Quick question: Converting word to pdf but links won't work... its urgent

by Maddi
14 replies
Hey everyone,

I was wondering if you could help me with something stupid and simple.

I'm converting a file from .doc format to pdf but the links in the doc format when converted to pdf don't seem to work except for my Blogs URL which is in the header of the document.

I've tried using different converters including Warrior pdf converter and Primo pdf. I've also tried using openoffice to convert to pdf but still same problem.

Only the link to my blog which is in the header of the document works but all the other hyperlinks don't. However, they do appear in Blue text as links but there is no clickability there :S

All your help to solve this problem is appreciated.

#converting #daft #links #pdf #question #word #work
  • Profile picture of the author JonMills
    Do it using Open Source product called " Open office " OpenOffice.org - The Free and Open Productivity Suite This will do it, it's what i use
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    • Profile picture of the author Kat Bartone
      Do what Jon says. It's fast and easy. Open Office rocks.

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  • Profile picture of the author Maddi
    yea I man I thought so too. But still the links don't work when converting from open office. I've mentioned using open office in the first post too.

    Any other ideas?

    Thanks for the help...

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  • Profile picture of the author LilBlackDress
    Hi there

    A very easy to use and free PDF maker is eWriterPro. You should be able to google it and find it to download.

    Once you have it set up you can easily add documents, insert photos, insert links etc. I struggled through many paid and unpaid PDF makers before I found eWriterPro.

    Works beautifully, is totally free and easy to understand. And best of all you get nice clickable, working links

    I just reread your post. I am not sure if the links would automatically convert or if you would have to highlight and reinsert the URL if you are plugging in a document. But it is very simple to work with and easy to make the links.

    Pen Name + 8 eBooks + social media sites 4 SALE - PM me (evergreen beauty niche)

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    • Profile picture of the author Kat Bartone
      Are you creating new links, or trying to just convert older (existing) ones?

      If the latter, something may be wrong with the link structure.

      If you haven't done so already, I'd try creating a test file in OO writer, create a hyperlink in it, and convert to PDF. If that works for you, it suggests something is wrong with the linking structure in the document you're trying to convert.

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  • Profile picture of the author roxstar
    I have two favourite ways of doing this. I either download a Google Doc in the form of a PDF, or I go to Doc2PDF.net which always seems to keep my links intact.

    Good luck!

    PS. They're both free
    Kris Roxas - Founder of Incredible Wind Media and Restless Events. Restless Events is the fastest-growing corporate launch events company in Canada. You can find me on Twitter and Facebook.
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  • Profile picture of the author philsquires
    If you have a MAC?

    I was reading the WSO Bible today and David was saying that Pages (part of iWorks) will do the job...

    I help successful companies who are winning in business to leverage the power of the internet to win bigger. I work with my clients to increase lead flow, increase revenue and increase profit.

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  • Profile picture of the author JonMills
    your doing something wrong with your link itself then matey as open office works 100% of the time
    http://www.thecopywriterwhisperer.com/ Persuasion at it's best!
    http://www.affiliateorganizer.com/ Organize your entire online business - Super affiliates give it the thumbs up!
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  • Profile picture of the author Gary King
    Originally Posted by Maddi View Post

    Hey everyone,

    I was wondering if you could help me with something stupid and simple.
    Maddi, it's not always simple. ;-)

    If you've tried several methods as you suggest and the links still aren't working, then it's most likely a formatting problem as Kat Bartone suggests...

    1 - the link that DOES work isn't formatted properly (e.g. it's not "closed") so the other links don't know to be active

    2 - the links that DON'T work are not formatted properly

    Open a copy of your word doc and try to visit the links themselves FROM the doc. Do they work? If not, go into the properties of them and update the links themselves, then try the pdf again.

    Hope it helps!


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  • Profile picture of the author Maddi
    Cheers guys for your response.

    I've managed to get it done now. The problem was when using openoffice if was converting it into pdf using any pdfconverter such as freepdf, primopdf or warrior pdf converter it didn't work but converting from within openoffice to pdf without using any external script worked just fine.

    Thanks for all your help guys. Appreciate it.
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  • Profile picture of the author candicecao
    There's a easy and free way, just go to docs.google.com, click the upload button to upload your pdf file. Remember to check the option "Convert text from PDF or image files to Google Docs documents" before you click the "start upload" button. After the upload is done you can find the converted file on your Google Docs, now copy the texts to an empty word file, done! With this method you can also convert pdf to ppt if you copy the converted tsts to your empty ppt file.
    Or you can simply use a PDF to word converter which will save you a lot of time and trouble. Oh and If you're using mac there should be a different tool. To find out how to convert pdf to word for mac you can also go to adobe's website to ask for help.
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  • Profile picture of the author sanjx01
    Simple fix.

    Download open office.

    Open the document in there. (you will need to re-format in some cases)

    Then export to PDF.

    Hope that helps!

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  • Profile picture of the author jaiganeshv
    This happened to me when i used cutepadf (a free software)

    But when i opened the doc in Google docs and saved as PDF from Google Docs all the links were clickable..

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