Save Time, Live & Work More! (no google fade-in)...

by Tamer
0 replies

This thread is about disabling google fade-in feature.

So, if you don't think that this is an annoying feature, then
don't waste your time here... and read something more productive

I have no idea why did google implement this feature back in Nov. 2009 :confused:...

May be for more logo branding,
May be for more focusing on "search" functions...


But the feature is annoying for THOUSANDS of people...
... and it also means nothing to many others as well
(many have stated that they just don't care!).

I found that with each visit to google,
I lose 1 second (at least) until i move my mouse and see the links, then remembering if I was going to search or wanted different thing(s)
I use image searches, gmail, maps...etc..

Anyway... I was about to write a firefox extension (for myself)
to save ONE second of my time

But fortunately... I thought about searching first to see if this has already been done!

Here is a Firefox extension that does exactly this:

No Fade In Google

It is still an experimental add-on... but I used it and it worked with my firefox.

umm, please don't take this lightly ...

Google gets 884,000,000 unique visitors per year [source]...

If every one of these have saved 1 second by disabling this useless feature...

The will cause the saving of 26.74 YEARS per YEAR [for all searcher's combined lives] - source.

How much added-value will be achieved if searchers save 26.74 years of their times?!

As usual... my $0.02

#fadein #google #live #save #time

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