Man Keyword research seems impossible

16 replies
Warriors i almost die doing keyword research nowhere days it has become v difficult to find niche keywords. Almost every guideline mentions find keywords under 20,000 in quotes and must have atleast 2000-3000 searches/ month but it seems impossible to match these criterias. But that's not all i am not that dumb to judge comp. by just no of pages i try and judge backlinks and pageranks and is the site authority but it seems most of the time my judgment is not right. I tried G sniper but keyword research killed me and my site didn't rank.

I dont know what should i do. Now i am thinking of going back to basics like bum marketing and squidoo (BTW i think squidoo has lost its ranking power). I am not complaining here this doesn't mean i am going to quit don't assume i am in IM from past 3 years and i will make it. I am just asking for some suggestions.
#impossible #keyword #man #research
  • Profile picture of the author ShaneRQR
    Yes, I've also found that the outlines provided in many guides are a bit on the safe side. The safe side meaning that if you find a keyword matching those criteria, it really will be golden and easy to make money from.
    But, such keywords are hard to find.

    There's more to a keyword than those numbers, though. So, if you're building sniper sites, my suggestion is just to keep going. Find keywords that come close to the criteria and where the top listed sites aren't too strong and build sniper sites. You can't get them all right, but eventually, you'll get a feeling for what works and what doesn't.

    And trying to rank an article can be a good test to see if you really can outrank the competition.
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    • Profile picture of the author Anoopchawla
      Originally Posted by ShaneRQR View Post

      Yes, I've also found that the outlines provided in many guides are a bit on the safe side. The safe side meaning that if you find a keyword matching those criteria, it really will be golden and easy to make money from.
      But, such keywords are hard to find.

      There's more to a keyword than those numbers, though. So, if you're building sniper sites, my suggestion is just to keep going. Find keywords that come close to the criteria and where the top listed sites aren't too strong and build sniper sites. You can't get them all right, but eventually, you'll get a feeling for what works and what doesn't.

      And trying to rank an article can be a good test to see if you really can outrank the competition.
      Do u have any sniper sites yourself

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  • Profile picture of the author ShaneRQR
    I don't have any "pure" sniper sites, no. I tend to go for slightly more competitive keywords and then do the whole link-building thing. But I do use some of the tips in GSniper for optimizing my sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dave777
    Easy like pie if you dig out and Listen to the Many giving warriors who Share their knowledge and superior info!

    Frank's amazing Free PDF and video shared awhile back is just one perfect example. All kinds on Niche revenues out there if you work, spin and follow some of the Best advice throughout warrior land...

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    • Profile picture of the author Sara Young
      I personally don't think you need to find keywords with 2,000-3,000 searches per month.

      Even if it is 200-300 searches per month (exact match) you will do ok if you have a bunch of them.

      So I'd much rather spend a little bit of time getting 10 keywords with 200-300 searches than spending days on end trying to find that one golden nugget with 2,000-3,000 searches.

      And when the golden nugget shows up - I'll take that too :-)
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    • Profile picture of the author Tasso Pepi
      Originally Posted by Dave777 View Post

      Easy like pie if you dig out and Listen to the Many giving warriors who Share their knowledge and superior info!

      Frank's amazing Free PDF and video shared awhile back is just one perfect example. All kinds on Niche revenues out there if you work, spin and follow some of the Best advice throughout warrior land...

      Thanks Dave for the link, like you said there is a ton of free infor here on the forum.. I am just starting to see the results of my searching here, it is priceless information...

      Again thanks for the heads up...
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      • Profile picture of the author Dave777
        Originally Posted by Tasso Pepi View Post

        Thanks Dave for the link, like you said there is a ton of free infor here on the forum.. I am just starting to see the results of my searching here, it is priceless information...

        Again thanks for the heads up...
        No problem, glad to help! Here's another Golden nugget, nice & Fresh, Hot of the press!

        Slightly inside of the WSO database. Mike's cool tool to Help dig through endless WSO's including the Free one's...
        WSO Tracker | WarriorPlus

        Lisa Parmley of InlineSEO, another Great warrior who Shares amazing Free info! Endless ways of Spinning this Super Freebie into all kinds of $$$'s...

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  • Profile picture of the author mikkosant
    If you want to make real money online, go ahead now and throw those numbers out the window. "must be under insert low number here %$^&# BS competition ). Wrong.
    Learn to dissect the pages ranking for the term.
    Learn how to use the allintitle: and allinanchor: operator if you want real competition analysis.

    But, many will continue to follow that garbage. I guess it's just better for me. All these people go out and buy some long tail exact match domain and do 0 link building, but wonder why they are not getting traffic and sales. Look sniping is ok, but learn how to do seo and linking strategies for the cream of the crop keywords. Put in a little elbow grease in the backlink category and you will quickly realize all the regurgitated KW research nonsense is just crap. nothing more. But, before you start a massive linking campaign, get your on page seo figured out.

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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Then
    Anoopchawla, I'll help you.

    PM me your keywords that you are looking for.

    I'll use my tools to help you find some useful keywords.

    IF you want my help...
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  • Profile picture of the author Anoopchawla
    Warriors also one thing that confuses me regarding comp analysis that when i search for a keyword in google suppose it is showing 1,25,000 competing pages but as i keep skipping pages after 2 or 3 pages it start showing as less as 20 in competing pages. So which no. should i consider for competition. For e.g. when i search on google allinanchor:"ways to end relationships" it is showing 1,75,000 competing pages but on 2nd page the competition turns out to be just 12.

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    • Profile picture of the author Sara Young
      Originally Posted by Anoopchawla View Post

      Warriors also one thing that confuses me regarding comp analysis that when i search for a keyword in google suppose it is showing 1,25,000 competing pages but as i keep skipping pages after 2 or 3 pages it start showing as less as 20 in competing pages. So which no. should i consider for competition. For e.g. when i search on google allinanchor:"ways to end relationships" it is showing 1,75,000 competing pages but on 2nd page the competition turns out to be just 12.
      Here's a neat trick:

      Set your good search settings to 100 results per page (just click on 'settings' on the top right. You will get MUCH more accurate results.
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      • Profile picture of the author Anoopchawla
        Originally Posted by Sara Young View Post

        Here's a neat trick:

        Set your good search settings to 100 results per page (just click on 'settings' on the top right. You will get MUCH more accurate results.

        Thank for that sara ya it gets different no. of competing pages but it works when the real pages are under 100 but when real no. are more then 200 then it still shows that big no. on page 1 and when clicked on 2nd or 3rd page it starts showing drastically reduced no. of results, it makes me think sometime that this whole competition analysis done on basis of competing pages is useless but it gets me confused to see very genuine and intelligent warriors suggesting this method also along with others to estimate comp.:confused:

        Free Training: How To Turn What You Already Know Into A Profitable Digital Product:

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  • Profile picture of the author StevenR
    You're finding it difficult to find the right "criteria" because Google has changed the algorithm of how it displays search results (back in August 2009).

    And the results is that the number of search results displayed drastically (I'm talking about search results when you type your phrase match keyword into Google search, e.g. "your keyword") .

    Let me give you a couple of examples of what happened:

    The phrase: "how to tone your stomach" had a search volume of 1600 searches using [exact match] back in July of this year (using Google External Keyword Tool) with a phrase match search result in Google of 6230.

    Today, the exact same keyword displays around 950,000 results using "phrase match" search (in Google).

    Another example:

    "how to loose stomach fat" - had a search volume of 1900 searches using [exact match] in July, with a "phrase match" search result of: 6630 in Google.

    Today this same keyword has just shy of 700,000 results using "phrase match" in Google.

    Does this mean the keyword phrases got more competitive?

    Not necessarily.

    What it does mean though is that once you've found some keywords you will have to do more due diligence than in the past.

    In other words, you have to do more competition research to see if you have the possibility of ranking in the top 10 (you can use the TT software I recommend in Super Simple Blogging for this) since the number of search results are skewed.

    Just because it displays a large number does not mean you can't compete.

    Also, the numbers given in many courses are not set in stone... they are just benchmarks (I use similar targets in my products) I try to target when initially searching for keywords. I never decide on a keyword just based on search volume and search results anymore... and always take the time to do the "extra" bit of work.

    All the best,
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1631308].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Anoopchawla
      Originally Posted by StevenR View Post

      You're finding it difficult to find the right "criteria" because Google has changed the algorithm of how it displays search results (back in August 2009).

      And the results is that the number of search results displayed drastically (I'm talking about search results when you type your phrase match keyword into Google search, e.g. "your keyword") .

      Let me give you a couple of examples of what happened:

      The phrase: "how to tone your stomach" had a search volume of 1600 searches using [exact match] back in July of this year (using Google External Keyword Tool) with a phrase match search result in Google of 6230.

      Today, the exact same keyword displays around 950,000 results using "phrase match" search (in Google).

      Another example:

      "how to loose stomach fat" - had a search volume of 1900 searches using [exact match] in July, with a "phrase match" search result of: 6630 in Google.

      Today this same keyword has just shy of 700,000 results using "phrase match" in Google.

      Does this mean the keyword phrases got more competitive?

      Not necessarily.

      What it does mean though is that once you've found some keywords you will have to do more due diligence than in the past.

      In other words, you have to do more competition research to see if you have the possibility of ranking in the top 10 (you can use the TT software I recommend in Super Simple Blogging for this) since the number of search results are skewed.

      Just because it displays a large number does not mean you can't compete.

      Also, the numbers given in many courses are not set in stone... they are just benchmarks (I use similar targets in my products) I try to target when initially searching for keywords. I never decide on a keyword just based on search volume and search results anymore... and always take the time to do the "extra" bit of work.

      All the best,
      Thank u steven ya u r right now i see why everything looks over competitive for same phrases i myself felt that. But can u plz tell me what should i do now, you said that i should do more due diligence? Can you be a bit more precise about it.

      Free Training: How To Turn What You Already Know Into A Profitable Digital Product:

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      • Profile picture of the author StevenR
        Originally Posted by Anoopchawla View Post

        Thank u steven ya u r right now i see why everything looks over competitive for same phrases i myself felt that. But can u plz tell me what should i do now, you said that i should do more due diligence? Can you be a bit more precise about it.
        Hi there.

        For instance, you need to see how many backlinks some of your competitors have pointing to their page. There are free and paid tools to do this.

        Look in Super Simple Blogging under "Keyword Research Lessons" and I show you how to do this stuff there (see my Sig under "step 1" - no opt-in required to view those videos).

        Have fun!

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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    I'm getting very good results using a combination of a subscription to and then using Micro Niche Finder to find the keywords. Terapeak costs me about $35/mth

    Terapeak tells you the hottest searches on Ebay and then you plug it into MNF to find the keywords with low competition.
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