The best way to find clickbank affiliates

by Alminc
5 replies
Hi guys,

What is the best way or tools to find clickbank affiliates?
Is there any good software that helps in identifying clickbank

#affiliates #clickbank #find
  • Profile picture of the author sixstring
    You may want to check out some sites such as:

    I find them helpful.
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  • Profile picture of the author Edk
    I know that when I was trialling Google Cash Detective I could and did readily home in on prolific successful affiliates easily. Using that software the successful ones stuck out very much like a sore thumb. Maybe this might help give you some kind of an idea...
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  • Profile picture of the author ShaneRQR
    I've never sold anything on Clickbank myself, so my advice may be rubbish. But two things immediately came to mind when I read your question.

    1. Create a second CB account and promote your own product as an affiliate. I'm guessing that CB wouldn't mind you doing that since that earns them commissions. It also drives up your gravity score and that, in turn, will attract affiliates.

    2. Give out review copies to bloggers in your niche. This probably doesn't work in every niche, but I can say from experience that in one offline business I run, reviews make and break products and smart manufacturers make sure their products are good and then send them to as many reviewers as they can find.
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    • Profile picture of the author JAIDEEP2959
      1) Promote your own product by using Google adwords to targeted audience.

      2) Put that conversion proof on Affiliates section of your website.

      3) Advertise on Clickbank itself for around $650 per month.

      4) Lot of affiliates visit Clickbank daily. They will notice your website and conversion rate and start promoting it.

      Good Luck.
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      • Profile picture of the author Alminc
        Thanks guys. I am about to submit a product to CB for approval
        and I'm crafting my affiliate page right now.
        This is the first time I want to use CB to sell the product and there
        is a lot of CB-speciffic things to learn.
        I'm collecting all useful information from CB vendor point of view and
        I'm writing my own personal manual along the way.
        Finding CB affiliates and getting them to promote your product is
        obviously the toughest part.
        No links :)
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