Any affiliate success story on physical products?

36 replies
I know the main difference between dropship and affiliate, but could anybody tell me: Is there any successful story ro cases to make an affiliate program that selling physical products rather than online content??
#affiliate #physical #products #story #success
  • Profile picture of the author Derek Allen
    I had some success with amazons affiliate program a little while back. I sold digital camcorders and digital cameras.
    My Blog + Cool Stuff>> Self Made CEO
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  • Profile picture of the author Gor Gor
    Deezy,how is it work actually? I just know the mechanism of Dropship, but I don't know the working of affiliate program on physical products.
    What you have to do is Sales, Sales and Sales

    What you have to do is Quality, Quality and Quality!
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  • Profile picture of the author Ernie Lo
    Yes with Amazon products! For the first time in 5+ years of me trying to make it online things are starting to work.

    I have a conversion rate of approx 15+% on Amazon...dont know now good that is....but I aint complaining

    It works, so just start doing it, good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author bobgabon
    Hi Sara,

    How do it full time at Amazon? I am just starting out on Amazon, what is your advice and should i do to see a light at the end of the tunnel?

    Thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author Gor Gor
    Thx for the advice!

    Is that we can work out affiliates for selling physical products to earn money in Clickbank or Squidoo?? It is because I just saw those e-books or content selling through these two gateways but I can't find any selling physical products.

    If it does, how?
    What you have to do is Sales, Sales and Sales

    What you have to do is Quality, Quality and Quality!
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  • Profile picture of the author tommygadget
    I made my first buck with affiliate programs a day after I read Niche Marketing On Crack. Still works today.

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  • I make most of my online income through promoting physical products on Amazon. They have an easy affiliate programme to understand and getting going with, plus you have a huge advantage when promoting, in that most people already have an Amazon account and are happy to buy from them.

    Get My Exclusive Online FAST Start Training
    Totally FREE For A Limited Time - No Email Optin Required

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  • Profile picture of the author Sean Ski
    Yeah there's a lot of physical product affiliate programs like amazon, ebay,, etc... But a lot of marketers sometimes have their first big success with selling guru products... Those $2k physical info products, they usually cut the commission right down the middle so its a smooth grand each sale
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennismw
    I agree that amazon has a great affiliate program, especially for those just starting out... The thing thats good about physical products is that the keywords and extremely targeted, not a lot of competition, and good search volume.. It's usually not hard to get your squidoo lens (or other method) on the 1st page of google if you choose the right product.. This is how I made my first sale online and I still use this method quite a bit!

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    • Profile picture of the author Spot the Ball
      Same here, I use Amazon and conversions are good or they were... google is now leading me on a merry dance after all my backlinks kicked in at the same time and Id just done a fair bit of social bookmarking about 24 hours earlier.

      Quite a disturbing feeling .. but I know its all in a good cause and Ill be back to normal hopefully soon.
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    • Profile picture of the author Success With Dany
      Originally Posted by Dennismw View Post

      I agree that amazon has a great affiliate program, especially for those just starting out... The thing thats good about physical products is that the keywords and extremely targeted, not a lot of competition, and good search volume.. It's usually not hard to get your squidoo lens (or other method) on the 1st page of google if you choose the right product.. This is how I made my first sale online and I still use this method quite a bit!

      Why does promoting Amazon mean there is not a lot of competition?

      There must be thousands of Amazon affiliates, no?
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      • Profile picture of the author Spot the Ball
        Originally Posted by Success With Dany View Post

        Why does promoting Amazon mean there is not a lot of competition?

        There must be thousands of Amazon affiliates, no?
        Pick a niche within a niche and target getting ranked for the keywords plus you will still be found from longtails and dont forget there are literally millions of products.

        You would need every man and his dog laser targetting every single product to make it difficult.
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        • Profile picture of the author Spot the Ball
          On top of this there are hundreds of new products hitting the market all the time.
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  • Profile picture of the author raylm123
    I almost solely promote physical products. I've just had more success with them. Plus, I find that there is a lot less competition for the products I've chosen.

    I, too, started with Amazon and then moved on to CJ as well as some companies that have their own in-house affiliate programs.

    Definitely, do not rule out physical products!
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    • Profile picture of the author Spot the Ball
      Originally Posted by raylm123 View Post

      I almost solely promote physical products. I've just had more success with them. Plus, I find that there is a lot less competition for the products I've chosen.

      I, too, started with Amazon and then moved on to CJ as well as some companies that have their own in-house affiliate programs.

      Definitely, do not rule out physical products!
      Im looking at starting another site in the next couple of days but will try and find some higher ticket products from other sources away from amazon.

      Im sure there must be a ton of them out there, physical products deffinately sell well once you can get the traffic coming through and all that is, is just being methodical and plenty of hard work to get higher rankings... nothing mystical.
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      • Profile picture of the author Daniel Brock
        Three words: physical products rock.

        They literally sell themselves.

        No need to go through some long extravagant pre-sales process.

        They get my vote.
        Clickbank #1 Best Seller: The Deadbeat Super Affiliate.
        Click here to learn how to make money online in your bath robe and gym socks!
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        • Profile picture of the author Jacob Martus
          Originally Posted by Daniel Brock View Post

          Three words: physical products rock.

          They literally sell themselves.

          No need to go through some long extravagant pre-sales process.

          They get my vote.
          Listen to this guy right here about Amazon. If you've got some extra money I highly recommend the product in his sig. The one I'm referring to is complete IM newbies goes from 0 to 126$/day in 4 months. This was the first IM product I bought and it was absolutely worth it.

          Daniel walks you through the entire process from: choosing a product, keyword research, installing wordpress, setting wordpress up correctly for SEO, and then expanding. He covers every aspect required to get you earning money.

          1 month after reading and applying what I learned in his book I was making money. Not a lot but about $100 a month, from my very first website. So, you can definitely learn from him.

          If you can't afford his product, he posted a good thread here about getting started with Amazon's affiliate program.

          Anyway, I hope that helps and Amazon is where its at. The cool thing about Amazon is you can send a customer there intending to buy a comforter and they leave with an entire bedroom set...and you get paid for everything they bought...not just the comforter.

          Hope that helps.

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  • Profile picture of the author michael_nguyen
    Yep physical products work well. I have a few sites that do very well complete auto pilot. Literally set and forget. Been nearly 9-10 months since I did anything to those sites. You just need a system in place to make it work.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gor Gor
    That sounds great!! Thanks dudes!! I may work out some products later as I can source the niche products quite easily in China.

    I think my first action is find a niche market, and then pick an appropriate platform like ebay, amazon or CJ that allowed the revenue share when the sales done.
    Now I know Amazon, ebay, CJ, Squidoo about the affiliates on phyiscal products.

    Is that more option I can use?

    I have read the google affiliate, but I still duno google's mechanism. I think it didn't have any shopping cart available, how could they use affiliate on phyiscal goods like which is a shopping site? Anyone know it?
    What you have to do is Sales, Sales and Sales

    What you have to do is Quality, Quality and Quality!
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    • Profile picture of the author Spot the Ball
      Originally Posted by Gor Gor View Post

      That sounds great!! Thanks dudes!! I may work out some products later as I can source the niche products quite easily in China.

      I think my first action is find a niche market, and then pick an appropriate platform like ebay, amazon or CJ that allowed the revenue share when the sales done.
      Now I know Amazon, ebay, CJ, Squidoo about the affiliates on phyiscal products.

      Is that more option I can use?

      I have read the google affiliate, but I still duno google's mechanism. I think it didn't have any shopping cart available, how could they use affiliate on phyiscal goods like which is a shopping site? Anyone know it?
      Hi Gor Gor,

      If Im not mistaken, you are talking about dropshipping maybe ??

      As far as I can gather here, everyone in this thread is talking about just putting links into their sites/posts/articles with a affiliate link so when someone clicks on that they are sent directly to the merchant and you earn a commision from the sale.

      Its more or less auto-pilot once it is set up meaning you do not need to intervine or do anything otherwise to recieve your due payment.

      Its totally hands free, although dropshiping is Ok it is a lot more time intensive than the above mentioned methods and would probably require more research than what is in this thread.

      Just thought I would post this so your not mistaking what most are generally talking about in this thread, wouldnt want you jumping into anything blind.
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  • Profile picture of the author michael_nguyen
    Just remember its all good TRYING to sell physical products but the people selling it must be able to convert. Eg Amazon will probably get the sale vs a normal site.
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  • Profile picture of the author laurenceh
    Here's a question for you amazonian affiliates. You choose a led tv, a video camera and a kindle system to promote. Do you throw up one site/blog with all 3 products or 3 seperate?

    Also are you using actual domains or just blogs/squidoo etc?

    Not looked into Amazon that much but maybe missing a good stream of income!
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    • Profile picture of the author stevecl
      Originally Posted by laurenceh View Post

      Here's a question for you amazonian affiliates. You choose a led tv, a video camera and a kindle system to promote. Do you throw up one site/blog with all 3 products or 3 seperate?

      Also are you using actual domains or just blogs/squidoo etc?

      Not looked into Amazon that much but maybe missing a good stream of income!
      This thread may help

      I started with nothing and still have most of it left!

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  • Profile picture of the author Skribblez
    Good question. Does anyone know of any physical product affiliate program directories?
    STYLE BAKERY | Style Baked Fresh Daily
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    • Profile picture of the author Kev Stevenson
      Question for UK guys

      Do you use amazon com or UK? caps earnings at £7 per sale, any cap on .com?

      I used to make some £'s on UK before they started to cap earnings...

      I had a 10% conversion, PPC direct to Amazon product page, 10p per click, £10 per sale!
      £1 PPC = £9 profit! Aah, those were t'days... not permitted any more.

      If you do use Amazon US, do you adapt spellings etc (e.g. parts & labor - not labour)?

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  • Profile picture of the author JonMills
    99% of my income comes from being an affiliate for Physical products of companies.

    Check out,, linkshare, google network etc there are tons of physical products

    As for google network it works the same as cj. You signed up, apply to be an affiliate for a company, they provide you with links to products/images/banners etc and you build your site around that. Google then pays you, now which is combined with your adsense payment.
    Signature Persuasion at it's best! Organize your entire online business - Super affiliates give it the thumbs up!
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    • Profile picture of the author Russell Bolding
      Okay, I've sort of skimmed this thread (I know, shame on me ;P LOL!) but it really has struck a chord with me and maybe you all can give me a few ideas.

      I started following this video (Free Video: How To Make Money In 20 Minutes With No Money by Suzi Phillips) and trying to make money promoting yet another of my many failed attempts with digital products... and with Twitter no less. As I was thinking this morning, "everything you know is wrong" and I thought,"Who's going to pay $197 for a product to help teach them about making money online with Twitter?", when most of the people I sent my tweets to looked like they could barely afford to pay rent or they lived with their parents.

      So, I've come here, looking for answers. I have an Amazon affiliate account and, thanks to Andy Jenkins, I've been revived with the thought of selling physical products, by way of video. He shows in one of three videos he did recently how he made a video for the Kodak Zi8 (which I own and love BTW) and showed how you can send that video out all over using TubeMogul. (phew!)

      So, here's my question. How can (if at all possible) someone make videos like this, with sound, narration, music, effects and images, and sell these products online? How did you all make your "vast fortunes" with Amazon? Anybody wanna PM me or even e-mail me with your deep knowledge on the subject? I'll dance at your weddings and give you lots of wooden nickels ('cos that's about all I'm good for at the moment). Thanks for all of your replies in advance. (This Twitter stuff is for the birds... an hour a day that has both robbed me of my time and yielded zip for results)
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      • Profile picture of the author jan roos
        Originally Posted by Russell Bolding View Post

        Okay, I've sort of skimmed this thread (I know, shame on me ;P LOL!) but it really has struck a chord with me and maybe you all can give me a few ideas.

        I started following this video (Free Video: How To Make Money In 20 Minutes With No Money by Suzi Phillips) and trying to make money promoting yet another of my many failed attempts with digital products... and with Twitter no less. As I was thinking this morning, "everything you know is wrong" and I thought,"Who's going to pay $197 for a product to help teach them about making money online with Twitter?", when most of the people I sent my tweets to looked like they could barely afford to pay rent or they lived with their parents.

        So, I've come here, looking for answers. I have an Amazon affiliate account and, thanks to Andy Jenkins, I've been revived with the thought of selling physical products, by way of video. He shows in one of three videos he did recently how he made a video for the Kodak Zi8 (which I own and love BTW) and showed how you can send that video out all over using TubeMogul. (phew!)

        So, here's my question. How can (if at all possible) someone make videos like this, with sound, narration, music, effects and images, and sell these products online? How did you all make your "vast fortunes" with Amazon? Anybody wanna PM me or even e-mail me with your deep knowledge on the subject? I'll dance at your weddings and give you lots of wooden nickels ('cos that's about all I'm good for at the moment). Thanks for all of your replies in advance. (This Twitter stuff is for the birds... an hour a day that has both robbed me of my time and yielded zip for results)
        Send me an email at and I'll help you out to get started with Amazon if you so wish.


        I'll teach you how to make money like a Mamba.

        Sign up for the free money mambas newsletter!

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  • Profile picture of the author Mohammad Afaq
    I have made money with Amazon but because of the low commission rates I don't do it any more. I don't find it worth my time

    “The first draft of anything is shit.” ~Ernest Hemingway

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  • Profile picture of the author mikemcmillan
    I began my book selling career 20 years ago using the drop-shipping method. Books can be sold online this way, but I found it more profitable to sell them by direct mail. When I began, I located book publishers who would drop ship titles for a 50% discount. Many would send out free sample copies if you explained what you were doing.

    I put together a simple 4-page catalog on 17x11" paper which was then folded and put into an envelope. I had small display ads for about a dozen books on each side and an order form. I would only deal with publishers who would give at least a 50% discount. All books were in the work-from-home, money-making niche.

    I would then place classified ads in Star, Globe, National Enquirer, etc. asking for people to send for my free money-making catalog. I would then send my little catalog out to respondees and get orders. As I got orders I contacted the publishers with a check for 50% of the sales and the address they were to be shipped to. I know this sounds old-school today with the Internet, but I can assure you that people still make sh*t-whacks of money doing this.

    You can also use your classified ad to direct readers to a web site and make sales there electronically. You need to have a wide offering of books in a niche to make this work.

    There are also book overstock and remainder companies that will sell popular books for mere pennies on the dollar. These are great places to pick up bulk quantities of books to sell.

    A company to check out is Melvin Powers book site. He publishes a wide variety of books and he will drop ship almost any of them for a 50% discount. He has many money-making related titles. I got my start in this business by reading his How To Get Rich In Mail Order and it is still a great book today! His site is at...
    Melvin Powers Wilshire Book Company

    From there I graduated to bigger and bigger catalogs until I had an 80 page color catalog with hundreds of books. I rented mailing lists on peel and stick labels of opportunity seekers and mailed the catalogs to them using 3rd Class Bulk mail which saves a ton over 1st class mail. This does involve an investment in printing and postage--and there is the matter of designing a couple catalogs a year. I was sending out 80,000 catalogs a year and pulling well into six figures a year with it.

    I made more money buying and stocking books myself and that is an investment too, but one can start slowly and use the drop ship method if inventory is a problem. I then began writing and self-publishing my own books and I drop shipped those for some pretty big mail order companies who put them in their catalogs. Many of them sent out hundreds-of-thousands of catalogs a year to their lists. That was gravy.

    There are catalog book companies who cater to almost every niche. You can contact them with a sample copy of your book, a cover letter, and what I call a spec, sheet which describes the book, the target market, a sample blurb to put in their catalog, a discount rate, etc. I would regularly get orders for hundreds of books at a whack from some of these companies and some of my books sold for as much as $79 each.

    People don't think of selling books that way today, but I can assure you that people are making fortunes doing just that.

    Once you get some paper-and-ink type books of your own--one of the easiest, fastest ways to sell them is by doing call-in radio author interviews. Get a copy of Bacon's broadcast media at your library and you will find over 10,000 radio stations with names of key individuals, programming, Arbitron ratings, etc. Find talk format stations and give a call to the program director for the program you want. Have a web site set up telling about you and your book--make sure to have a bio page and a list of prospective questions the host can ask you. Offer to send the station a free copy if they book you.

    You don't need to be a big-time author to do this. "Average" people like you and me do this every day. Some people will do half a dozen 10 minute author interviews every day--it can be done.

    You must sound sharp when you talk to the program directors and be able to deliver a compelling reason why they should book you in 30 seconds. On smaller stations you may sell 2-3 copies of your book by mentioning your web site a few times--ebooks can be sold with this method as well. You must be entertaining on the air--that's what stations want--entertainment.

    A friend of mine, Alex Carroll, out in CA has sold well over 100,00 copies of his Beat The Cops book solely by doing such author interviews. When you start getting on bigger stations with Arbitron ratings of over 10 or so, your sales can take on a much more meaningful proportion in a hurry.

    I've done this over 100 times myself and I will vouch for its tremendous income producing potential. A few years ago a producer for ABC World News called me and I flew to Manhattan and did an author interview for one of my books which was aired on all 400+ affiliate stations. I sold a butt-whack of books within 12 hours--it does work. The only problem is that most people are afraid to try it.

    You can also Google up the Radio & TV Interview report. You can advertise your book and give info about yourself there. It costs a few hundred bucks, but they mail the publication out to over 5,000 program directors across the U.S. You are almost guaranteed of getting booked on a handful of stations, and if you do it right you may get booked for several dozen and hopefully you'll nail a few big stations.

    This is lethal!!!

    Done ranting--Mike

    I'll help you create a reputation-building evergreen product in any niche and launch it successfully!
    Check it out here.

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  • Profile picture of the author Christian York
    yep you can make a lot of money selling physical products.

    Become an affiliate at amazon and they take care of all the after sales details.
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