PPC Advice/Experiment

2 replies
I currently use only free traffic methods online and realise that I may be missing out with paid methods. I have just received a £75 voucher through the post for Google Adwords and it would seem a shame not to use it. Bearing in mind that I have never run an adwords campaign what advice would anyone give in using this freebie as profitably as possible. If anyone wants to pm me with a suggested campaign I would be happy to run it as an experiment and report back with my results.

So any PPC experts out there, now is your chance to prove your techniques can work for a PPC newbie.
#advice or experiment #ppc
  • Profile picture of the author Sara Young
    I'll give you some random tips:

    Start with one or 2 keywords that are very relevant to what you are selling

    Start with exact match

    Turn off the content network

    Make sure you are advertising to relevant countries

    Make your ad title the same as the keyword

    Make the ad extremely relevant to the keyword

    Make the landing page extremely relevant to the keyword and ad

    Read up on why people are banned from Google and don't do that

    Stay away from positions 1 & 2 while you are still a beginner

    Watch a new campaign carefully to make sure it is going the way you want it to
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  • Make sure you have a well written landing page and have tested it on a smaller network first. You should also know exactly what you are promoting and how the purchasing process works. I would never promote an affiliate link blind. I'd actually suggest you promote a product you have already purchased for yourself... so you know what to expect and can write a more persuasive pre sell. Think about your project from a user perspective. And the most important thing you can do is have a plan for tracking your results... otherwise you are just wasting your time.
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