How To Make Money Using FaceBook - Step By Step Instructions
I could've made an ebook called "FaceBook Secrets, 1,00000000 visitors!" and made millions lol.
So how do I do it? It does take a bit of time but its also fun!
The way is to think of funny and relevant groups for people to join. Easy huh? Just about every user is in a group or a fan of some sort of page and I bet you are too!
I run a group called 'Coke is better in Glass Bottles' and I got over 20,000 members in just 2 weeks!
Now, the good thing is that each post you make in your group is seen by all of your members, then each member that 'likes' your post is seen by all their friends!
So lets break it down, if you have 20,000 members 1 post is seen by 20,000 people, then 10 people from your group 'Like' your post (more will like it but this is just an example) and if those 10 people have 200 friends then 2,000 more people will see the post! Then those 2,000 people will either join your group or like it so your group just keeps on growing! ITS A GOLDMINE!
How to do it:
1. Create a group or page.
2. The title of your page is obviously the most important, check trends websites to see what is hot. Or alternatively if you see a big group that everyone is joining, you can just reword their title and create you own. You will get about as much members as they do.
3. Pick a relevant display picture
4. Send an invite to all your friends, this will start the snowball effect because all their friends will see the posts if they like it.
5. Don't post your site just yet, just post funny posts relevant to your topic. Sometimes I cant be bothered thinking of anything so I just post a full stop (.) because it comes up like this Coke Is Better In A Glass Bottle. So it does the same as a normal post, still get likes and new members.
6. When you start getting members, look at the stats of your page. Facebook has a cool little stat that shows you where the majority of your members are coming from. Say most of your members are coming from the UK (this is usually what happens because they use facebook religiously) so me living in New Zealand, I post late at night just before I go to bed because I know thats when everyone in the UK go on facebook.
7. Once you have like 5,000 members it will keep growing like you cannot imagine. I was so suprised but 100,000 is not an unrealistic goal. I get 3,000 mnew members daily.
8. I post once a day, and one post every week I post my website link or you can post your affiliate link. You can post it more but I choose not to.
9. The next step is to just keep making more and more groups! Once you have 1 successful group its easy to create other large groups. The secret to doing this is to post your new group link in one of your posts with your big group. Then create a 'fake account' and pretend your a real person and have a picture of a hot girl as your display picture. Then add all the people from your big group as friends. Then suggest them to join your little group, so you get about half of your members from your other group.
Easy as that! No one has found this about before but jump on it quick! Because soon it will become huge and everyone will be doing it!
Peace, Matt Minto.
SWFL Marketing Labs
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