes to selling processes, link building, etc. Spend more time on this, and you’ll never go wrong.

      8. It's not quantity here with questions, it's quality. Know when to ask and when to shut up. Too many people get too carried away and turn others off, wanting that person to take them by the hand and lead them around, etc. And too many others get too minute, asking about every possible angle, wasting tons of time and support when they need to dig in, learn the task and just do it. Period.

      There is a time to ask questions and a time to buckle down and work.

      22. You can go wrong studying competition. Look at your competitors, but also move ahead your self. You won't know if what you "see" is always true, with the competition. Their ads, page rank, receipts / tallies, etc. on sales pages, and so on could be wrong or present a wrong impression. Look at your competition, yes, but don't make the results Biblical. It's only part of the puzzle.

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  • Profile picture of the author warner444
    Thanks for the very informative post.

    Does my "Cliff Notes" version below capture most of it?

    You're smarter than you think, trust your own insight and judgement.
    Be careful of scammers.
    Action Trumps education.
    Only integrity in biz and relationships.
    Be yourself.
    Set and Keep Deadlines.
    Ask great questions.
    Be Teachable.
    Build a "team".
    Stick to basics.
    Recognize your weaknesses.
    Split-test everything.
    Pick a biz model that fits with who you are, create products recommended.
    Do good design
    Find people who achieved what you want to achieve and approach them to learn.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ofthemix
    My favorite is number 18. Newbies tend to follow the trail of where everyone says that the most money is at. Many of them start by taking up business models that they end up disliking, which contributes to early burn out. I know I've also picked up quite a few business models that I ended up being successful at but hated the type of work involved. When you hate what you do it ultimately turns into a job, often times no better than the 9 to 5 you're trying to escape.

    Luckily, with IM there are a lot of different business models, and I truly believe that there is something for everyone, both the extroverted and the introverted. If you like to sell things but aren't interested in product creation, be an affiliate. If you'd rather have your hand in every part of the design of a product, do product creation. If you like to write a lot, be a blogger. The list goes on and on.
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  • Profile picture of the author biggame5
    Thanks for the inspiration. I can see why so many people follow you seem to be genuine, but after seeing what you described in this business first hand I understand. I wish you continued success.
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  • Profile picture of the author buffblaze
    whoa $250,000 !!!!!!!!!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author BlogTipss
    Great post. #19 its more than true. Make your daily checklist and stick with it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lauryn
    Lengthy yet excellent and well-stated.
    As an Air Force spouse...I feel your pain.

    I Go Hard = "Slanguage" for putting forth a lot of effort.

    Don't be an arse and try to flip something you clearly have no knowledge of against me.

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  • Profile picture of the author Vyliss
    Awesome post!

    I liked the first tip as well. And it does surprise me how much I actually know. A lot of it is about confidence. If you have confidence, but not competence, you can still fudge it into success. But without confidence, even if you are competent, you will still struggle and never ever succeed. The key factor is to believe in yourself 100% no matter what you are doing, it's going to work and you WILL be successful.
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  • Profile picture of the author GoGetta
    Awesome post, this is the reason I try to stay away from here throughout the day lol!

    I just popped on to answer PMs, and saw this and read it. This is a huge post and one that rings so true!

    Soak it up like a sponge if you are new here!

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  • Profile picture of the author ashokpobox
    I don't even know where to start. I don't think I have enough words to tell you how pleased I am reading this post.

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

    Welcome to Manzinetworks.com - Connecting People Globally ...

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  • Profile picture of the author Randy Daugherty
    this is a great share of ideas..thanks
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  • As a newbie I think #14 hits right at home. I need to start doing more and reading less. Thanks for the post.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sweetcheeks12354
    Excellent advice, it's the stuff people already know, but never apply. There's no button that you can push that'll give you money (maybe a keyboard).
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  • Profile picture of the author JonAlfredsson
    Wow! this is a great read. the premise alone in starting a blog is already helpful and can already make a person think about a great content. Thanks for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sonomacats
    I would just add one more to the list:

    You also know more than you think you do. Stop trying to learn even more before you get started.

    I finally figured that out and got a huge project done. I kept thinking I needed to know more, but finally realized I knew everything I needed to in order to get the job done.

    If you've done a serious amount of reading, studying, etc., you know enough to get going. You can always read more later.

    Writing as Kieran McKendrick
    You can find the first prequel to my Purgatory series (How Blended are Dust and Fire) on Amazon and Smashwords.

    Whether you think you can or think you cannot, you are right. -- Henry Ford

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  • Profile picture of the author Clyde
    I've spent some money on my internet education but nowhere near $250k.

    Have you at least made that back?

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    50% OFF WSO.
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  • Profile picture of the author donald2020
    I agree with Ricky, if you would like to better promote your site you have to design your site very well and looks great.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hviews
    I'm glad someone dug this post up. Great information. Since I am a newbie I tend to be all over the place. My biggest weakness is my lack of focus. I have a short attention span and am easily distracted by all sorts of things. I know it is important to stick with the basics and keep practicing them on a consistent level. I will be sure to follow your tips. Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adam James
    Awesome post
    I like number 14
    People spend so much time trying to learn everything over educating themselves without taking any action but if they stick to this model they have go time to do both.
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  • Profile picture of the author jointaldc
    I honestly thought this post was going to be about something else, but I actually thought what you wrote was extremely helpful, very well put
    Jointal ---- A CPA network that operates on trust -
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Richardson
    WOW Ricky, your a inspirational guy man!

    Maximum respect for everything youve achieved - and sticking at it! You deserve every bit of success judging by that post.

    i cant think of anything else id rarther do! Im addicted to marketing and its amazing
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan75
    I admire your passion and honesty ricky. Takes a lot of guts to admit it.
    I was buyining a lot of crapy ebooks and software from ebay for 3 years till it hit me, You only need a good list, and sell them quality products weekly.You just need one website and nothing else.Just keep it simple.
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  • Profile picture of the author sarahberra
    WOW! Thanks for the detailed post. I learn something new every day.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kayden Kross
    thanks ricky, i just print this great post and bind it into a handbook, it is useful for me.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jonet Bradley
      Very refreshing post--you brought up some great points and I am putting your suggestions in my arsenal to keep me on track!

      Interested in starting an Ecommerce store, but need a little more step-by-step guidance? Let me help you http://onlinestoreempire.com/coaching-early-bird-launch

      -Time will either promote you or expose you.

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  • Profile picture of the author dollar cashflow
    such a post like this keeps me going because several times i have always want3d to give up but you have taken me back the motivation line again,great post
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  • Profile picture of the author SpeedWarrior
    Great post. I can tell from your writing that you have no regrets over the cost of your education, as you ultimately learned from it all. No regrets could probably be added to your list.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Mendell
    This is very inspiring. Thanks for putting this together.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Franklin
    I would add that for #14, aim at lowering the percentages even further. Start at 50% education/50% taking action and gradually work at putting your education in action more and more. So ultimately you should be around 10% education/90% taking action.

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  • Profile picture of the author mrktxprt
    Absolutely wonderful information! Thank you for sharing this!
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  • Profile picture of the author x3xsolxdierx3x
    Just a general question...

    "3. There are more scam artists online than you think. Be skeptical - a lot of people are faking success online."

    How does one best differentiate themselves from those who are faking success online?
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  • Profile picture of the author Aviator Joe
    woah! Awesome post Ricky, thanks for the tips!
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    Got this product All I can say is WOW
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