Why is it...
I've been on the forum quite a bit just recently, and I've seen a growing trend where a really decent thread is started by some excellent contributors and it's like trolls and other nasties just pour out of the woodwork to jump on them and ruin the whole thread. It's like they get a cheap thrill if they find something remotely "off" about the OP and/or subsequent posters and the saddest thing is, they are usually completely off the mark...
You have a thread which is about 4-5 pages long, and discover much of it instead of having worthwhile contributions, just consists of flaming and counter flaming. There is no wonder so many of the more well known marketer's have stopped posting here. (What a loss).
The Warrior forum is a wonderful resource, instead of hiding behind the anonymity of your computer bitching and moaning and being convinced we're all out to get each other, try taking it on board and appreciating it when someone writes an excellent post which is designed to help you out.
Sometimes the help you need is there in front of you slapping you round the chops.
Think about what your posting before you lose even more of your biggest resource. (Experienced Marketers who know what they are talking about)
"As a man thinks in his heart so is he-Proverbs 23:7"
How To Write And Profit From Hot Romance (Kindle Product)
How To Write And Profit From Hot Romance (Kindle Product)
There is never a BAD time to help those living with lousy kidneys!
How To Write And Profit From Hot Romance (Kindle Product)
âStrategy without action is a day-dream; action without strategy is a nightmare.â â Old Japanese proverb -
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Tom Peters
Dan's content is irregularly read by handfuls of people. Join the elite few by reading his blog: dcrBlogs.com, following him on Twitter: dcrTweets.com or reading his fiction: dcrWrites.com but NOT by Clicking Here!
Dan also writes content for hire, but you can't afford him anyway.
Greg Cryns
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How To Write And Profit From Hot Romance (Kindle Product)
Tom Peters
Tom Peters
Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.
Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.
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In all that you do, know your True INTENT...
Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.
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