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Here's an easy Step-by-Step method to creating a digital product.
  1. Go to Clickbank. Review the products on click bank.
  2. Research the products and analyze which products are selling.
  3. Chose the products you want to promote.
  4. Simply sell these products as an affiliate to test if it's "really" a winner. You will earn 50% or more commission.
  5. If the product is selling good, then it's time to switch gears.
  6. Create a similar product or possibly a better version of it.
  7. Create your own landing page and pitch page, thank you page, etc. for the product(s).
  8. Promote your own product and keep 100% of the money.
  9. Since Google is Slap Happy and will not play fair sometimes it can be frustrating to deal with them.
  10. Yahoo and MSN are much easier to deal with. You can use direct linking for affiliate products and promote you own products much faster and easier. Use Yahoo adwords. You can get results within 24 hours
#internet marketing #learn internet marketing #marketing secrets #newbies

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