C'mon Guys! Get Your Priorities Together!

9 replies
Ok so I have been working on a few diffrent projects... I just want to know you guys thoughts on a good project management plan...

ex: one project per day , 2 hours per project ... etc.

Currently my project management plan sucks... I mean its horrible

I will work on a project until i get tired and then move on to another...(It takes forever to finish)... then I check my email... leads to some serious info overload...

I get bored quickly... but If I focus I know I can get the job done...
#guys #priorities #project management
  • Profile picture of the author hushy
    Focus thats is the key. Personally I would find 1 project. Get it up and going really good before moving to project 2. Otherwise you might wind up starting projects 2,3,4,5 etc. Never finishing project 1


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  • Profile picture of the author hushy
    Focus thats is the key. Personally I would find 1 project. Get it up and going really good before moving to project 2. Otherwise you might wind up starting projects 2,3,4,5 etc. Never finishing project 1


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  • Profile picture of the author RNMKR
    Its so hard to do that when you come up with new ideas ALL the time and your mind is yelling TAKE ACTION!!! TAKE ACTION!!! TAKE ACTION!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author RNMKR
    Its so hard to do that when you come up with new ideas ALL the time and your mind is yelling TAKE ACTION!!! TAKE ACTION!!! TAKE ACTION!!
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  • Profile picture of the author JennSpencerIM
    project management plan?!? you lost me! i really just focus on working on whatever appeals to me. that's just me though. i work best when i have a list of things to get done and just choose what i feel like doing first. that is NOT what you are looking for, but it definitely works for some people. my hubby is the opposite of that though and plans out blocks of the day to do certain projects. so he'll work on one thing for a few hours and then move to something else. whereas i, like you said, work until i'm tired of it then move on.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mohammad Afaq
    I will just layout what I do and hopefully you might me able to pick up something from it.

    So here we go:

    1. Sit down and plan ahead. Think what your project is about and layout the steps. Then decide on how much time each step would take (don't forget to give yourself enough time to finish each step properly). After you have decided, write it down.

    2. Try and make your projects as step by step as possible. This will layout exactly what you are going to do and will help you stay focused.

    3. Logout of your inbox -- I tried it once and it was so effective that now I turn my phone off, log out of skype and eliminate all the possible distractions before sitting down for work.

    (Optional Step -- I use a Get Things Done! - The Action Machine that adds all the steps and then play an alarm after the time is up for each step)

    4. Add all of the steps to The Action Machine Software and sit down to work.

    That's what I do and it has been working pretty good for me.

    “The first draft of anything is shit.” ~Ernest Hemingway

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  • Profile picture of the author RNMKR
    Thanks mohammad111... That software may be exactly what I need!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kody
    some good advice mohammad111 ill be able to apply that to my work
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  • Profile picture of the author Ruth P
    Oh I have the same trouble, too many ideas and too many projects going on at once. In an ideal world, I'd work on one thing until it's finished before moving onto the next. But we're not living in an ideal world

    The best thing I've found in structuring my day. Like Mohammad said above, you must break down each product into steps. Then, I write a list at the beginning of each day of three steps I must complete that day. That helps to give the day more focus.

    I also log out of my inbox like he suggested - it helps so much! Try to give yourself a limit e.g. I will only check emails three times a day. Of course you might not always stick to it, but it really does help.

    Lastly, I try to keep myself accountable by writing a blog post each day on what I've got done. Above this, I also write about my goals to make sure they are firmly in my head and that I don't lose focus. This is simply a private blog, nobody reads it but me, but it helps!

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