For those about to quit article marketing (or those still learning)

61 replies
I think that way too many people focus on writing 5 a day or 10 a day or 3.14159 a day, whatever. Then they submit them to EzineArticles, and that's it. It's much better to write 1 article a day, submit it to EZA, then take one that's published at EZA, change the title and the links so that one points to EZA, and resubmit. It is much more worth your time to get one article to rank a week than to write 30 articles a week that don't rank.

Here's the method I use (I have 6-7 sale a day, but I'm only in one niche right now).

Find a market that you want to be in, buy a .info domain name and hosting. It's about $10 total. Sign up for an account at mailchimp (it's free) and make a squeeze page on your domain. Create an autoresponder series for 2 months.

Find a keyword with 1500+ exact searches monthly, less than 10,000 exact competing pages.

Write an article, post it on your website, then submit to ezine articles with one link to your squeeze page. When it's published, change the title and links and submit to Goarticles, articledashboard, articlealley, easyarticles, and articlebase. Mass submit if you have a tool for it. Submit the article on your site to all the RSS directories.

When you start making money, upgrade your tools in this order:
Mailchimp to Aweber (mailchimp is awful)
Article Submission tool (not necessary, but it helps)
rss submitter

That's it. It seems like a lot, but it takes just a few days. Once you get 1000 people on your list, create your own product and JV with someone on CB. Feel free to PM me with questions; just don't give up.
#article #learning #marketing #quit
  • Profile picture of the author josephkerr
    For those about to quit... weeee saaaaluuuute you!

    Sorry I couldn't help it.
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    • Profile picture of the author simba
      Originally Posted by josephkerr View Post

      For those about to quit... weeee saaaaluuuute you!

      Sorry I couldn't help it.
      Your website content is the face of your business. Let someone who knows what they're doing give you that make-over.
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  • Profile picture of the author ArticlePrince
    Ha as long as you feel better joseph; that's what matters ;-)
    FREE 500 word articles, PM me for yours!
    (4 days only!)
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  • Profile picture of the author frqhuss
    YO man thats great idea i think this will really work and it is sure that i will defenitly do it and take advantage of your theard...

    Thanks "FrqHuss"
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  • Profile picture of the author Barry Unruh
    If you start off with MailChimp, are you being able to convert those contacts over to Aweber in the future?
    Brain Drained...Signature Coming Soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author ArticlePrince
    You can import them but they will have to opt-in. Aweber offers a trial for $1, so if you get one sale it's paid for. This, you aren't stuck suddenly paying for a list you haven't worked on. Honestly, when I did this I just sent an email to my list explaining that I was switching providers for a better delivery system, so they weren't surprised by the opt-in email. Gets rid of all the people on your list that don't open your emails for sure. :-)
    FREE 500 word articles, PM me for yours!
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  • Profile picture of the author dsmpublishing
    Hi guys

    the biggest reason people quit article writing is because they write a load of articles and then just expect the traffic to come from the article directory and leave it.

    Then they are heartbroken when they dont get any sales from them.

    Backlinking them and promoting them after submission would make a real difference to them and will keep their confidence going.

    kind regards

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  • Profile picture of the author rapsolo
    The blueprint you gave is indeed a winner. It shows how a beginner with a tight budget can stay focus and be a winner. Straight to the point and concise.I will definitely take you up on this. Expect a PM from me.

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  • Profile picture of the author steve-wilkins
    Nice ideas and great advice for anyone wanting to throw in the towel. There is always a away to make money online, but I do agree that building a list now rather than late is the key. Build relationships with potential customers and then create your own product and launch!

    Nice post!
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  • Profile picture of the author AnniePot
    As I see it, the only flaw is starting off using MailChimp rather than Aweber. Many years ago I mistakenly began by "going cheap" and using software on my server to collect email addresses. I accumulated 1,000+ emails, then realized that I should be using a much more streamlined mailing system.

    I went with Aweber, imported my list of 1,000 subscribers and sent them a very persuasive email explaining the transfer and asking them to confirm their subscription with me. Around 25% bothered to confirm, the remainder were lost. A lesson learned the hard way.
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    • Profile picture of the author monopuff
      Originally Posted by AnniePot View Post

      As I see it, the only flaw is starting off using MailChimp rather than Aweber. Many years ago I mistakenly began by "going cheap" and using software on my server to collect email addresses. I accumulated 1,000+ emails, then realized that I should be using a much more streamlined mailing system.

      I went with Aweber, imported my list of 1,000 subscribers and sent them a very persuasive email explaining the transfer and asking them to confirm their subscription with me. Around 25% bothered to confirm, the remainder were lost. A lesson learned the hard way.
      That's not a good way to look at it. All that means is that you didn't have a very active list. The 25% that did convert over at the ones that you really want on a mailing list.

      This way you started out with a list that was 100% active rather than 25% active.
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    • Profile picture of the author DogScout
      Originally Posted by AnniePot View Post

      As I see it, the only flaw is starting off using MailChimp rather than Aweber. Many years ago I mistakenly began by "going cheap" and using software on my server to collect email addresses. I accumulated 1,000+ emails, then realized that I should be using a much more streamlined mailing system.

      I went with Aweber, imported my list of 1,000 subscribers and sent them a very persuasive email explaining the transfer and asking them to confirm their subscription with me. Around 25% bothered to confirm, the remainder were lost. A lesson learned the hard way.
      How many times did you ask? I have emails I got when I was busy, re-opting-on to a new service for someone's NOT a priority of mine. But if I where to get a 2nd request 7 days after the 1st and I wasn't as busy, I just might do it.
      If I was so busy the 1st time that I just deleted it, but sometimes open your emails, it would definitely be worth a 2nd request 7 days later. (after pruning those that moved the 1st time.)
      Then after pruning again, a 3rd request 30 days later may pick up a few stragglers. All in all, asking 3 times should double the re-opt and give you 25% very responsive people on the new list and another 25% sort of responsive people.
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  • Profile picture of the author lcombs
    Here's a pretty good little video series on article marketing.
    Aimed at newbies but experienced IMers may pick up a few tips as well.

    A free submitter software.

    Free Downloads

    And linking strategy

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    • Profile picture of the author gmiller
      Hi Dude,
      I agree with you, that it is better to write 1 best article instead of dirty articles.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nicola Lane
    Threads asking how to do Article Marketing come up quite often here - so I have a standard reply - I hope this helps:

    Two brilliant threads to read about article marketing are these:

    Read them both - all the way through - and take notes.

    For further information I recommend the following directory - It is education in article marketing - a guide book and monthly newsletters - with a directory thrown in! You can read what Warriors think about it here:

    Article Directory - Article Marketing Community

    I can also recommend the WSO's from this guy:

    This guy also has some good stuff - some article marketing some on other things

    View Profile: Steven Wagenheim

    Hope this helps.

    I like to keep an open mind, but not so open that my brains fall out

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  • Profile picture of the author JagSEO
    I like the idea to write one article at a time and submit to quality article submission site. Your system sounds simple and it is but to newbie that would be a lot of thing to do. You expect to rank higher if you submit article with anchor text in them. Thanks for the post Sean.
    Hooked To Success -Personal development For People Who Wants Success.
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  • Profile picture of the author ArticlePrince
    I sometimes use two links, but usually I'm okay with just the one. My CTR is good, so it doesn't matter a whole lot if there's one link or two. Hope that helps :-)
    FREE 500 word articles, PM me for yours!
    (4 days only!)
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  • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
    Hi Sean

    Your post comes at a good time as I just started my blog last week and submitted for the first time to EZA today.

    Can you tell me a little more about what you mean by changing the title and link and then resubmitting...

    Also what do you mean by adding a link in your post, you mean in signiture right? or did i misunderstand that?

    thanks, I would PM this but need 50 posts to be able to do that !!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike24
    Thanks for the great motivation booster buddy, will definitely have to concentrate on writing 1-2 a day rather than paralysing myself thinking of writing 4-5/day..what is EZA again?
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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    do you spin/rewrite or simply use the article 1:1? Your strategy sounds dead simple, but it might work (maybe BECAUSE its so simple

    With mass submitting i always have the problem that from 200+ or so directories i want to submit it is simply a very long process...and using only a FEW directories would dramatically ease the whole process.

    Backlinking to EZA might really pay off. This is simple, but GOOD advice here!!
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    Content Creation, Blogging, Articles, Converting Sales Copy, Reviews, Ebooks, Rewrites
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  • Profile picture of the author MarkAse
    Nice outline. I do agree 100% that submitting to multiple services is well worth your time. Thanks for sharing your blueprint.

    If you don't mind sharing, how much are you making on your sales each day?

    My current project, the Uncorked Ventures Wine Club. More coming soon, here.

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  • Profile picture of the author ArticlePrince
    I'm going to try to answer all of the questions at once, here goes :-).
    My sales are around $20 per sale, 6-7 sales per day

    I do not rewrite or spin the article after it is published at EzineArticles; I change the title and add a link pointing to the EZA article to help it rank in the search engines.

    I don't care about the other link because my squeeze page isn't meant to rank in search engines; it's meant to convert targeted traffic. I used to try to get them to rank, but the cold traffic converts terribly. So, since I don't care about it ranking, the number of backlinks doesn't matter.

    Also, I've noticed no difference in click through rates between one and two links, so I just use one most of the time. As far as mass submitting, even with some tools it can take a little while. I usually wait until I have 10 or more articles published, then pay someone else to submit them. Hope that helps!
    FREE 500 word articles, PM me for yours!
    (4 days only!)
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    • Profile picture of the author breakdance
      Originally Posted by ArticlePrince View Post

      I'm going to try to answer all of the questions at once, here goes :-).
      My sales are around $20 per sale, 6-7 sales per day
      Hey Mr. AP, are the products you're promoting *ClickBank* products?

      THANKS for your post!
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  • Profile picture of the author wkathome
    Hey thanks for posting that information. I've been doing article marketing but so far not happy with the results. I'll definitely give this a try.

    Perpetual Income 365 is a plug-and-play affiliate marketing software created by for all levels - from newbies to advanced marketers


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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    With all the articles you submit to secondary article directories that you point to your article at EZA, wouldn't it be better to write a unique article and send people to EZA for more info? It seems to me you're sacrificing any visitors you might receive from the secondary directories in order to rank the EZA seems to me as soon as people recognize the article is the same as the one they just read they stop reading and leave. If it was a different article they'd be more inclined to read all the way to the resource box, giving you more click-throughs. Or don't the other article directories generate enough traffic to justify writing a second article?

    Good post, by the way.

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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  • Profile picture of the author ArticlePrince
    The other directories don't even come close to as much traffic as the top 5, so I'm not worried about people going to the same article. Most of the reason for mass submitting is for backlinks, but I have had some get republished from the other directories. There are exceptions though. If a keyword has 5,000 monthly searches or more, I do take the time to write a unique article for EZA, then for the other top sites, and again to mass submit.
    FREE 500 word articles, PM me for yours!
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  • Profile picture of the author BJ Min

    1) can you list the websites you submit to (other than EZA)?
    2) on the other directories, do you submit TWO links (one linking to your URL & the other link linking to the EZA site)?

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  • Profile picture of the author ArticlePrince
    The 5 main ones that I manually submit to are Goarticles, articledashboard, articlesbase, easyarticles, and articlealley. (those are from memory so they might not be the exact domain name; I use roboform and just click the tab)

    When I submit, one is to the EZA and one is to the squeeze page
    FREE 500 word articles, PM me for yours!
    (4 days only!)
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    • Profile picture of the author Mike24
      Originally Posted by ArticlePrince View Post

      The 5 main ones that I manually submit to are Goarticles, articledashboard, articlesbase, easyarticles, and articlealley. (those are from memory so they might not be the exact domain name; I use roboform and just click the tab)

      When I submit, one is to the EZA and one is to the squeeze page
      Thanks for the details appreciated, will go check out those sites and add them to my armory
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  • Profile picture of the author BJ Min
    great...that's what i have been doing too...

    do you do it for ALL your ezinearticles? meaning do you create backlinks for all your EZ articles?
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  • Profile picture of the author LiquidSeo
    Excellent post Sean - thanks for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author C0DeZeR0
    Good I May Give It Atry
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Beaton
    Great thread guys, thanks for all the useful info.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sour
    1,500+ searches a month with less than 10,000 competing pages? Oh, how I'd love to know how you accomplish that. I've done tons of keyword research and written tons of articles, and I don't think I've ever seen a keyword that fits that criteria.
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  • Profile picture of the author lulu25

    Thanks for the encouragement for us who are new to Im. Am always learning something new here.
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  • Profile picture of the author mlord10
    Yeah that is a good plan to start with. However, there are a few things I would do differently. I would go straight to aweber, since you can try it for the first 30 days for just $1.

    The key with niche websites is to find the keywords that are very targeted.
    I agree that you do need to check the exact search competition, and the more monthly searches the better. However, you do need to analyze your competition to make sure that you can rank an article.

    A webpage could have less than 10,000 competing pages, but the first 10 on Google could be authority websites with high Page Rank, and thus it would be difficult to get an article to outrank them (though not impossible).

    The more specific you can get with your analysis the better off you will be. I tend not to focus on whether or not a certain keyword has 1,000 competing pages in quotes or 1,000,000, because quite honestly I have articles ranked for both.

    In my opinion the real key is to analyze the websites that you specifically want to outrank, and see if that is feasible with an ezinearticle, squidoo lens, or other web 2.0 property of your choice. More times than not, it very will may be.
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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    What tool are you using for article submission?
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    Content Creation, Blogging, Articles, Converting Sales Copy, Reviews, Ebooks, Rewrites
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  • Profile picture of the author adamv
    Originally Posted by ArticlePrince View Post

    I think that way too many people focus on writing 5 a day or 10 a day or 3.14159 a day, whatever. Then they submit them to EzineArticles, and that's it. It's much better to write 1 article a day, submit it to EZA, then take one that's published at EZA, change the title and the links so that one points to EZA, and resubmit. It is much more worth your time to get one article to rank a week than to write 30 articles a week that don't rank.

    Here's the method I use (I have 6-7 sale a day, but I'm only in one niche right now).

    Find a market that you want to be in, buy a .info domain name and hosting. It's about $10 total. Sign up for an account at mailchimp (it's free) and make a squeeze page on your domain. Create an autoresponder series for 2 months.

    Find a keyword with 1500+ exact searches monthly, less than 10,000 exact competing pages.

    Write an article, post it on your website, then submit to ezine articles with one link to your squeeze page. When it's published, change the title and links and submit to Goarticles, articledashboard, articlealley, easyarticles, and articlebase. Mass submit if you have a tool for it. Submit the article on your site to all the RSS directories.

    When you start making money, upgrade your tools in this order:
    Mailchimp to Aweber (mailchimp is awful)
    Article Submission tool (not necessary, but it helps)
    rss submitter

    That's it. It seems like a lot, but it takes just a few days. Once you get 1000 people on your list, create your own product and JV with someone on CB. Feel free to PM me with questions; just don't give up.
    Good advice except for the part about keywords with 10000 competing pages in quotes. The number of results in quotes is almost meaningless. Look at the results that come up on page one of google without quotes and try to determine if those sites are beatable.

    Are the page one results optimizing for your keyword phrase? Do they have the keyword in their domain name, url, title? How many backlinks do they have? Are they big authority sites or just web 2.0 sites?

    I put up a new site 2 weeks ago that is #7 in google and had over 2 million results in quotes. I did it with an exact match domain and a handful of backlinks. If I paid much attention to how many results came up in quotes I would have skipped an easy to rank for keyword with about 2500 searches per month.

    Get a professional voice over for your next audio or video project at an affordable price -- I will record 150 words of text for just $5.

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  • Profile picture of the author margotoliver
    Great thread, good concept, I'm going to give it ago. Thanks for sharing.

    An Easy way to find Hot Niches for 2017

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  • Profile picture of the author hushy
    This is some great information. How do you mass submit an article. Are these EZA free or do they have a monthly fee?

    Are you frustrated by your lack of progress? Your complete guide to making money online free.

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  • Profile picture of the author IMBT
    Excellent share....Seems very viable...

    Thanks again..
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  • Profile picture of the author RoryEliot
    What exactly do you mean by this section :

    Find a keyword with 1500+ exact searches monthly, less than 10,000 exact competing pages.
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  • Profile picture of the author ArticlePrince
    I use articlebot for mass submission. For keywords, I mean go to the google adwords tool and find exact (not broad) keywords that get over 1500 searches a month, then search that phrase in google with quotes around it. Then click advanced search, and change to 100 results per page.

    Now scroll to the bottom and click on the last available page. There is a glitch in Google, this gives your the correct number. I look for less than 10,000, but a lot of people here have brought up a good point.

    If a site like MSN or some government page is ranked first, you won't be able to outrank it, so move on. That being said, if your keyword is 3 words or more (a long tail), I've found that it's pretty rare for authority sites to be properly optimized for them.
    FREE 500 word articles, PM me for yours!
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  • Profile picture of the author breakdance
    Hey Mr. Mullen, are you promoting ClickBank products with your site that makes around $120-$140 a day?
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  • Profile picture of the author ArticlePrince
    I used to (I still get around 1-2 sales a day from CB), but I hated the iffy order forms and waiting for a check (I'm impatient). Now, I just created an ebook that I sell on my site (and give a discount when I offer it to my list), and the money comes straight to me through paypal. I used to have that many sales through CB, but I let it die off to focus on creating my own sites and products.
    FREE 500 word articles, PM me for yours!
    (4 days only!)
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  • Profile picture of the author Wiggy0618
    I've gotta agree with what others have said here...

    ArticlePrince, your idea sounds like a sound one, and I'm sure works well. HOWEVER, unless you've got good keywords - i.e. keywords that get a decent number of searches w/o too many competing results in google AND those competing results are sites that you can rank above - you're not gonna get anywhere with this strategy. I know b/c I've employed very similar methods w/o the results.

    Then there's the fact that you have to put together good sig lines that actually get people to click on your link.

    And then there's the idea that you have to be able to write in a fashion that entertains the reader, informs the reader, doesn't (necessarily) answer their need for info, and intrigues them to the point of wanting more info.

    And then all that is taking into consideration that the product you're promoting sells well.

    Don't get me wrong, what you've explained *is* a good strategy, but just one piece of the puzzle...the otherwise uninitiated noob (which there seem to be a number of which on this thread) can't just crank out a few articles, follow what you've posted, and expect to replicate your results.
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  • Profile picture of the author ArticlePrince
    True, but I didn't get good at writing articles reading ebooks and trying other methods; I got good at it writing articles. I'll be honest, my first 30 or so articles only had a 15% CTR, but you get better. IM is a skill, and the holes that you've pointed out (which are completely valid, by the way; I agree that you do need those skills) will be there with any method.
    To succeed with PPC, you need to write good ads; for video marketing, good videos. I don't think that focusing on what you'll need to be able to do is a positive attitude, focus on what you're able to do now. You'll get better as you practice. I will also be happy to post a thread on writing effective titles, articles, and resource boxes tomorrow. Hope that helps :-) Thanks for pointing that out, it's very true!
    FREE 500 word articles, PM me for yours!
    (4 days only!)
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    • Profile picture of the author Wiggy0618
      Originally Posted by ArticlePrince View Post

      True, but I didn't get good at writing articles reading ebooks and trying other methods; I got good at it writing articles. I'll be honest, my first 30 or so articles only had a 15% CTR, but you get better. IM is a skill, and the holes that you've pointed out (which are completely valid, by the way; I agree that you do need those skills) will be there with any method.
      To succeed with PPC, you need to write good ads; for video marketing, good videos. I don't think that focusing on what you'll need to be able to do is a positive attitude, focus on what you're able to do now. You'll get better as you practice. I will also be happy to post a thread on writing effective titles, articles, and resource boxes tomorrow. Hope that helps :-) Thanks for pointing that out, it's very true!
      I completely agree - you get good at doing something by doing it, analyzing your results, making adjustments, and making yourself better.

      Sorry if I came off "bad"...I just know that many times noobs read posts like this that are meant to be just one piece of the puzzle (as I know you meant this to be), and think that's all you need to be successful. They run off, starting doing what they read thinking that's all they need to do, then after (insert time period here), they come back, discouraged and pissed off b/c they're still not making any money...only to realize they've not been doing some of the most important parts...

      Look forward to seeing your new thread!

      Oh, and ArticlePrince - do you only publish articles at directories, or do you publish at authority sites as well?
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  • Profile picture of the author zoobie
    I think it is important to get your autoresponder right in the first place. Since not many one will resubscribe you if you move... There are plenty of controversy around this. But who knows what your subscriber will do later in your business?
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    • Profile picture of the author wolverine1971
      Most people will never make it in internet marketing because they have never been involved in a concept where they must simply work very hard and diligently without seeing a paycheck. For someone with an entrepreneur type mindset it's easier to wrap their mind around this concept.

      No matter what there will always be a 90%+ failure rate in things that require hard work and dedication before seeing results. I always ask someone - which are you? The 10% or the 90%?

      It rings true in sales, internet marketing, weight loss and just about anything worth achieving.

      If you are thinking about quitting set some realistic goals and stick with it. Usually people quit right before they are about to see some results.
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  • Profile picture of the author Branlan17
    I think you've got a great thing going, but don't forget that there are a million ways to make this work. I've been doing great lately with just submitting articles every day to EZA and bookmarking them. Then I just check to see if anything is beginning to rank and start SEOing/submitting to other directories for that article/KW. In the future I plan to also outsource link building ; )
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  • Profile picture of the author Wiggy0618
    Branlan17, where are you bookmarking your EZA articles? I was under the impression most of the bookmarking sites wouldn't even let you bookmark EZA anymore?
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  • Profile picture of the author ArticlePrince
    This is definitely NOT the only way to do this, this is just th method that I use and it does well for me. Coupled with writing articles for others, it lets me earn a very good income from home. So, don't tak this post as gospel or as 'the right way'. As you go through this method and start doing it, you'll find things that you like better and probably find some more efficient ways to do it.

    One of my biggest weakness is that I don't usually split test well, so it is entirely possible that there are much faster ways to do what I do. This is just works for me, so I thought that I would share :-)
    FREE 500 word articles, PM me for yours!
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  • Profile picture of the author Branlan17
    I social bookmark using onlywire, automates out to like 13 places, it has 20+ in the DB but I'm taking out any that either don't allow EZA's or don't allow the niche I'm in
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  • Profile picture of the author ArticlePrince
    I only publish to authority sites after I've built a website with at least 50-100 pages. The reason is that most authority sites will check your links, and if they see a one page sales letter or squeeze page, they'll pass. If they see that you are trying to build a respectable site with good information, they're much more forgiving about a splash page.

    The power of one article on an authority site is incredible. A member recently pointed out that he had an article published on MSN's homepage, and because of it got 45,000 opt-ins in 3 days.

    These backlinks will get you a ton of ranking power and traffic, but you have to put in the work first. Just my opinion :-)
    FREE 500 word articles, PM me for yours!
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  • Profile picture of the author Guy G.

    This is great info. I'm not too sure how much of our traffic comes directly from article marketing, but I think after reading your suggestions that we should start tracking it a little bit better.

    I especially like that you choose a keyword with fewer than 10,000 competing links and dominate that. Makes SEO easier too I guess.

    I'm going to bring this up and forward it to our writing team.



    Business Relations and Marketing Manager
    Angulus Marketing

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  • Profile picture of the author dannox
    Originally Posted by ArticlePrince View Post

    I think that way too many people focus on writing 5 a day or 10 a day or 3.14159 a day, whatever. Then they submit them to EzineArticles, and that's it. It's much better to write 1 article a day, submit it to EZA, then take one that's published at EZA, change the title and the links so that one points to EZA, and resubmit. It is much more worth your time to get one article to rank a week than to write 30 articles a week that don't rank.

    Here's the method I use (I have 6-7 sale a day, but I'm only in one niche right now).

    Find a market that you want to be in, buy a .info domain name and hosting. It's about $10 total. Sign up for an account at mailchimp (it's free) and make a squeeze page on your domain. Create an autoresponder series for 2 months.

    Find a keyword with 1500+ exact searches monthly, less than 10,000 exact competing pages.

    Write an article, post it on your website, then submit to ezine articles with one link to your squeeze page. When it's published, change the title and links and submit to Goarticles, articledashboard, articlealley, easyarticles, and articlebase. Mass submit if you have a tool for it. Submit the article on your site to all the RSS directories.

    When you start making money, upgrade your tools in this order:
    Mailchimp to Aweber (mailchimp is awful)
    Article Submission tool (not necessary, but it helps)
    rss submitter

    That's it. It seems like a lot, but it takes just a few days. Once you get 1000 people on your list, create your own product and JV with someone on CB. Feel free to PM me with questions; just don't give up.

    hi,thanks for sharing this important information with us.Some us are newbie in online marketing.I am learning a lot from the forum.
    I encourage the experience ones to continue sharing information at the forum.

    Please read the Forum Rules Affiliate links are NOT permitted.

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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    There is more to say, but also more questions.

    First: "Competing pages" is a very bad indication for competition. It plays a minor role, all right, but if you can (market samurai, micro niche finder etc.) use SEOCT (phrase in title/intitle which gives a MUCH BETTER first idea about competition. ("competing pages" doesn't mean a lot really!!)

    Yesterday i was thinking about writing a software which can pull EZA articles, automatically replace the links (w/ link back to article URL on EZA) - and resubmit said articles on a bunch of "2nd grade" article directories. This would be extremely sharp, i just dont know if i have time/motivation right now to do it.

    Here it becomes clear that a relatively massive amount of articles spread over several outsourced writers each week PLUS various pen names does NOT make this easier!! In other words: Its a mess and its slowly becoming very disorganized.

    Maybe you are right..simply do only like 5-7 articles total A WEEK but massively focus on those few articles with backlinks and push them up in SERPs that way...
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  • Profile picture of the author mojo100
    Wow thanks for this Sean - I submitted 5 articles today. From here on in I am going to try your method.

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