Got a question for all warriors...

3 replies
I just got off the phone with a friend of mine and he put something up to me that I was not sure if there would be a market for it or not. What he was talking about was a micro continuity program that taught creative writing in the course of 75 to 120 courses. There would be a workbook and each week a new video would be available. He has been having great success teaching it at a local workshop and he is wondering if it would work online. I can't see why it wouldn't but micro continuity is not my forte. Any suggestions or ideas are greatly appreciated from us both.
#question #warriors
  • Profile picture of the author KenJ
    There is definitely an online market for creative writing. I am a buyer in that niche - Yes I really do buy things.

    There is no way that I would wait for more than 12 monthly installments to get all the info as I am far too impatient. You would need to test this for yourself but I guess that 75 lessons is way too many

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    • Profile picture of the author CmdrStidd
      That is the number he threw out but I am sure it can be tweaked to be brought lower. We have not really looked at it all but he is going with his current setup as a basis. I am not the professor between us. LOL

      Matt, that is a fantastic idea!! This is why I love this place. Some of you guys are the best.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Bard
    I agree with kenj that you may overwhelm people with the amount of lessons.
    I also agree with kenj that you should keep to 12 months or even shorter.

    You could try breaking it up into "beginner", "intermediate", and "advanced" classes giving people a choice as to how long they would sign up for.

    Then at the end of each "semester" you do a little selling for the next one.

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