Building a Free Community Website?

3 replies
If you were building a free community website for a local community, what software/script/cms would you use and why?

#building #cms #community #community website #free #website
  • Profile picture of the author Rob Barbour
    Dolphin - it's free and has been around a long time:
    BoonEx Dolphin - Smart Community Builder
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  • Profile picture of the author Anomaly1974
    I have not looked at it in depth but it definitely looks promising. I personally love Joomla and use it on most of my sites. However, that being the case, is there a major difference between this and just building a community site and using the Joomla Community Builder? (I will continue to research it and probably load it up on a site just to see what I can do with it but I am curious) With the Joomla Community Builder, I do not have to pay to remove someone else's tags from the site. Still, it does look very promising so I will definitely be trying it out and if giving away a little link love is my biggest problem ...

    With thanks

    “They did not know it was impossible so they did it”
    -Samuel Clemens" (As Mark Twain)

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    • Profile picture of the author 5minutejoomla
      If you like Joomla, you'll love JomSocial. Community Builder tends to be more of "on steriods" version of the built-in user manager, Jomsocial is much more like Facebook, which people are used to.
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