cheap traffic to your site offers

1 replies
Is PPV dead or dying because of all the newbs seeing the cheap traffic

Once you get into PPV it is instant traffic so very easy for newbs to get started

who her is still using ppv traffic
#cheap #offers #site #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author Yoel Cohen
    I don't think PPV traffic is dead. It's right that many newbies see it as cheap traffic, but if you don't know what you're doing with PPV, then you'll lose a lot of money.

    Some offers work grate with PPV, while others don't.

    It's just a wave which comes and goes with the latest launches.

    PPv also requires you to split test landing pages. I know many poeple will tell you that you can direct link and make a lot of money that way, but the only way I've made money with PPV is by testing and rotating offers.

    I strongly suggest very nice landing pages and using targets which are highly related, but then again it all depends on the offer.
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