Site Help: Low traffic- Is it my Content or SEO?

10 replies
Started this site Fitness Contrarian about five months ago. The goal was to provide good content on health, nutrition, fitness and weight loss. Hopefully generate traffic, collect emails and try to monetize it once I have a list of at least 500 subscribers.

It's been slow going. Only have a PR of 1 and not getting enough traffic. Not sure what the main problem is. Is it the content? Is the site not properly optimized?

Thanks for any ideas or suggestions.

Best- Mike
#content #low #seo #site #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    you don't have enough links....

    nothing to see here.

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  • Thanks Andyhenry,

    How did you tell so fast that I need more links?

    Best - Mike
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    • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
      Originally Posted by Fitness Contrarian View Post

      Thanks Andyhenry,

      How did you tell so fast that I need more links?

      Best - Mike
      Hi again,

      To be more specific - you need more of the right type of links, almost all of your links come from just two places - slideshare and a blog - and your achor text (on the links that have it) is either your site name or your url - you need to be using your keywords.

      So - diversify your link building and get links from places that will actually have the traffic you're targeting and make sure you start spreading your keywords in those links too.


      nothing to see here.

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      • Thanks Everyone

        I know I have many more links but they don't show up. I'm not sure why.
        Plus - my admin panel of WP shows no incoming links but I have seen other sites link to my site. Any ideas why?

        Best - Mike
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  • Profile picture of the author Andy Wood
    Can't comment on what you are doing to drive traffic to your site - maybe you want to expand on this a bit, but ...

    IMO the keywords you are using on your site (All in One SEO plugin) are way too broad .. fitness, personal training, exercise, fitness, wellness, diet, nutrition, anti aging, health, weight loss.

    Just look at 'fitness' - over 30 million searches on this word and more than 252 million pages optimzed for this keyword. You stand almost zero chance of getting ranked for 'fitness' using white-hat techniques.

    You should fragment your niche!
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  • Profile picture of the author Andy Wood
    p.s. and move your opt-in form to the top of the column ;0)

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  • Since I have a blog I thought I was fragmenting my keywords with optimizing each blog post. But do you think I should pick a smaller niche for the homepage or whole site?
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  • Profile picture of the author freudianslip27
    How much competition do your targeted keyword phrases have? I looked at one myself and it was over 500,000 (even with quotes). That's really high, especially for a site without a history.

    What do your stats say? Are you getting traffic in a certain subniche? That could be where you expand?


    WarriorForum Rules!

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  • Profile picture of the author Andy Wood
    You need a systematic approach to drawing traffic to your site using fragmented key phrases. The lower the competition for the phrase and the higher the number of searches - the better.

    Just find some good phrases and launch a relentless campaign targetting that phrase.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    Not sure how many you think you have - i just checked quickly with Backlinks Checker Tool - Backlink Watch

    nothing to see here.

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