Amazon books published in my name on my subjects but not by me!

32 replies
I just did a search on Amazon and found several books in my niche by ME....but i have nothing to do with them. Surely that's against TOS, copyright or something right?

I mean if i wrote a book "How to play Tennis" By Rodger Federer surely that cannot be legal?

Any idea what I can do here? I can't even find Amazon contact address.

#amazon #books #published #subjects
  • Profile picture of the author sloanjim
    anyone? This is fraud right? I mean you can't go around writing books pretending to be someone else? I have just been in touch with amazon. don't they do any kind of cheacks in self publishing? So it seems anyone can pass off as anyone?

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  • Profile picture of the author R Hagel
    Are you sure there isn't another person in your niche with your name?

    I ask because we have multiple people just here on the WF with the same names -- like we have two copywriters named Ray Edwards. Yeah, both of them are copywriters.

    So check first to be sure that this isn't someone who shares your name.

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  • Profile picture of the author Bewley
    Originally Posted by sloanjim View Post

    I just did a search on Amazon and found several books in my niche by ME....but i have nothing to do with them. Surely that's against TOS, copyright or something right?

    I mean if i wrote a book "How to play Tennis" By Rodger Federer surely that cannot be legal?

    Any idea what I can do here? I can't even find Amazon contact address.

    Are you sure that there is not another person in your niche with the same name as you. Do they make reference to any website in the book? Is it yours? Are you well-known in your niche? Is it a good book? Are they using any of your materials in their book? Question, questions questions!


    Edit--- Becky beat me to it as regards to my first question.
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  • Profile picture of the author sloanjim
    No they are my books, reports and exact same titles. Many of the books I give away on my site to colelct email addresses etc. I am not called John Smith either... Believe me..that is not the case.

    If there's no legal outcome here you know what I am going to do?

    Write as many books as I can think of as pass my self off an expert:

    "How to win Grand slams" Rodger Federer
    "How to make million I.M." Internet guru
    "How to become a Movie Star" Tom Cruise

    (joking of course) surely I can't legally do this? Doesn't Amazon do some basic I.D. checks? It would be like a book called:

    "List Control for 2010" by Frank Kern.... and him knowing Zilch about this. Legal? My backside.

    They all seem to have come about the same time that WSO came out about publishing one book a day. Not blaming that W.S.O. But the scammer sdo seem to rush form one hot idea to the next. Better not be a Warrior. It's a scam and fraud and i'll get them removed.

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    • Profile picture of the author R Hagel
      Originally Posted by sloanjim View Post

      No they are my books, reports and exact same titles. Many of the books I give away on my site to colelct email addresses etc. I am not called John Smith either... Believe me..that is not the case.
      Then yes -- if they are reprinting YOUR intellectual property without you giving them explicit permission to do so, then it doesn't matter what they call themselves -- it's copyright infringement. And that's illegal.

      If you can provide proof that it's your material, then Amazon likely will take it down. And if you want to pursue this further, you'll need to talk to a lawyer.

      ETA: while I was typing my reply you said this:

      I hope delete all this and sue this t***
      While Amazon will likely delete it, they're not going to take further action. That's up to you to protect your intellectual property.
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  • Profile picture of the author sloanjim
    yeah naybe they have the same DNA as me as well

    Are you sure there isn't another person in your niche with your name?

    I ask because we have multiple people just here on the WF with the same names -- like we have two copywriters named Ray Edwards. Yeah, both of them are copywriters.

    So check first to be sure that this isn't someone who shares your name.
    They more then share my name they share my books,reports, titles, descriptions. not just in my main niche but also in every other little niche off it. Wow....what a coincidence that would be. 1,0000,00000,00000,00 :1 I think but yeah maybe I should keep an open mind in case.

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  • Profile picture of the author sloanjim
    Apparently I made $1.4 Million in one niche and $2,5M illion in another last year from my bedroom. I wish...

    You it's fraud and lies and I hope delete all this and sue this t***

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1872134].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sloanjim
    oh and how exactly do I do this?

    While Amazon will likely delete it, they're not going to take further action. That's up to you to protect your intellectual property.

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    • Profile picture of the author R Hagel
      Originally Posted by sloanjim View Post

      oh and how exactly do I do this?
      Get a lawyer.
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  • Profile picture of the author badboy_Nick
    Identity theft has criminal consequences ... so does theft of intellectual property. But you need to PROVE that you own the rights to that property. Go to a lawyer and contact Amazon. That usually works.
    Read my incredible story:
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  • Profile picture of the author sloanjim
    But didn't aamzon at least do some ID checks before allowiong this to happen? Either there is none or it's p*** poor. They have to take some blame here. I'll bet if i publsihed a book like

    hmmlet me think

    "How to be President in 5 years or less" Barack Obama

    and then the **** hit the fan they'd face big legal trouble for letting that one through. They can't just let anyone say anything can they?

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    • Profile picture of the author Sydp
      Originally Posted by sloanjim View Post

      But didn't aamzon at least do some ID checks before allowiong this to happen? Either there is none or it's p*** poor. They have to take some blame here. I'll bet if i publsihed a book like

      hmmlet me think

      "How to be President in 5 years or less" Barack Obama

      and then the **** hit the fan they'd face big legal trouble for letting that one through. They can't just let anyone say anything can they?
      Amazon isn't responsible to check patents or copyright for items sold through their system. That would not be a viable business model.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1872184].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author R Hagel
        Originally Posted by Sydp View Post

        Amazon isn't responsible to check patents or copyright for items sold through their system. That would not be a viable business model.
        Exactly. They'd have to charge $300 a book just to cover their legal fees.

        Seriously though, it doesn't work that way. Just like your newspaper doesn't call up every single person who places an ad to make sure everything is on the up and up. And just like Allen here on the WF couldn't possibly check every WSO to make sure it's legal and not PLR material.

        Just can't be done. So individual intellectual property owners need to police their own markets to make sure no one is infringing on their rights.

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      • Profile picture of the author mmurtha

        Oh man, sorry this has happened to you ...

        They would stop at nothing if it brings in a few bucks. If it were me, I would get my lawyer to look into it, and if need be, draw up the necessary paperwork to at least stop Amazon from publishing the works, and that thief. I'm not much on suing people, but I'm not saying I wouldn't given the right situation. This might be one of those situations if proven.

        Originally Posted by Sydp View Post

        Amazon isn't responsible to check patents or copyright for items sold through their system. That would not be a viable business model.
        No, but they are liable when someone is using their business/site to commit fraud! That's already been proven in court several times.
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  • Profile picture of the author sloanjim
    OK i am not that fussed about taking legal action......I just want it all taking down and some re-assurance that amazon will at least make this a little tougher next time.

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  • Profile picture of the author sloanjim
    well how about actually checking I.D's I'll bet my life this guy was not called me..... Doesn't it at least call for a name, address and signature?

    So....I can publish anything under anyones name?

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1872195].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author R Hagel
      Originally Posted by sloanjim View Post

      So....I can publish anything under anyones name?
      Of course not.

      Just because the guy ahead of you does 65 in 30 -- and doesn't get caught -- doesn't make what he's doing any less illegal. And it doesn't make it all right for you to put the pedal to the metal.

      Same thing here -- just because someone doesn't get caught infringing on someone's copyright doesn't make it legal for you to do the same thing.

      ETA: I am not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV, and none of this is legal advice. If you want to get into the legalities of all this, again, it's best to talk to a lawyer.
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  • Profile picture of the author P.Sharma
    there is an amazon contact us page.
    Try this :

    1-866-216-1072 to use our automated customer service system.

    International customers can reach us at 1-206-266-2992. Charges may apply.
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  • Profile picture of the author sloanjim
    ok but on one hand you seem to be saying "well if has copied your materials it's illegal"

    BUT what if they are riding on your name? Say I write a book on Internet Marketing and publish it unde rmy "pen name of John Reese at Amazon.... Over the line? Illegal? OK? I'll bet he wouldn't be happy about it. Nor would I. (just an example)

    I for one think it's wrong. This guy has done both. Blatanly copied my books/reports but also wrote generic materials in my niche using my name. That as well cannot be right?

    I know who it is as well. He used to be a Warrior not sure if he still is or hiding under a pen name. This Pen name gives trouble like this. People start to think it's fine to pretend to be someone else.

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  • Profile picture of the author sloanjim
    yes but the big problem is taking action from the UK against someone in the USA isn't easy. Many people would love to but shy away from the costs and risks. If I was in the USA I would be with a lawyer now.

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  • Profile picture of the author sloanjim
    Thx it's exactly what I was trying to get across. Man...what a day. Did I run over a black cat last night? I think I'll go to the pub and drink a few double Scotche's. I've never had a worse day in business. Days like this I wish I was a train driver.

    No, but they are liable when someone is using their business/site to commit fraud! That's already been proven in court several times.

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    • Profile picture of the author rjaf
      Buy a copy. Then post a "review" saying that the dirtbag has stolen your stuff.

      Then go legal - and mean it.

      Amazon will back down.

      Check that the b*stard's not swamped ezine/etc. with copies (spun/unspun), too, and get legal with them if he has. With any luck, the perp will find it hard to do much in future.

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    • Profile picture of the author mmurtha
      Originally Posted by sloanjim View Post

      Thx it's exactly what I was trying to get across. Man...what a day. Did I run over a black cat last night? I think I'll go to the pub and drink a few double Scotche's. I've never had a worse day in business. Days like this I wish I was a train driver.
      Yup, I bet you do!

      Btw, I have a very dear friend here who has the same name as your username. And no, I'm not kidding ...

      I almost forgot - another warrior posted a thread similar to yours last year or in 2008. You might try doing a search in the old forum for that thread to see if he found a resolution.
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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        I am assuming (always questionable) you have purchased the products in question and know for a fact they are yours.

        People can use any name they want so "using my name" isn't something you can take action on. "Using my name to sell my products without permission" is another thing.

        No they are my books, reports and exact same titles. Many of the books I give away on my site to colelct email addresses etc. I am not called John Smith either... Believe me..that is not the case.
        I would guess this is someone from here who bought one of the "sell on amazon" WSO's and hasn't enough brains to write his own book. He had your free books so there you go.

        Call Amazon - see what documentation they need - and get his products removed. Amazon can't do anything until they know about the problem.

        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author sloanjim
    OK Thx guys and girls. I've been in touch. so I can write a book on tennis and say it is written by Federer? wow imagine how many i'd sell?

    Btw, I have a very dear friend here who has the same name as your username. And no, I'm not kidding ...

    I almost forgot - another warrior posted a thread similar to yours last year or in 2008. You might try doing a search in the old forum for that thread to see if he found a resolution.
    R.O.F.L. that's unbeleivable. Don't sue me! I'd about kill someone right now if anything else happens today...

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    • Profile picture of the author Lee MacRae
      It is impossible for Amazon to check out ever single person who wants to submit a book. Now if the name on the book submitted was Rodger Federer, Tom Cruise or Barrack Obama then they would probably check because those people are already famous! No offense...maybe you are famous...just not in my house! LOL

      Funny but I was just listening to a radio host on a sports show who said someone on Twitter was impersonating him...maybe you should check to see if your alter ego is also twittering on your behalf!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author cashcow
    I've published a couple of books on there (MY books under MY name) and they don't check that you are who you say you are. Of course, publishing under pen names is done quite a bit and by big name writers so I guess that's why.

    Seems pretty weird to me that the person would want to use your name, I mean if they are going to steal your stuff then why not put their own name on it!

    Assuming that you haven't given away PLR rights or if you did that you specified that they cannot publish offline then I hope you can sue the pants off them!


    Oh - yeah and I'd like to add that it's this kind of stuff that will make it harder for anyone to legitimately publish a book on Amazon. Now all the lazies that have been stealing ebooks and website content to make a buck will be publishing the stuff left and right over there. Sooner or later Amazon will probably have to put up stricter controls.
    Gone Fishing
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Instead, they just fed it. There is a lot of junk on this forum lately, definitely. Did you report the thread?
      I wondered about that, too. Makes me wonder if this is one of those "totally newbie" types who would get a freebie and think he can't change the name - but can sell it?

      That's just wild.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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      • Profile picture of the author pappyy3
        File an Official Complaint to Amazon - They will remove the offending material, and perhaps ban the user.

        Although if they are doing this deliberately, they could potentially sign up using diffeent details, ip addresses etc.

        Definitely get someone with a legal background to provide an opinion of what you should do.
        A consultation will at least determine if it's worth pursuing


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  • Profile picture of the author Jack Duncan

    Is your name Trademarked in the US?

    Do you rememeber a few years ago, a guy by the name of Keith Urban had a website and was selling paintings "as if he was the singer Keith Urban"...

    The "real" Keith Urban took him to court, and tried to take away his domain name...

    The basis for his legal action was that his name was Trademarked.

    I don't know remember what the outcome of that case was...and it got really sticky for awhile because the domain was registered before Keith Urban filed his trademark registration...

    Anyway, if you feel there has been some trademark infringement, you'll want to get an attorney.

    All the best,
    Jack Duncan

    Edit: I should mention that NONE of the above deals with the possibility that you have a case of copyright infringement...if this individual indeed is using your content, titles, etc...
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