WARNING! This is only for newbies struggling to make their first $1
Please note: this is only for someone who is just starting out...
I was flat broke, in debt and unemployed when I first registered on the Warrior Forum. I know how you feel, I felt the same way and it's vital to make your first $1 online quickly because for most of us that have become successful online, that was the driving force to realize we could simply repeat the process and expound upon the technique.
Here is a simple method to create the proper mind set that's so important for making money online. I'll assume you have at least $30. If you do not have at least $30 to start, I'd simply use the Internet to find a job or maybe use an eBay strategy. I came up with this for coaching because it is simple and will help educate someone without getting too complicated such as trying to learn html and other techie stuff from my point of view. The only drawback is that you have to live in the USA and be at least 18 years of age.
- Sign up to the Warrior Forum. You've already done this if you are reading this right now. So you already have a fast start.
- Get a PayPal account and make sure you have at least $30 in it.
- Go the Warrior Special Offer section and find a writer that's offering their writing service for articles at $5 per article or less. Have this writer write 5 articles on any health and beauty related topic like weight loss, diabetes, skin care, acne, body building, etc. making sure they are all on the same topic that you decide upon.
- Sign up for an AssociatedContent.com account while you're waiting for your articles to be written. When your articles are ready you will need to be sure to pick the non-exclusive article submission.
- Sign up for an EzineArticles.com account while you're waiting for your articles to be written using the same exact name used at Associate Content.
- Find a residual affiliate service at LifeTimeCommissions.com that relates to any one of the topics you decide upon for the 5 articles you ordered from the Warrior Special Offer section and sign up for free.
- Sign up for a free Squidoo account. You will set it up with the content from the 5 articles you're going to receive and you will include links to the residual affiliate program you decided upon. This will be your landing page within your article bio at EzineArticles.com
- As soon as you receive your 5 articles submit them to AssociatedContent.com
- Then you submit the 5 articles to EzineArticles.com making sure to use the same name you used to sign up with Associated Content to comply with both services rules.
- Rinse and repeat while moving into the idea of creating ones own products and services as soon as you make your $30 back.
Being new to the Internet you could quickly fill your PayPal account with nice little $3, $5 and $7 cash payments from AssociatedContent and at the same time make some residual cash from residual affiliate services once your articles are live at EzineArticles and Squidoo. Of course I'd go into a little more detail in regards to using 'long tail keywords' for the article topics, creating the proper article bio, re-writing the article content for your Squidoo lens and how to quickly find the right keywords using free tools. But the basic idea is to simply show you that you can make money online because most people just need to see a single payment to see that they can make money online to be inspired and get fired up.
This process could take up to 15 days because articles generally take about 48 to 72 hours to have written and Associated Content takes about 7 to 10 days to make PayPal payments. Also, EzineArticles usually takes about 10 to 14 days for the first article to get approved when one first signs up for an account.
I know this is not the absolute "shortest time possible to make money online" but my idea with coaching my students is to expose them to the Warrior Forum (vital to my own success) and how a single idea can be the key to your success, Article Marketing, Affiliate Marketing and EzineArticles.com as soon as possible for long term profits.
It only takes about 5 minutes to add an article to Associated Content once your account is set up and this gives a return on investment for the 5 articles purchased on the Warrior Forum while educating you as a new marketer with this process and the resources that can be expounded upon very quickly.
There are some rules with Associated Content that one should be aware of listed on their site to receive payment. Primarily you have to be a legal resident of the United States and must be 18 years old to get your PayPal payments. And there are rules at the Warrior Forum, Squidoo and EzineArticles that I'd like to point out as well so no time is wasted because of getting ones account shut down.
Another method I'd mention if you do not want to have articles written for you would be to speak them. Get a microphone and a copy of Audacity for free and away you go. These days technology allows you to do just about anything you want. So if you are not very good at writing and or don't want to have articles written for you, then record your articles and have an automatic translator type it into a document for you. Then, you just have to edit it.
Another key element I'd like to point out is the fact that there are Warrior Forum members here giving you advice that is worth thousands upon thousands of dollars when put into action. Without the Warrior Forum and it's members I'd probably be doing the ol 9 to 5 today. So, I'd like so say a big THANK YOU to those members and you know who you are.

Dean Shainin
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