Affiliates who do good sales through a review/content site - Any tips?

by Altug
3 replies
Hey guys,

Hope everybody is well.

I am just about to change my html website over to wordpress - I am really starting to hate html now and I'd be happy if I never had to see anymore code again! (Although I know that isn't possible even with wordpress if I want to customize bits and pieces!)

I am going to have a complete template overhaul too but before I do that I just want to make sure I have a good list of tips to ensure I end up with a fairly good converting template.

My problems at the moment - Had 4 sales in a year and a half with 600 unique visitors a day.

Here are some reasons I can think of :

* Adsense on most pages
* 80%+ bounce rate, (possibly due to adsense again being in a prominent position
* Too much going on at once on the page - Too many options in the 3 column template - Too many traffic leaks
* Not enough visibility for my reviews (just small links and banners on the side bars)

I think those are the top 3 reasons. I believe my writing is fairly engaging - I studied English for my A levels many years ago and my tutor always told me my writing had personality so I hope that's not the problem.

So, for succesful people who have a content/review site : Do you have any tips for me to consider before I transfer my site to a new template?

If you are succesful, do you mind disclosing the general layout of your site? Is it a review site? 2 column/3 column? etc etc

Thanks a lot in advance everybody

#affiliates #good #review or content #sales #site #tips
  • Profile picture of the author Krisism
    Hi Altug,

    What does your site review and do you have a large number of content pages? Is your traffic driven by long-tail terms or is the majority of it landing on one page like the homepage?

    Depending on the route your visitors are coming in, you'll need to tailor the pages and get that bounce rate down. If the traffic is mostly landing on your homepage, one easy solution is to strip the front page of advertisements and give your unique content prominent placement. You then can lead them into content pages with related adsense, hopefully resulting in a higher conversion.

    Alternately, if traffic is coming in through long-tail phrases and landing on the unique content pages - then you have a few options. You can remove ads/prominent ads from these pages and build an internal framework that drives traffic to revenue generating pages. An example of this would be to include a small copywriten paragraph at the end of unique posts saying something like "Check out my free resource section for _______," where you can offer free content of your choice related to the ads you want served.

    Another option with your traffic is to monetize it a completely different way - CPC advertising is not the only option. You could select key articles/reviews of yours and write some short, crafty sales pitches to a related affiliate product. A recommendation is considered 15x more persuasive than an advertisement

    If you want to avoid on-page pitches you can invite them to opt-in to your mailing list, offer them some free and valuable content and attach your sales pitches there. If you have the chance to personally buy and review a product, your own review will be more trustworthy and this can result in some great recurring sales.

    Hope this gives you some ideas - feel free to PM me I'd love to chat.

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    • Profile picture of the author Altug
      Thanks Kris, good advice!

      It is an evergreen niche - fitness to be exact!

      Most of my traffic is actually coming to two or three pages. Two of my most popular are celebrity workouts. I've tried monetising these pages with, "if you want to look like *insert celebrity* here - check out my review of *****" at the top of the page. Maybe I should put this at the bottom or middle of the page after they've read some content?

      I do get a lot of long tail as well though. I'd say my homepage is about the 3rd or 4th most visited page. I should really use it to funnel my visitors better.

      My reviews are way too long as well. I thought I'd be thorough and offer good content but I know visitors don't like reading so much text. All of my reviews are done honestly and genuinely after reviewing the product.

      Thanks! Most of it is up there, I just gotta put it into motion and thought I'd get some extra tips

      Good looking out! Thanks again.
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  • You are looking at what you think is the problem. Look at what you are doing from a customers perspective.

    Are you tracking anything? Do you know why your pages get traffic (and what brought them there), what gets clicked on, what pages people leave from.

    If you want to make money you have to fully understand that everything you do should focus on the visitor/customer.

    Changing the format won't change that.... just makes it easier to maintain.

    People can see through reviews of products that are written by people who don't actually use or own them.

    I don't write reviews about things I don't actually use. But that's my method and it works for me.
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