Why Certain Warriors Are Successful!
John Taylor - I'm not sure I have ever worked with anyone who was as driven and as focused as John. When he decided something needed doing, he set out to get it done. There was no putting if off. Sometimes I felt like I was working with a whirlwind. It's called taking action! I was more of a hindrance to our partnership than a help because I am typically a waffler! John picked a course of action and he went for it. He got things done and despite his grumpy old man appearance, he is a very funny Scotsman and he was a pleasure to work with.
Kevin Riley - I consider Kevin a very good friend who is always willing to help. Kevin is also driven and he can churn out top-quality products like an assembly line. Like John Taylor, he is a man of action and he doesn't mind the hard work. When Kevin decides on a project, he gets tunnel-vision and he is targeted on one thing and that is getting it done and on the market. What is that called again... let me see... oh yeah... taking action.
Ken Leatherman - Ken is what I consider to be your "every man/woman" and no I don't mean he is a transsexual. Ken is like just about every single person who is reading this thread. He dabbled in this and that for the longest time and just never seemed to reach the big time. Finally, he met Big Mike and there was no stopping him from there. Ken has joined the ranks of those who can call themselves "very successful marketers" and he continues to rise to the top. What happened to make him successful? A few things but from what I understand, one of the biggest things was Big Mike holding him accountable and pushing him to take action. Every time I call Ken, he is hard at work at one thing or another.
So, what do these guys have in common? Well, one thing is that they are all old. Ken is in his 60s, Kevin is in his 50s and John is in his 90s.
Noooooo, seriously, I have noticed several things they have in common...
1. Once they developed the habit of taking action, the success started rolling in. "Take action" has been said so many times that it is becoming cliché. Look, I'm as bad as anyone reading this and I know it can be very difficult but how bad do you want it? I have a very good job that I absolutely LOVE so I'm not hurting for money like a lot of you. I'm getting to the point where I need to start thinking about what I am going to do after I retire so I am getting more focused on online stuff now. BUT some of you are really hurting for money or you want to get out of the workplace and work at home. If that's the case and you still aren't focusing and taking action, you just aren't hurting enough!
2. Another thing these guys have in common is that they know there is no such thing as a "pie-in-the-sky" type business. Once you learn to take action, it STILL takes time and it takes patience. There is no quick answer to becoming successful online. I have read time and time again in threads on the WF where people say, "I need to make money in one week!" or "Can I start making money quickly" or "My house is going to be repossessed if I don't start making money!" I am going to tell you one hard, cold fact right now. Desperation does not go hand-in-hand with becoming successful online UNLESS you use it as motivation to START taking action right now.
3. They don't let a lot of distractions interfere with what they are focused on. When these guys are working on a project, you won't see many posts from them in the WF. Why? Because they don't let themselves become distracted. You can always find reasons NOT to do something but they are a hindrance to your success. Focus is another one of those words that has become cliché. It has been repeated over and over and over until it just goes in one ear and out the other! If you can't focus, you probably won't last very long in the IM field.
4. In the development stage of their potential product, they look for the things that people need. They don't just look for a niche that has a lot of searches... it goes much deeper than that! They look for the places where the money is being spent. Searches WILL NOT make you successful. People spending money WILL make you successful! They go where the money is and they develop a product around that.
5. Now we get to one of the most important things they did to become successful. They developed a product or service THAT WORKS! Too many young marketers focus on "How much money can I make" instead of "How can I solve that problem for the customers". They just throw together something quick because they need the money (there's that desperation again). Then they do all the right things promoting the product but they can't make many sales. They suddenly decide that there is no money to be made online so they make a post in the WF that goes something like this, "Well, I did everything everyone told me to do and I still didn't make any money so I am quitting!" What they don't realize is that the product they created didn't meet the need!
6. They didn't quit! They kept on and on and on. They did it until they got it right. They tweaked it until it became successful and then they tweaked it some more to make it better. You don't become a champion bull rider by quitting after you are bucked off the first time. You get back on over and over again. If you are going to become successful in THIS rodeo, you got to ride again! Oh, hey, there is something all three have in common with bull riders... all three of them are full of bull!
There is more involved here but I think this points out the more important parts of what it takes to become successful online. I invite you to share anything I left out that has helped make you successful. There really is no magic formula and you really can make a lot of money online.
Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.
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