Newbies Read This - This Made Me My First $

by Slin
7 replies
OK guys, I was just going over my journey so far in IM and found something that got me really started.

It was a post at wealthy affiliate, so I won't copy and paste or anything, in fact I don't have the post anymore. (that computer is now my brothers)

The point of the post was pretty clear though.

What Are You Doing?

Right now? What are you doing?

If your a newbie, I want you to get off this forum, not forever, but just for a bit!

Go create a squidoo lens and then write 3 ezine articles pointed towards it, do some keyword research first though.

And BAM!

There you go, your started!

When I was a newbie I found myself browsing the forums too much, heck I still do this!

I would think "time to go do some work" and then log into a forum.

Don't fall into this trap, go out and take action, keep around on the forums, but remember these things are not what is going to make you money.

You can read about PPC campaigns, CPA, the pluses of paid membership sites. But it won't do you any good unless you do something.

So get on up and go do some work!

I hope my post is at least somewhat close to the one that inspired me. Please, go out and get working.


- Nils Evensen
#made #newbies #read
  • Profile picture of the author Ian Middleton
    Hi Nils

    Thank you for that little bit of advice for someone who is unsure how to start.

    I am sure plenty of people might take you up on that.

    Perhaps you might want to offer some tips for them to set up a squidoo lens?

    Well done

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  • Profile picture of the author jig
    I've seen this on a few other forums as well but it's great advice, I was certainly guilty of this for my first few months in IM.
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  • Profile picture of the author Laura B
    Very good advice. You think, Oh, I'll only be on here for a few minutes, not enough time to get anything accomplished on my site. Before you know it, an hour or two (or more) have gone by and you would indeed have had time to get something tangible done.
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  • Profile picture of the author deniserowe
    I know I am guilty of staying too long in forums. A lot of good information here. I to take time out now to actually get some marketing done. Great reminder, though!

    Denise Rowe

    Trial Offer For Serious Marketers:
    All The Marketing Tools You Need Under One Roof

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  • Profile picture of the author Slin
    Sorry guys, I didn't see the replies. I have been taking care of my brother all day (he got his wisdom teeth out)

    Yes signature traffic is good (and yes, that is one of the reasons I post, not going to lie at all)

    But generally I can get more traffic through ezine then I can through signatures, plus the traffic keeps coming!

    Good squidoo lens?

    Include keywords in all of the titles for your modules, and in the first few sentences on every module, include something interactive (a poll) and at the bottom put one of those arrow links.

    This works well for me so far.
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  • Profile picture of the author tush
    Nice article. I am sure you used a squido lens because that is what the article you read said and maybe what you did, by you can generally do anything, set up twitter, FB, website, pick up a phone etc...., heck we have to do something. I am not a newbie but sometimes I find myself hanging here in the forums, not posting anything, not even educating myself!!!! Shame on me...:rolleyes:
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