Why wont links in my PDF's work?

15 replies
Seems that everyone has good luck with creating PDF's except me....I've tried them all it seems, and I have the same problem with each one...

When I came across WarriorPDF, I thought "oh yeah....Mabye this one will create my pdf with "active" links instead of dead one.......but it still didn't work.

My ebook is full of links and they all work fine when I create them in "WORD" but when I try and create a pdf file from the word doc., they never work.

How can I fix this?
#links #pdf #work
  • Profile picture of the author waken
    If you prefer to install a program if you have a lot to convert, then try pdf 995: create PDF documents easily for free. I'm using it all right.

    I will convert all hyperlinks all right except those in a tables. (MS Word)
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    • Profile picture of the author Sean Kelly
      Here is something to consider..

      No PDF converter has ANY work to do to make plain-text links clickable. Your reader software sees that this 'text' is in the format of a url and automatically makes it blue, underlined and clickable.

      It is possibly your PDF reader that is not working correctly.

      I would suggest you use the free PDF converter tools you have to convert your document that contains free text links (eg: Google) and see if they are clickable in the PDF created. If not - your problem is with your PDF reader.

      Then once you have established your plain-text links are clickable (your PDF reader is Ok) it must be a problem with your PDF converter.

      http://javadocs.com - Javadocs
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  • Profile picture of the author jestershaw
    I can add links to your PDF for free. Send it to me and I will give it back to you with perfect links.

    I work for a print company.

    Just don't think I will do this for all of your friends...:rolleyes:


    Shawn Tester
    Site: www.zenzyn.com

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  • Profile picture of the author George Wright
    Another vote for OpenOffice

    I've used a ton of others and the links were not live. Never a problem with OpenOffice

    George Wright
    "The first chapter sells the book; the last chapter sells the next book." Mickey Spillane
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    • Profile picture of the author Jani
      Some of the free pdf creators only recognize links with http:// ..........


      http://WomenTamed.com --- A Man's Guide to Tame the Bitch

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  • Profile picture of the author jestershaw
    Adobe acrobat has a tool that can make any piece of text into a link. It is a bit spendy but the best PDF editing software there...you know they pretty much invented the PDF.


    Shawn Tester
    Site: www.zenzyn.com

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    • Profile picture of the author grafxgold
      I used free PDF converters for a while and had the link
      problem sometimes and then I started using the FULL URL
      ie; http ... www ... site ... com

      I simply changed it in the final PDF, not in the wordpress document.

      I now use Nitro Professional and do not have to worry
      about the original problem.
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    • Profile picture of the author George Wright
      HI jestershaw,

      Adobe of course is the best, however OpenOffice makes any text a link also.

      I guess I sound like I have stock in OpenOffice, I don't. It's free and I don't think most people appreciate everything it can do. The only thing I haven't been able to figure out to do with OO that Adobe can do and apparently Open Office can't do is insert Sound.

      George Wright

      Originally Posted by jestershaw View Post

      Adobe acrobat has a tool that can make any piece of text into a link. It is a bit spendy but the best PDF editing software there...you know they pretty much invented the PDF.

      "The first chapter sells the book; the last chapter sells the next book." Mickey Spillane
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  • Profile picture of the author abelacts
    Yep, it could be reader dependent - not the PDF creator. I tried before, if I use Acrobat Reader to read, the links are fine. But when I use Foxit Reader to read the same PDF file, the links are not clickable. You might want to check this out.
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  • Profile picture of the author benz1
    Can confirm that the issue is with the link itself not the converter or reader. Most of the free converters can only convert the full URL. So http://www.mydomain.com is fine but 'Click here' won't work. The full version of Adobe Acrobat will convert them, (free 30 day trial can be downloaded from their site), but worth checking out OpenOffice.

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    • Profile picture of the author Kerry Finch
      Originally Posted by benz1 View Post

      Can confirm that the issue is with the link itself not the converter or reader. Most of the free converters can only convert the full URL. So http://www.mydomain.com is fine but 'Click here' won't work. The full version of Adobe Acrobat will convert them, (free 30 day trial can be downloaded from their site), but worth checking out OpenOffice.

      Another voice for OpenOffice. It works - I've just published an ebook, saving it as a pdf in OpenOffice and all of the word links work just fine.

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      • Profile picture of the author sobreacain
        What free pdf converters have you tried?

        I use pdf995 which will convert all kinds of links - but you might have trouble using it - I had trouble converting links with it at first. Now it works a treat.

        Some other free converters won't convert plain text links without www and some won't do links for you at all - that's why I'm wondering which one you are using.

        OpenOffice is great too - though I can see how some people might be intimidated by a whole new set of office applications if they had gotten used to Word. But you don't have to necessarily have to write with OpenOffice. Just install it, open Writer (the equivalent to word), copy and paste your word document into the open office Writer and then go to file, Export as PDF and you are done.

        But before you go to the trouble of downloading and installing- I'd follow Sean Kelly's advice above first to see whether it's your converter that's causing the problem.

        And let us know - I'm curious now!

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  • Profile picture of the author looseleafpress
    Little late to the thread, but OpenOffice Writer is definitely the way to go.
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