Are You 2 Experiencing More Online Sales?

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Are You 2 Experiencing More Online Sales?

My orders are starting to go up in my affiliate accounts - I think the economy is actually starting to get better, This is a very good sign it can only go up from here Entrepreneurs!

How is everyone else doing is business improving? Has the recession finally took a turn in the upwards direction? Feel free to chime in marketers ...
#economy #experiencing #money #online #sales
  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
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    • Profile picture of the author entrepreneurjay
      One positive reply thanks looking forward to more The economy is slowly starting to get better in my opinion which will be good for all of us!
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    • Profile picture of the author kswr123
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      I'm suddenly doing much better - all around - than I was in either December or January, for no obvious reason, and without having done any more work (and quite a bit less, to be honest ) and was also wondering.
      Magic... I suppose youmean for a product and not, obviously, your service...

      One thing i have noticed is a huuuge jump in minisite design sales. No idea why - probably snowball effect of popularity
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  • Profile picture of the author amandafrei
    I think it's getting way better.

    But I think January is normally a good month, anyways.
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  • Profile picture of the author PCRoger
    I actually had a pretty good January, up greatly over Nov & Dec, then the last week it's dropped off again.

    I did, though, have a great product launch this week (product for IM'ers, though).

    Track your affiliate sales back to the ARTICLE or WEBSITE that generated the sale. CBSaleTracker

    I was making money in days with the 4 Day Money Making Blueprint

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  • Profile picture of the author Goatboy
    My January was about the same as December. February has been down but I am trying to work through a google issue with my main site and I know only time will cure it. Overall, there seems to be a bit more interest than I've seen in past months.

    My offline business has picked up also. It's too early in the month to tell for certain, but it looks like at least a 30% increase over December or January levels.
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  • Profile picture of the author entrepreneurjay
    Everything sounds pretty positive looks like the World economy is stronger than we all thought and is bouncing back in a positive direction. Glad to hear such positive results from everyone!
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    • Profile picture of the author dougp
      Typically speaking, January sales would be on the low side because many people are flat out broke from Holiday spendings.

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      • Profile picture of the author JasonCase24
        Originally Posted by dougp View Post

        Typically speaking, January sales would be on the low side because many people are flat out broke from Holiday spendings.

        You got this right. Expect more sales during summer because people get to have a chance to maximize their income with lots of discounted items all over the place.
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      • Profile picture of the author Hamida Harland
        Originally Posted by dougp View Post

        Typically speaking, January sales would be on the low side because many people are flat out broke from Holiday spendings.

        It depends what you're promoting. I'm in a number of health niches (many of which tie in with New Year's Resolutions) and my sales are high in January. I agree though that many other niches are affected so I guess it balances out in the long run.
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        • Profile picture of the author Palusko
          Originally Posted by Hamida Harland View Post

          It depends what you're promoting.
          This is very true. Promoting luxury vacations is probably much harder these days than promoting debt solutions. Because, if the news is only a little true, the economy is definitely not better, the unemployment remains the same huge problem as it was a year ago. And that affects a lot. Now add to it the huge deficits lot of countries are generating (big news now is Greece, but also Spain and others), and the picture still does not look pretty, quite the opposite.

          Still, people need and want things. Know your target group, where to find it, and how to reach it and you will do good. It just may require more effort and time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    My orders started picking up about 7-8 weeks ago.

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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  • Profile picture of the author kswr123
    Right Hamida - the MMO niche was HUuUUGE in '09 - sales in that will go down slowly in a few years (although unemployement etc. are still high so the niche is still V hot.)

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  • Profile picture of the author knowwow
    My indicator is the -big- increase in job postings for marketing positions. There are a lot of openings for digital strategists and the like too, and these are very new ideas where I live.

    On another note, that Ogilvy offers less than $1500/mth for an Account Executive makes me wonder why there aren't more people in IM.

    So I guess things are improving on the industry side and firms figured they could as well make use of the distressed unemployed and make some cost-cutting as they get up on their feet.

    Frak the Man.

    - Chief Executive Philosopher

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  • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
    I had a very successful 2009 and 2010 is going gang busters. I don't do affiliate marketing but sell Internet Education to Retail Businesses and Self Employed individuals who want to learn Internet Marketing or want to start a online business.
    This is a huge market for people to jump into right now. No offense to all the niche blog, e-bookers and affiliate marketers but in my opinion, this is where the big $$$ is right now.

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    • Profile picture of the author knowwow
      Originally Posted by sdentrepreneur View Post

      I had a very successful 2009 and 2010 is going gang busters. I don't do affiliate marketing but sell Internet Education to Retail Businesses and Self Employed individuals who want to learn Internet Marketing or want to start a online business.
      This is a huge market for people to jump into right now. No offense to all the niche blog, e-bookers and affiliate marketers but in my opinion, this is where the big $$$ is right now.
      One can write a niche blog or an ebook or promote -as an affiliate- a product from the niche you are in, no?

      Actually, if you are not already doing it, you could do some of those you listed to make even bigger dollars in your own category. After all, these are all vehicles (or media) for product offerings of your own (or others.)

      I am consumed with the idea of how many people make either/or decisions while it is the last thing they should do marketing online. That was the reason for the what may seem like a trivial comment.

      By the way, would you care to share how much you are charging people for mybusinessmarketing? I have no idea how much that type of information is valued in dollar terms.

      - Chief Executive Philosopher

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  • Profile picture of the author ArnelRicafranca
    I am in a fitness niche so January and February time tends to do pretty well for me.
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