Hey guys I need your help

3 replies
I am calling on you guys for whatever help I can get. I am new to affiliate marketing and am having a ruff time starting. I just opened www.homerichesnow.com and am having trouble with getting quality targeted traffic. I do not want to spend a fortune on advertising until I start to see some sales.

Where can I go to get cheap quality targeted traffic?
#guys #hey
  • Profile picture of the author Kerry Finch
    I think you should invest some time writing articles on your chosen topic and submit them to ezinearticles.com, or another free article publishing site. Got to the site and read the guidelines before submitting. Do a search on specific questions here using the search option.

    Best of luck
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
      Have you even started doing anything yet?

      From what I can see, you don't have any links pointing to your site as of yet, so I'm led to believe the answer is no.

      Here's the deal....

      You have to pick a method to start with. Since you have already said you don't want to spend any money until you make any money, that means that you are basically reduced to using bum and article marketing tactics to get a flow of visitors to your site.

      Here are a couple of things that you can do right away to start getting some traffic coming in.

      1. Find some questions on yahoo answers that relate to people wanting to make extra money or asking questions about "work at home opportunities"

      2. Write some articles and submit to some place like EZA. Their approval process is slow right now, especially if you don't already have an account, but still a good idea to get your account set up and get some content submitted.

      3. Set up several content pages with places like Squidoo, HubPages, Blogger, and WordPress. This won't cost you a dime, although it will require that you spend a couple hours of your time.

      If you do all three of the above you will start to see at least a little bit of traffic coming in. However, you might have a bit of an uphill battle because it looks as though you have chosen to promote one specifit thing - PIP.

      You are trying to tackle a niche that it doesn't appear that you really have a whole lot of knowledge about yet which is the making money online niche. Why not pimp a couple of other affilate products that might be easier pickins to get a feel for what the process is?

      Either way, just make sure you do SOMETHING. Even if it seems like the most goofy thing you have ever done, do something that you think will get at least one person to your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author tess47
    I agree - start writing a couple of articles every day, and do your keyword research. Writing good quality articles that are keyword rich can bring you good traffic, especially if you use long tail keywords that aren't highly competitive.

    Also, do some blogging, create Hubpages and Squidoo lenses, and link all of these to your site.

    Sounds like alot of work doesn't it? It will take work to get things going, but if you have patience and keep working it will pay off. Just be sure to DO SOMETHING - those who do nothing will get just that.

    Good luck!

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