Are .tv domains viable?

3 replies
Are .TV domain names worth buying? Because one can get shorter and more relevant domain names using this extension.

I am wondering if it's worth getting a few. Still expensive though
that's the only drawback. Movies, DVD's and streaming vids seem to be on many sites now and I am thinking this might be a good time to invest. What do you all think?

#domains #viable
  • Profile picture of the author Adamonation92
    from what i have personally tested, the only domains that get "priority" in googles algo is .com, .net, and .org. (and obviously .edu and .gov).

    I have tried to rank .me's, and .tv's with no success.

    However they're great if you're sending direct traffic and you own a video or movie based site.

    Just my thoughts though

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  • Profile picture of the author Deeps2365
    To search engines it doesn't matter at all what the domain extension is. Its not taken into account by Google or Yahoo.

    You could have a .com or .tv and you won't get penalised.
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  • Profile picture of the author tweetzon
    .tv is acceptable , i seen my friend doing pretty well on it infact he got atleast 100 view per day. reasonable

    Selling the cheapest real youtube views,subscribers, comments and likes! pm me for more

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