Who's list do you most enjoy being on?

36 replies
I bet everyone here gets a million emails a day from various marketers,

so who's are the best? Who's do you open and pay attention to?

Go ahead an post who your favorite is an why. We might all learn something!
#enjoy #list
  • Profile picture of the author karis
    If you are referring to the IM niche, then I would say Justin Brooke is the best person's list I have ever been on. He provides tons of training material at ZERO cost. Frank Kern is wonderful as well, followed by Chad Kimball, Nora Kelly, Jeff Walker and Mike Bridges.
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    • Profile picture of the author ElMundodelExito
      I like Stephen Pierce and Lee McIntyre. They provide a lot of free stuff
      Oh I almost forget ..Bob the teacher.

      I am not judged by the number of times I fail, but by the number of times I succeed. And the number of times I succeed Is in direct proportion to the number of times I can fail and keep trying.
      Want to enter the Spanish market? Let me build your site, graphics, articles, free consultation!. Just PM me

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  • Profile picture of the author Toby Lewis
    Do you stick around on the IM lists that blast nothing but promotions? It's good to keep track of guru JVs, but it can get pretty annoying.
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  • Profile picture of the author prime777
    I have to say I like being on Chris Farrell's list the best. Hee sends real useful stuff in his emails. Something you can truly sink your teeth into.

    Further more he only sends you mail when he has something substantial to say. Not just dumping a bunch of meaningless mail into your inbox everyday with stuff that you don't even understand most of the time so you have more stuff to delete.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lisa Gergets
    Steve Weber always sends good information.
    Sign up to be notified when Success on Demand goes live, and receive a FREE mindmap that you can follow to create and launch your OWN IM PRODUCTS!
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  • Profile picture of the author ciewy
    I like being on Mark Dickenson's list. He sends out useful info and resources most of the time.

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  • Profile picture of the author Todd S
    I like Rob "The Genie" Toth, and just came across a guy named Mark Lyford who has some cool things to say
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Worner
    I like Kim Roach

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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      Paul Myers...best newsletter on the net hands down if you're looking for
      an overall education. There are some areas I haven't seen him go into,
      such as PPC (may have missed those) but he seems to cover topics
      mostly to do with writing, communicating, testing, etc.

      His issues are long as hell so you need a cup of coffee to go along with

      I think I have learned more from Paul than just about anybody else online.

      And that's saying a lot.

      If you're not on his list...you need to be on it.

      Here is his news letter:

      TalkBiz News: What you really need to know to succeed online - Online business building newsletter

      Shameless plug for somebody who deserves it.
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  • Profile picture of the author newton
    John Reese & Lee Mcintyre are about the only ones I ever open.

    You know that John only ever promotes quality stuff and Lee gives away a lot of cool videos.

    Check Out My Blog For Affiliate Marketing Tips => Click Here <=

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  • Profile picture of the author nzdealer
    FRANK KERN is the best ever.
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  • Profile picture of the author capone2009
    Steve Clayton/Tim Godfrey | James Jones | Chad Kimball

    These are the ones where I think I defenitely have to open these or I miss out on some great information.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ashley Wright
    I like optin in to my own emails ONLI MESSING! for me Frank Kern of corse also Craig Garber and Jeff Johnson send out some useful stuff
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  • Profile picture of the author Online Bliss
    Howie Shwartz does send alot of email
    but he concentrates on mainly 1 thing
    and that is everything Google and SEO.
    his free almost daily Pdf's are priceless.
    You've got it Made
    with the Guy in the Shades!
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  • Profile picture of the author GarryMSayer
    I love awebers list because I get such a variety of content from many different marketers although my inbox does get a bit full with it all. :p

    In all seriousness for a general marketing education you can't really beat Paul Myers.

    However in my opinion kudos must also go to...

    Tony Shepherd.
    Steven Clayton.
    Frank Kern.

    and lately...

    Sean Donahoe

    I open EVERY email from these guys because I learn some valuable lessons about general marketing and/or email marketing lesson in each and every one.

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  • Profile picture of the author Joshua Summers
    Hitesh Juneja...His emails are almost always content-based, giving tips or suggestions to help in some way. He usually has a video explanation or demonstration to go with it as well which is nice.
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  • Profile picture of the author ravijayagopal
    1. Frank Kern
    2. Andy Jenkins
    3. Michel Fortin

    - Ravi Jayagopal
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris_x
    i like the Copy n Profit emails, they are relaxed, not always the most informative but still a different style to the other 99% of marketers. I have today unsubscribed to every email list I am on. Ive consciously/ subconsciously decided that I know enough right now to make a success my next online venture and dont need anymore sidetracking offers and new systems to think about.

    Oh and good to be on the forum, I havent introduced myself as yet. Will do sometime
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  • Profile picture of the author Gale10
    For me it has to be Frank Kern and Paul Myers. Paul Myers speaks sense and I get the feeling that he actually cares about the people on his list.

    Frank because he is funny and a genius. I keep his emails in a file to pinch ideas from too. Sorry Frank. )

    Best wishes,


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  • Profile picture of the author CBSnooper
    I've just started unsubscribing to most of mine because they're just constantly trying to sell me 'the next big thing'

    However, Frank Kern is one I won't unsubscribe from.
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  • Profile picture of the author RainDrop
    Hmm, I am subscribed to so many lists.
    I am always cramped for time, so i don't open very many of them these days (and I never unsubscribe.)
    The 2 that I consistently open emails from are:

    1. Michael Senoff
    2. Brad Gosse


    1. Michael Senoff usually has a subject that stands out or is something I really want to know more about, and he almost always has a link to an audio clip.
    He usually includes a portion of the audio transcribed and written into the email, so i can glance over it to see if i actually want to listen to it.

    2. I open every email I receive from Brad Gosse. His emails are usually short and to the point, and he often includes a link to a short video clip, and he sends little useful attachments (like a handy checklist) that I can just print out and tac on the wall or put in a binder.
    I find these little 'gifts' very useful!

    I really like these better than the typical 'free ebook download' that everyone elese sends, simply because I have no idea when i can find the extra time to sit down and read yet another big ebook that I have no idea if the information contained in it is 'worth' all the time i have to devote to reading it (i've got hundreds of these!!)

    I like audio and video, because it's less demanding than reading ( I do sooo much reading already!) and i can listen while multitasking.

    I think there are a lot of people out there like me that are stuck in the 'I never have enough time' cycle.

    If you can get through to this group of people, you are doing something right.
    Usually people in this position are BUYERS and will buy from you if you have established yourself as helpful to them, and mindful of their time constraints! (IE don't drone on and on all the time)
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  • Profile picture of the author KatyaSenina
    Frank Kern, Kim Roach, Stephen Pierce
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    • Profile picture of the author Randy Rater
      Paul Myers, without a doubt. No nonsense, straightforward info. Paul tells it like it is.

      Besides that, we're practically neighbors!
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris_x
    Howie Schwartz is also pretty good, always creating new products and they 'seem' from the outside, like real quality products. I think im going to look for my next Guru to subscribe to, instead of being persuaded into opting in
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  • Profile picture of the author Looking4Mentor
    I really enjoy JF Straw's and Skip Rosell's list. They always have good content.

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  • Profile picture of the author Zero
    I'm on waaaay too many lists for my own good. My No.1 is definitely Frank Kern. I never delete any of his emails. I still got all of em since the time i signed up on his list back during his Mass control launch in 2008.

    Howie Schwartz sends me alotta useful content so i like bein on his as well as Jeff Johnson & Michel Fortin. Everyone else just tend to send alotta promotions for new products...which I don't actually mind but it is kinda annoyin...at times.
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  • Profile picture of the author markbyrne
    I love getting mails through from Jamie Garside, always good value there. But my favourite is Traffic Travis! I always read them
    Want a stable business in the craft niche? Get started with our MYLAR stencils! UK seller, and made in the UK!

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  • Profile picture of the author oneplusone
    Frank Kern & Stephen Pierce

    They both have the right balance in my opinion with promotions, content and frequency of contact.
    'If you hear a voice within you say "you cannot paint," then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.' Vincent Van Gogh.
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  • Profile picture of the author CMartin
    Zen Redneck
    (The only one that I allow to interrupt me... since 1/1/2003)
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  • Profile picture of the author Toby Lewis
    Whoa! Awesome list of lists there. I've never heard of some of those people, so I'll check it out. I like learning not only from the content they send, but the way they send it and the style their emails are in.
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  • Profile picture of the author breakdance
    Paul Myers
    Howie Schwartz
    Lee McIntyre
    Justin Brooke
    Sean Donahoe
    Fabian Tan
    Bryan Zimmerman
    Terry Kyle
    Frank Salinas
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