Macs and marketing
No clue for the former. For the latter, I'm looking at BBedit, which I recall as being a bit of overkill, and TextWrangler, which is the free version. One absolute requirement is the ability to work on multiple documents with a tabbed interface.
Any suggestions?
Comments on other software for using a Mac for business online are welcome. Consider me clueless, as the last Mac I had was a blueberry iMac. (Cute, for a fishbowl...)
Some other things I'd like to add, but that are secondary to the above (color me silly and tell me if these are built in.):
Tunnel to a VPS.
Secure shell.
Secure FTP.
Video screen capture. (I know about Skitch for stills.)
How about email apps other than
Other recommendations?
Please note: The OS Wars are not part of the desired response. I like my PCs, and will continue to use them. This is for a completely separate business (online), and I want to see the problems to avoid and the advantages to exploit.
Any and all comments and suggestions that relate to making the most of the Mac OS for online business are welcome. Peripherals, backup systems, tricks and traps, etc.
I got started on the Amiga, and have managed FreeBSD and Linux servers, so I'm not allergic to the command line. Whatever gets the job done most effectively is what I'm after. If this thing has native Windoze support, and that's relevant, take that into consideration. But it's not a requirement. Learning the OS is more of a priority.
Extending battery life is kind of big...
Mac users: Consider this your chance to show off your expertise.
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