The good news about the eastern winter storm

3 replies
I live in the USA (northeast) and within the last 4 days we've had over 2 feet of snow. Needless to say, except for shoveling a lot of the white stuff, I've been stuck at home.

But the good news about that is it's given me time to get behind my computer and actually work on my IM plan. No excuses like "need to run to the store" or "gotta take a walk first".

Has anyone else taken advantge of the wintery weather to work on their "will get to it someday" plans?
#eastern #good #news #storm #winter
  • Profile picture of the author Melanie Crouse
    Uh-oh! I hope it's not headed my way! I don't know about you, but I have had enough of winter! yuck!
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    • Profile picture of the author webwriter
      I did plan to get some work done today in spite of the storm (I live in NJ), but spent a lot of time shoveling the sidewalk and driveway, then cleaning off the car. The snow just kept piling up, so I got back in the house, took a shower and did some light cleaning. Try as I might, I just could not do IM-related work.

      I hate shoveling, but I have to do it.

      I'm ready for spring!
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  • Profile picture of the author DeontaWalker
    Hey mrcouchpotato,

    Being back in Ohio visiting my family, I also experience the weather here as well. These last couple of days has been unbelievable to me since I am from California where bad weather is not common. One thing that I find good about being here in the winter session, is that you find out that you have a lot more time to do a lot of things with your online business that you didn't have the time to do before because you where so free to get up and go and not have to worry about the roads.

    To answer your question Yes, I have been having a lot more time to get things done since I am limited to all the running around I use to do because of the weather. I do find it to be a good thing as sometimes you need to be cut off from something's in order to be able to focus on things that need to be done.

    I have since been able to complete a couple of my websites as well as get started with my new membership site.

    It just comes to show you that Mother Nature herself has your success in mind, and that she will slow you down/stop you in order for you to get things done. ;-D
    " I have come so that they might have life,and that they might have it more abundantly."
    John 10:10 Holy Bible
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