Kevin Trudeau Threatened With Handcuffs and Jail Today

44 replies
Just saw where my former neighbor Kevin Trudeau, the infomercial 'king', was hauled into a court here in Chicago area today, and cited for Criminal Contempt of Court...

Kevin Trudeau held in criminal contempt, facing jail time :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State

..seems he asked his 'supporters' to flood the judge with emails and the judge was not too happy.
#handcuffs #jail #kevin #threatened #today #trudeau
  • Profile picture of the author All Night Cafe
    Now thats a story to follow up on.

    Why was he taken in.

    This has my interest. Is it realted to any
    thing with making claims for one of his
    products that the FTC is checking into?
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    • Profile picture of the author shaunjamie2005
      This isn't the same Kevin on Shark Tank is it?
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      • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
        Originally Posted by shaunjamie2005 View Post

        This isn't the same Kevin on Shark Tank is it?
        No... that's Kevin O'Leary.

        If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1743790].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author kevin campbelle
          Originally Posted by shaunjamie2005 View Post

          This isn't the same Kevin on Shark Tank is it?
          Originally Posted by Tsnyder View Post

          No... that's Kevin O'Leary.

          It's Kevin Harrington on Shark Tank you are getting mixed up with. He is the one that does infomercial stuff. Kevin O'Leary is the other guy on Shark Tank who does software stuff.

          Damn, there are too much Kevin's in the world.

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  • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
    Originally Posted by brucerby View Post

    Just saw where my former neighbor Kevin Trudeau, the infomercial 'king', was hauled into a court here in Chicago area today, and cited for Criminal Contempt of Court...
    Oh, dear. Kevin Trudeau did something stupid, obnoxious, and ill-advised that got him in trouble?

    Who could have seen THAT coming?
    "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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    • Profile picture of the author T.R. McCarroll
      Originally Posted by CDarklock View Post

      Oh, dear. Kevin Trudeau did something stupid, obnoxious, and ill-advised that got him in trouble?

      Who could have seen THAT coming?
      Now that's some funny .. you know
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  • Profile picture of the author valerieSONORA
    I wish Kevin Trudeau would join the WF

    edit: I didn't know it was a crime to ask supporters to email a judge. Poor judge is angry his blackberry went down part of the day? lol. Is it really contempt of court to ask ppl to email the judge on your behalf?

    siggy taking a break...

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    • Profile picture of the author theemperor
      Originally Posted by valerieSONORA View Post

      I wish Kevin Trudeau would join the WF

      edit: I didn't know it was a crime to ask supporters to email a judge. Poor judge is angry his blackberry went down part of the day? lol. Is it really contempt of court to ask ppl to email the judge on your behalf?
      I would say so, this is harassment ... if you don't think so ... give me your email address and I will make sure you never have an empty inbox!

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      • Profile picture of the author bgmacaw
        While I think Mr. Trudeau is full of it I think the judge in this case has walked right into a big Constitutional problem, (maybe that was Trudeau's intent)...

        Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
        Emailing is petitioning for a redress of a grievance. But, our current government isn't too big on free speech anyway, on either side of aisle, so that inconvenient little rule can be ignored when you don't like someone or they don't have any power.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1743597].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Killer Joe
          Originally Posted by bgmacaw View Post

          Emailing is petitioning for a redress of a grievance.
          "Hey Judge! Your mother wears army boots!" is hardly a redress of a grievance.

          Assuming people spamming a judge would be that friendly...

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        • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
          Originally Posted by bgmacaw View Post

          While I think Mr. Trudeau is full of it I think the judge in this case has walked right into a big Constitutional problem, (maybe that was Trudeau's intent)...

          Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
          Emailing is petitioning for a redress of a grievance. But, our current government isn't too big on free speech anyway, on either side of aisle, so that inconvenient little rule can be ignored when you don't like someone or they don't have any power.
          Kevin could certainly do so, has every right to do so, and should freel exercise his right to do so.

          HOWEVER, all of the other people are NOT the ones with the grievance.

          Trudeau clearly set this up to harrass someone. Without question. The judge did the right thing, in this case.

          I don't know if he is truly that paranoid, or if it's just an angle he uses to sell more books.

          All the best,

          "Ich bin en fuego!"
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1743829].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author seasoned
            Originally Posted by bgmacaw View Post

            While I think Mr. Trudeau is full of it I think the judge in this case has walked right into a big Constitutional problem, (maybe that was Trudeau's intent)...

            Emailing is petitioning for a redress of a grievance. But, our current government isn't too big on free speech anyway, on either side of aisle, so that inconvenient little rule can be ignored when you don't like someone or they don't have any power.
            Actually, that probably wasn't the intent of that passage, and intent and content can mean a lot. BUT, if we DID take this to the N'th degree, then we all should be able to go down and investigate crime scenes, etc.... They would, likewise, probably charge us with criminal trespass, obstruction of justice and/or tempering with evidence, etc....

            And lying to congress, or trespass, could be considered contempt of congress! Interrupting a trial in progress could be considered contempt of court.

            And free speech doesn't allow yu to jokingly yell fire in a crowded theater.

            And "Miracle on 34th street", if that last scene REALLY happened, could well have them all cited, etc...

            BTW I said earlier that if they DID want to email, it should be in the form of an "amicus curiae". THAT would be a redress! HERE are facts to be considered, HERE'S a precedent, etc.... NOT simply "let him go".

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          • Profile picture of the author bgmacaw
            Originally Posted by Michael Oksa View Post

            Without question. The judge did the right thing, in this case.
            I think he overracted which was exactly what Trudeau was attempting to do. It serves Trudeau from a legal standpoint (the Judge's abuse of power which has already been an issue in the case, causing the case to be remanded back to him) and from a marketing standpoint (see, the 'man' really doesn't want you to know). It's the old Sun Tzu tactic of making your enemy angry and getting them to do something foolish.

            On a larger scale, beyond this particular case, established governments have a strong dislike for the current free wheeling nature of the Internet. Dictatorial governments have strongly limited it and even representative democracies try to control and regulate it as much as they can. While you can put protesters in a free speech pen outside of a courthouse or convention, putting bloggers and emailers in a protest pen has proven much more troublesome for those in power.
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            • Profile picture of the author sylviad
              You can't make people do something they don't want to do, so if he urged people to send the emails, are they not the ones at fault?

              I see why he might be charged for Contempt of Court for trying to influence its decisions, but I'm not exactly getting the connection with the spamming since he couldn't really control how the people would react.

              It's not like he threatened the judge's family, paid someone to lie in court, or something equally serious.

              Would the judge take the same approach if people had taken up a petition - on paper - the old fashioned way?

              Well, I know zip about the law, so... I guess the message is, be careful what you say and do when it comes to the legal system.

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              • Profile picture of the author seasoned
                Originally Posted by sylviad View Post

                You can't make people do something they don't want to do, so if he urged people to send the emails, are they not the ones at fault?

                I see why he might be charged for Contempt of Court for trying to influence its decisions, but I'm not exactly getting the connection with the spamming since he couldn't really control how the people would react.

                It's not like he threatened the judge's family, paid someone to lie in court, or something equally serious.

                Would the judge take the same approach if people had taken up a petition - on paper - the old fashioned way?

                Well, I know zip about the law, so... I guess the message is, be careful what you say and do when it comes to the legal system.

                Under some circumstances, mere INCITEMENT is an OFFENSE! You can suggest someone shoot a guy, EVEN the president, and it isn't REALLY illegal. FOMENT extreme anger towards that person, or suggest in a way that there is a "clear and present danger", and that is ANOTHER thing! If they took up a PETITION, that is another thing entirely. The judge may have ignored it OR, if at an impasse, might have it actually sway his opinion.

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                • Profile picture of the author Brian Cook
                  Kevin Trudeau update...

                  Thought it was interesting to see he has a Clickbank
                  product launched today called, "Maximize Profits Now."

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                  • Profile picture of the author jdenc
                    I think some folks are deluding themselves. If your cell phone goes off in court you can be held in contempt. Judges have very wide latitude in this and no other judge is going to be in a hurry to put boundaries on it. This stunt was meant to harass. Exhorting people to harass the judge sitting on your trial falls well within their rights to have your butt thrown in jail. Try it and find out.
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            • Profile picture of the author MichaelHiles
              Originally Posted by bgmacaw View Post

              I think he overracted which was exactly what Trudeau was attempting to do. It serves Trudeau from a legal standpoint (the Judge's abuse of power which has already been an issue in the case, causing the case to be remanded back to him) and from a marketing standpoint (see, the 'man' really doesn't want you to know). It's the old Sun Tzu tactic of making your enemy angry and getting them to do something foolish.

              On a larger scale, beyond this particular case, established governments have a strong dislike for the current free wheeling nature of the Internet. Dictatorial governments have strongly limited it and even representative democracies try to control and regulate it as much as they can. While you can put protesters in a free speech pen outside of a courthouse or convention, putting bloggers and emailers in a protest pen has proven much more troublesome for those in power.

              Even though it might be wrongful incarceration, it's generally a bad idea to anger he who has the power to put you into jail.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1744231].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
              Originally Posted by bgmacaw View Post

              On a larger scale, beyond this particular case, established governments have a strong dislike for the current free wheeling nature of the Internet. Dictatorial governments have strongly limited it and even representative democracies try to control and regulate it as much as they can. While you can put protesters in a free speech pen outside of a courthouse or convention, putting bloggers and emailers in a protest pen has proven much more troublesome for those in power.
              Are there poor little bloggers locked up in pens outside of the courthouse in Georgia now? Tragic. What is this country coming to? :rolleyes:
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2184070].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
      Originally Posted by valerieSONORA View Post

      I wish Kevin Trudeau would join the WF
      I think he is a member here. I seem to recall he posted a while
      back when people were discussing his business.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1744403].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ThomM
        Originally Posted by bgmacaw View Post

        I think he overracted which was exactly what Trudeau was attempting to do. It serves Trudeau from a legal standpoint (the Judge's abuse of power which has already been an issue in the case, causing the case to be remanded back to him) and from a marketing standpoint (see, the 'man' really doesn't want you to know). It's the old Sun Tzu tactic of making your enemy angry and getting them to do something foolish.

        On a larger scale, beyond this particular case, established governments have a strong dislike for the current free wheeling nature of the Internet. Dictatorial governments have strongly limited it and even representative democracies try to control and regulate it as much as they can. While you can put protesters in a free speech pen outside of a courthouse or convention, putting bloggers and emailers in a protest pen has proven much more troublesome for those in power.
        You don't think doing that to a judge would be considered contempt of court?
        Originally Posted by sylviad View Post

        You can't make people do something they don't want to do, so if he urged people to send the emails, are they not the ones at fault?

        I see why he might be charged for Contempt of Court for trying to influence its decisions, but I'm not exactly getting the connection with the spamming since he couldn't really control how the people would react.

        It's not like he threatened the judge's family, paid someone to lie in court, or something equally serious.

        Would the judge take the same approach if people had taken up a petition - on paper - the old fashioned way?

        Well, I know zip about the law, so... I guess the message is, be careful what you say and do when it comes to the legal system.

        Sylvia if it was done on a paper petition they would be signing up to a specific statement as opposed to texting where each person is free to say what they want.
        Chances are if some where texting something like "you're an idiot" that wouldn't be in a paper petition.

        Life: Nature's way of keeping meat fresh
        Getting old ain't for sissy's
        As you are I was, as I am you will be
        You can't fix stupid, but you can always out smart it.

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  • Profile picture of the author Raiel Schwartz
    Okay Okay.

    I admit, I don't know who Kevin Trudeau is.
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    • Profile picture of the author valerieSONORA
      Originally Posted by Craig.Michaels View Post

      Okay Okay.

      I admit, I don't know who Kevin Trudeau is.
      You must have never seen any infomercials :p

      siggy taking a break...

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1743409].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by Craig.Michaels View Post

      Okay Okay.

      I admit, I don't know who Kevin Trudeau is.
      He is known for taking a little old, or biased, info trying to create an us vs. "THE MAN" type approach, and publishing it. He also might have been the one that created the now famous interview scam. You know, he is interviewed(with questions HE wants) by a person(HE PAYS), and they try to make it look like the broadcast is a legitimate ongoing event(even though it is ONLY for KT). Whether he was the first or not, he has used it a LOT!

      Just look at: Kevin Trudeau - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      And judges are given a lot of freedom. KTs actions definitely DID show contempt, and DID interfere with the operation of the court, so I bet the judge was within his rights.

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  • Profile picture of the author sandra.IMqueen
    Guess the Judge is a luddite. Technolgy is now a way of life.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1743770].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by sandra.IMqueen View Post

      Guess the Judge is a luddite. Technolgy is now a way of life.
      BULL!!!!! Technology is supposed to make things easier, and its user more efficient, NOT harass! If a person wants to email a judge for this, FINE! It should just be in the form of an "amicus curiae". Spaming the same thing, or saying simply "It's wrong" doesn't qualify!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1743781].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by sandra.IMqueen View Post

      Guess the Judge is a luddite. Technolgy is now a way of life.
      Luddite or NOT, inciting a riot, or excessive needless action, in a court trial IS contempt of court. On miracle of 34th street, if the trucks all honked while it was in session, or all mail was just delivered, THAT could be considered contempt of court. It doesn't matter whether they are stone tablets or SPAM!

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  • Profile picture of the author sandra.IMqueen
    hey seasoned thanks for the explanation
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  • Profile picture of the author butters
    Who , I'm feeling so British right now .
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1743865].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by butters View Post

      Who , I'm feeling so British right now .
      You haven't missed anything and, if you DO come down here, you may not even hear about him.

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  • Profile picture of the author JasonHicks
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  • Profile picture of the author scrofford
    As far as Kevin being in trouble for the books he has written...He has a Constitutional right to speak out and say whatever is on his mind. Now I have only read a little of the Diet book, but it seems to me that he has every right to speak his mind. This is where the problem started. Obviously the U.S. Government doesn't like people talking against them and it kinda makes the Government look guilty to me if they are trying to silence someone who is speaking out against them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ilya Feynberg
    Great salesman, but not to great with the ethics, truth, relationship part of human behavior.
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
      Originally Posted by Ilya Feynberg View Post

      Great salesman, but not to great with the ethics, truth, relationship part of human behavior.
      Then he's NOT a great salesman.

      Just a salesman. (Actually, I prefer a word like charlatan in this case.)

      Big difference.

      The great ones also do their best to be ethical, truthful and care about the relationship they build with their prospects and customers.

      All the best,

      "Ich bin en fuego!"
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  • Profile picture of the author Sam Tirut
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
      Originally Posted by Sam Tirut View Post

      anyone notice that the link is broken or are we all just talking about kevin and the judge without actually reading the article? I wanted to read the actual article.
      Most of the comments on the original article were made in February of this year; around the same time the article was posted. I read it at that time.

      However, Brian just added a quick update in regards to a new Kevin Trudeau product on Click Bank, which isn't directly related to the original article, but, as he states, an update on what Trudeau is doing now.

      All the best,

      "Ich bin en fuego!"
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2184064].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mr2monster
    Meh.... he's pitching the same crap that 90% of all the other marketers are pitching... he's just got the platform to do it on a wider scale. It's still the same information (and yes, i own several of the books he pitches, mostly because I like to see what other people are selling. I also own a lot of Dean Graziosi's books, the OTHER interviefomercial king).

    In fact, I tend to find them LESS hype-filled than a lot of the run of the mill MMO product pushers using mini-sites and sales letters, and he even uses the same damn techniques.... Interviews........... boy, who hasn't used those in their "webinars" and "special list bonuses" *cough*almosteverymarketerIknow*cough*....

    But yeah, telling his sheeple to blow up a judges email was either pure genius or utter stupidity.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2184068].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
      Originally Posted by mr2monster View Post

      Meh.... he's pitching the same crap that 90% of all the other marketers are pitching... he's just got the platform to do it on a wider scale. It's still the same information (and yes, i own several of the books he pitches, mostly because I like to see what other people are selling. I also own a lot of Dean Graziosi's books, the OTHER interviefomercial king).

      In fact, I tend to find them LESS hype-filled than a lot of the run of the mill MMO product pushers using mini-sites and sales letters, and he even uses the same damn techniques.... Interviews........... boy, who hasn't used those in their "webinars" and "special list bonuses" *cough*almosteverymarketerIknow*cough*....

      But yeah, telling his sheeple to blow up a judges email was either pure genius or utter stupidity.
      No "either" about it.

      Also, the difference is that those other marketers weren't ordered by the FTC to stop doing certain practices.

      You know what really irks me though?

      The attitude that all marketers are slimeballs. Perpetuating that MYTH only makes it worse.

      On another note, for those looking for an active link on the story in the OP, I found this...

      Author and pitchman Kevin Trudeau sentenced to jail -

      All the best,

      "Ich bin en fuego!"
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2184072].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author mr2monster
        Originally Posted by Michael Oksa View Post

        No "either" about it.

        Also, the difference is that those other marketers weren't ordered by the FTC to stop doing certain practices.

        You know what really irks me though?

        The attitude that all marketers are slimeballs. Perpetuating that MYTH only makes it worse.

        On another note, for those looking for an active link on the story in the OP, I found this...

        Author and pitchman Kevin Trudeau sentenced to jail -

        All the best,

        I'm not claiming that all marketers are slimeballs... I'm just simply stating the fact that it seems to be "ok to be a "slimeball" until the feds put a stop to you personally"....

        What difference does it make who was ordered not to use a certain type of technique... That's like saying it's illegal for Joe Blow to speed, but it's ok for everyone else.

        My point is that a lot of the people bashing Kevin are using the SAME BASIC TECHNIQUES to put food on their tables, and then talking smack about how he's an unethical slimeball... He just happens to get to be the black sheep because he's got a larger public eye.

        Personally, i don't even think he's one of the shadiest marketers I've dealt with... I'm not saying he's super ethical, but having been through the sales process of quite a few different marketers (including him), he's HARDLY the worst out there... he's just one of the best at being seen.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2184096].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
          Sorry, but that simply isn't true. You are totally mischaracterizing my statements.

          It is NOT "ok to be a "slimeball" until the feds put a stop to you personally". I never said that, and I think most marketers would flatly disagree.

          I'm guessing you are not familiar with some of Kevin Trudeau's past.

          For example (from Trudeau's Wikipedia page)

          In 1990, Trudeau posed as a doctor in order to deposit $80,000 in false checks.

          In 1991 he pleaded guilty to larceny.

          In 1998 fined $500,000, in part for promoting "Hair Farming"

          Okay, I don't have time to list it all.

          This isn't "bad marketing", it's a freaking rap sheet. THAT'S the difference. Make sense?

          To compare Trudeau to "most" marketers is a gross misjudgment, and an insult to those of us who do things on the up and up to feed our families.

          All the best,

          Originally Posted by mr2monster View Post

          I'm not claiming that all marketers are slimeballs... I'm just simply stating the fact that it seems to be "ok to be a "slimeball" until the feds put a stop to you personally"....

          What difference does it make who was ordered not to use a certain type of technique... That's like saying it's illegal for Joe Blow to speed, but it's ok for everyone else.

          My point is that a lot of the people bashing Kevin are using the SAME BASIC TECHNIQUES to put food on their tables, and then talking smack about how he's an unethical slimeball... He just happens to get to be the black sheep because he's got a larger public eye.

          Personally, i don't even think he's one of the shadiest marketers I've dealt with... I'm not saying he's super ethical, but having been through the sales process of quite a few different marketers (including him), he's HARDLY the worst out there... he's just one of the best at being seen.

          "Ich bin en fuego!"
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2184118].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author mr2monster
            Originally Posted by Michael Oksa View Post

            Sorry, but that simply isn't true. You are totally mischaracterizing my statements.

            It is NOT "ok to be a "slimeball" until the feds put a stop to you personally". I never said that, and I think most marketers would flatly disagree.

            I'm guessing you are not familiar with some of Kevin Trudeau's past.

            For example (from Trudeau's Wikipedia page)

            In 1990, Trudeau posed as a doctor in order to deposit $80,000 in false checks.

            In 1991 he pleaded guilty to larceny.

            In 1998 fined $500,000, in part for promoting "Hair Farming"

            Okay, I don't have time to list it all.

            This isn't "bad marketing", it's a freaking rap sheet. THAT'S the difference. Make sense?

            To compare Trudeau to "most" marketers is a gross misjudgment, and an insult to those of us who do things on the up and up to feed our families.

            All the best,

            You're correct, I didn't know about his past rap sheet.

            Furthermore, I apologize if you feel I've mis-characterized your statements... I don't think I have, but often times messages get mixed up over text, so my apologies. In fact, I feel like you might be just a bit guilty of this as well (asserting that I am perpetuating a myth that "all marketers are slimeballs", which isn't even on par with my views..).

            I still feel it important to state that a lot (as opposed to "most" sorry, bad phrasing) of marketers use the same basic techniques (and some even worse). And just because they haven't been caught (and subsequently don't have a rap sheet), doesn't mean it's ok. We obviously agree on this point.

            This isn't in any way pointed at you Michael (or any specific marketer for that matter), so I hope it's not coming off that way.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2184154].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Justinfm
          20/20 report

          2 hours + $50 = 1 full 40 hour work week -
          How does that work? With Cloning of course. Watch the free videos at the url above.

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