How to get submitted spun articles into Google SERPs

3 replies
How do I get my spun articles into google SERPS? I have been accepted by 300 directories and only 4 are in the search results.

Any advice would be helpfull
#articles #google #serps #spun #submitted
  • Profile picture of the author wolverine1971
    Many of the lower end directories just never get crawled by Google so there are a couple things you can do to help it along.

    Grab the links to your articles and social bookmark them - but you'll waste a ton of time trying to do that so don't sweat it. I usually just end up social bookmarking my Ezines, Hubs, AB, and Goarticles.

    Even Goarticles is still having some problems getting crawled although the last message they sent out was that they were fixing this.

    Another thing - just focus on promoting a few of those articles so they show up in the top 20 search results. better yet you need to get a couple of them on page 1 because page 2 will not net you very many views. Focus on getting a couple articles on page 1 and that will give you what you need for some steady traffic.
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    • Profile picture of the author webmasteruk
      Thaniks for your reply.

      I had an idea about getting the rss feed from each article site and pinging it in places like ping goat etc. That would take a little time also
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      • Profile picture of the author wolverine1971
        setup an account with - it will take several hours to setup all the accounts in there but you only have to do it once and then you can have your feed submitted to 47 web 2.0 sites in one shot. Once your Ping FM account is setup you can setup an account with Twitterfeed and it will 24/7 submit all your new articles from the feed to your account.
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