Fastest Way to Build up a List?

by 30 replies
I have couple of sites with opt in boxes on them and the lists on these sites are steadily buidling up but I was wondering if there were some suggestions on how to build a list quickly?
#main internet marketing discussion forum #build #fastest #list
  • ppc or ppv should help
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    • I am thinking more along the lines of FREE if possible.
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  • Guest blog post ( from Justin Brooks )
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    • Viral (pdf) ebook distributed to free ebook sites. Inside the ebook your signup link.

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  • There are many ways you can build a list quickly, that are both free and/or paid. The key is to find a way to bring value to somebody in exchange for there name and email. Joint Ventures, ad swaps, ppc, they all work. I think it really depends on how and what your going to do with the list after it is build up. In addition, to how are you going to build the relationship with them. After all even a small list, can bring in a good amount of money, if you have build a strong relationship with them.
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  • Don't forget the power of video marketing as well. Posting 1-2 videos daily (or more if you can) promoting your site will give you that nice snowball effect IF you do it consistently over time. You'll be reaping the results of some nice residual traffic for a long time, if you do this properly.
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    • What could you make a video of twice a day on a consistent basis?
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  • Adswaps 2 or 3 times a week is the way I do it ... definately a way to build a list quite fast
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    • Do you recommend any Adswaps in particular?
  • No ideas for now. I'm a newbie >>>
  • I think the key is to focus on what you offer. I alwasy ask myself if I would sign up myself. If yes then I go with it. A great offer will get the signups
  • It is really going to depend on your market. What do THEY want?

    I have not idea what your niche, or market, but a group seeking motivational self-help information will sign up for a list which offers them quotes, guidance, information from gurus.

    A model train hobbyist is not going to sign up to get quotes, he wants to know about special offers on trains, train conventions, news on how to create new layouts, etc.

    If you hit their hot button, then it is just a matter of driving traffic to the site. Of course, that brings us back to the first problem. Where are they hanging out today? Are they in a forum, in a Facebook group, are they searching and reading information on blogs and article sites.

    Your statistics should tell you a little bit about where your new visitors are coming from now. Your research into your niche should tell you where they hang out. That is where you need to tell them about your offer, and drive them to your site. Since you are offering the kind of information they want, they will sign up.

    Boy, that was about as clear as saying I have no idea. In many ways, only you with the knowledge of your market can answer your question.
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  • the truth of the mater is that you would have to pay for that knowledge- not free

  • This method requires that you actually have a product of your own that you're building a list to promote, but far and away this is responsible for the majority of my income at this point in the game.

    Let's assume your niche is about cats.

    1. Log in to facebook and do a search for groups using the keyword cats, and then chunk up to pets, animal lovers, etc.
    2. Email the group creator/admin and explain the details of your affiliate program, it's conversion rate, and how much they stand to make based on the amount of people in the group and your current metrics.
    3. Include a video about how to set up the affiliate link
    4. Ask them to send a mass mail to the group members

    That's it.

    For IM/MMO type of stuff I think this might not work as well, but if you're in different types of niches this is probably the most powerful way to build a list and sell stuff I've ever tried.

    Most of the group owners are not IM types, and if you just show them how they can make a bunch of money for sending out 1 mass mail to their group members (usually in the thousands), and provide them with the email copy you can do VERY well.

    I have been providing review copies of my different niche products to the group owners, as well as the copy for an endorsed mailing and this has been working out better than PPC, SEO, etc. and doesn't require any cash outlay.
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  • To capitalize on traffic you already have rather than try and get new traffic - i.e. to increase your opt in conversion then give away FREE STUFF - tell them what the value of it is, and make sure they know it is exclusive, and unique too Our optins doubled when we started giving away free albums, and it is the source of our best sales, loyalest customers etc.
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    • I understand that. I am asking about how to get the opt in box in front of people's faces. Once they are there I know what to do.
  • how many people are in your list? if you have about 500, you can do ad swaps with other list owners in the same niche as yours, its free and both parties benefit as they can get new leads..

    or you could organise a giveaway JV event... find 2-3 other list owners in the same niche, get them to create a squeeze page with something to giveaway, and you do the same... then create a webpage with links to all the differnet squeeze pages.. and arrange a certain day and time where you all mail your list and tell them that there's a limited time offer where they can grab products for free! That should get alot of new people signing up to your list...

    hope that helps dude
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  • The best way is to build a seed list of about 400 using ppc combined with free methods. Adwords got me 1 subscriber for 30c average. If your opt in rate is higher, it could even be cheaper on the content network.

    Then after you have about 400-500 start doing adwaps. Try doing about 3 a week. Use the JV thread in this forum.

    Also join all the giveaway events you can.

    That should do it.
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    • Since you are trying to figure out where to get the eyeballs for your opt-in, and since there is no way to answer your question since we do not know your market, and where your potential customers are..

      You either research your own statistics, as I said before.

      Or, you start looking at your competitors opt-in pages, and trace their backlinks to the pages to discover how they are getting traffic. Then you simulate their efforts.

      It comes back to the same basics you already know. Try a few things on a small scale, get the statistics, scale up what works.

      As I've seen Steven Wagenheim mention many times lately. What works in one market, may fail in another. You can only know by trial and testing.
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  • Check out giveaway sites and be contributor with your gifts and opt-ins.
    google "giveaway notifier" for details.

    The Internet Marketing Giveaway
    Niche: IM
    Launches on: Friday February 19th 2010
    Closing doors: Thursday March 04th 2010
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    • You could also consider Craigslist.
      Put up an ad. with a giveaway and point the ad. to your optin page.
      Kind regards,
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  • Give your subcribers something valuable and priceless. That is the only reason they will opt for your list.

    Do article marketing and forum marketing.
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  • In response to Backpage from Marhelper I have advertised numerous times on there to build up my Email list. Actually the paid ads, and the results basically suck waste of money. If you must post on there try the free method. U.SFREEADS on the other hand has produced good results from there featured ads.

    Blog commenting
    Forum posting
    Social Networking
    Article posting
    Any way you can think of to bring more traffic to your website, blog, or landing page is the key to building your list. The more traffic the more signups.
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  • Forget the "technique", and focus on the "content".

    That's where most people fail - on creating great freeline content.

    Once you have this, and a great product, then you can focus on "traffic" and "list size" and "conversions" and "segmentation" and all the buzzwords you can think of.

    "Remarkable product"
    "Remarkable content"

    Do that and the rest will pretty much follow. Or at least, you have a better chance of making the rest of the pieces fit in.

    - Ravi Jayagopal

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