Go Daddy Domain Renewal and Purchase Price Increase Is Ridiculous and I'm Ticked
.BIZ Domain Name Renewal - 1
.NET Domain Name Renewal - 1
.ORG Domain Name Renewal - 1
.INFO Domain Name Renewal - 1
Everyone of these renewals made a major jump in price over last year. As I recall each one was under $11.00 last year. With all the hoops you have to jump through just to renew the domains, they should discount the offer to me.
I knew there was to be a price increase, but to jump almost $5.00 for the .ord and .biz and $4.00 for the .net is ridiculous. Where in the heck do they get off zapping their customers with such a huge jump.
This is a 66% price increase over last year. And I'm ticked.
You guys make sure you shop around for the best deal on domains.
Ken Leatherman

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