How I obtain payment details to pay affiliates?

by Melani
5 replies
Hi Guys,

My product runs a little differently and isn't sold on a 'once off' basis. The payment system isn't run through Clickbank as it's coded right into the website, however I still want to be able to pay affiliates.

How would I go about collecting Paypal addresses from those sending members to pay them? Apart from just out and out asking them, is there a better way?

At the moment the payments will be made manually, so I need to know their details.
#affiliates #details #obtain #pay #payment
  • Profile picture of the author Janet Sawyer
    Originally Posted by Melani View Post

    Hi Guys,

    My product runs a little differently and isn't sold on a 'once off' basis. The payment system isn't run through Clickbank as it's coded right into the website, however I still want to be able to pay affiliates.

    How would I go about collecting Paypal addresses from those sending members to pay them? Apart from just out and out asking them, is there a better way?

    At the moment the payments will be made manually, so I need to know their details.
    What affiliate program are you using?
    I think the key to the asnwer is in that.

    Your question is somewhat confusing to say the least.

    You state you don't use clickbank.
    So where are you recruiting your affiliates and what program are you using?
    If it's paydotcom then their system will take care of it and you just download the mass pay file once a month and then pay them through your paypal account.

    If it's another program, then get in touch with them and ask them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Melani
    I'm not using any affiliate programs. It's a built in system that tracks site referrals. It's not run by someone else, it's built into the core of my site.

    That's why I need to collect details manually as I am still working on the coding the do it automatically.
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    • Profile picture of the author Josh Anderson
      You are going about this all wrong.

      Doing this manually will not work, not be accurate, and quickly get away from you.

      You need a professional affiliate management solution and if you do not have experience developing or writing them I suggest you choose one that is already set up to do what you need...

      Generally the most effective ones are either part of an ecommerce automation system or have an api that you can integrate with whatever you are using or developing.

      Frankly it sounds to me what you are currently creating/using is...

      A nightmare.

      Originally Posted by Melani View Post

      I'm not using any affiliate programs. It's a built in system that tracks site referrals. It's not run by someone else, it's built into the core of my site.

      That's why I need to collect details manually as I am still working on the coding the do it automatically.
      The way to collect the affiliate payment info is to ask them for it when they sign up for your affiliate program to promote you. If you don't have it now the only way get it is to ask them.

      Check out the features listed on the bottom this page that detail what a professional affiliate management solution that is fully automated can do for your business.

      Additionally you are going to have to collect a form w9 from every single one of those people whom you intend to pay and issue 1099 at the end of the year if they earn over $600.
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  • Profile picture of the author Melani
    Thanks for that link, I will check it out.

    Basically what I'm organising at the moment based on referring other members. I have the system set up already to give every member an individual link that tracks who they refer. The next step is to reward them. It's hard to fully explain it as everytime I say too much my thread's get deleted for self promotion. So trying to explain without giving much info is hard.

    I have it set up to track who refers who. I'm just not sure the best way to finish it off. I was thinking of using Paypal to do a single mass payment at the end of each month.

    None of my membership sites rewarded affiliates with actual cash payments so this step is new to me.
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    • Profile picture of the author Josh Anderson
      You can disregard this last part since you are in Australia and not United States:

      Additionally you are going to have to collect a form w9 from every single one of those people whom you intend to pay and issue 1099 at the end of the year if they earn over $600.
      I did not notice you are in AU. Though I bet AU has some requirements as well for tax reporting on affiliate payments.

      Originally Posted by Melani View Post

      Thanks for that link, I will check it out.

      Basically what I'm organising at the moment based on referring other members. I have the system set up already to give every member an individual link that tracks who they refer. The next step is to reward them. It's hard to fully explain it as everytime I say too much my thread's get deleted for self promotion. So trying to explain without giving much info is hard.

      I have it set up to track who refers who. I'm just not sure the best way to finish it off. I was thinking of using Paypal to do a single mass payment at the end of each month.

      None of my membership sites rewarded affiliates with actual cash payments so this step is new to me.
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