Careful with your WP Blog themes: Check yours now.

8 replies
Hey Guys,

Just thought I'd pass this on because I've seen it happening on some of our clients blogs and noticed it's more common than you'd think.

It applies to you if you have picked a WP theme and are also using the All in One SEO plugin.

As you'll know, the All in One SEO plugin adds a new title tag, keyword tag and description tag to your post pages when you use it.

But with some WP themes, the title tag is hard coded in, in such a way that it's not overwritten and replaced by the All in One version. Personally I'm a tech retard so I couldn't explain to you in any more depth why or how the title tags in the theme are like that, but suffice it to say it can happen and does.

The result is that a bunch of your content could be sitting there with 2 title tags, something that Google will both think is weird, some believe worthy of a penalty, and if nothing else, confusing when they're trying to rank your pages/posts.

So check it out and if you're techie enough, adjust your theme code or if not, time to switch to a new theme.

Hope this is helpful

#blog #careful #check #themes
  • Profile picture of the author tresfavian
    Would like to know how to check this if it's happening on your site?
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    • Profile picture of the author AndrewHansen
      Just bring up one of your blog posts on the web and right click and go View Source... do a ctrl + F and search "Title" and see if you can find 2 title tags.


      More Affiliate Marketing & SEO Strategy For Free Than Most Courses Will Give You If You Pay...

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  • Profile picture of the author amitjain
    Yes I found that problem in few of my blog sites. But I changed the plugin and the problem was solved.
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    • Profile picture of the author tresfavian
      Andrew, thanks for the tip. This is only concerning the main title tag
      <title> description <title> you just don't want this doubled. Because I can keep going and find titles in link rel= and my other page titles etc etc.
      If you know what I mean here. This is concerning main title?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1844578].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author AndrewHansen
        Yeah you're right, the main page title, not the other titles.


        More Affiliate Marketing & SEO Strategy For Free Than Most Courses Will Give You If You Pay...

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        • Profile picture of the author TinkBD
          Thanks for the heads up on this as well as explaining about using Control F in source. I didn't know that trick! LOL

          I just checked one of my Artisteer sites and I am happy to report that Artisteer 2.3 seems OK. ;-)

          I haven't published yet using Artisteer 2.4, so I don't know whether it is OK or not.

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  • Profile picture of the author scrofford
    Thanks Andrew. Mine seems to be fine, but that would not be a good thing to have going on! I would think it would screw up everything.
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  • Profile picture of the author CodeLab
    Thank you.
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