Problem with Article Friendy article directory

19 replies
Tried to login to my admin and got a "missing license key" error.

It seems that the article friendly site and help forum are also down.

Anyone else having the same problem?
#article #directory #friendy #problem
  • Profile picture of the author hotftuna
    You are no help Marhelper!

    I have one web directory that is straight html with no script. Guys thought I was crazy not to convert to script driven but I naver have to worry about issues like this. As long as I own the domain, and have a copy of each page on my local drive, I can always keep the site operating. No script errors, no database errors.
    Signature ranks #1 for "human edited web directory"

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    • Profile picture of the author theimdude
      I just started using article friendly pro and very happy with the program but mine is also the same license error. The site is running but admin don't work. Not happy as the license sever should have backup. That is what makes me a bit mad as paying customers are suffering because of hackers. I might consider getting the non lisenced one and this won't happen. You interested in sharing the cost and this way you can do unlimited licenses.

      I thing the only difference is the search engine friendly links but that should be to difficult to change and add to the program

      So before all those come here and say get your own done - well if you can write a script with the options and quality for $50 then go for it.

      I am currently using a number of big mike's software and a few other licensed software that call home and wonder what will happen "if" these should just give up so doing a remote license is not the best model out there.
      Do you want 30 back-links in my PRIVATE BLOG network for ONLY $20 ???

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      • Profile picture of the author dljmktg1
        I have had similar problems with AF through the years to the point that I stopped using it.

        I switched to ArticleMS at articlems dot com quite a while back and have never had a problem. They just had a new update to the script. It's also the only article directory software I've used that gets relevant adsense ads 99% of the time.

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        • Profile picture of the author hotftuna
          Originally Posted by dljmktg1 View Post

          I have had similar problems with AF through the years to the point that I stopped using it.

          I switched to ArticleMS at articlems dot com quite a while back and have never had a problem. They just had a new update to the script. It's also the only article directory software I've used that gets relevant adsense ads 99% of the time.

          Thanks Dan,

          How are you doing with adsense on that site?

          My directory was getting 60k+ article views/week and I was making just about $15/week. I had 92k articles and the site has been around a few years.

          I decided to remove all but 9k articles related to finance. I'm going to keep to that niche.
 ranks #1 for "human edited web directory"

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          • Profile picture of the author PatriciaJ
            It happens now and again. I just click away and try again and it usually works, if not I leave it and try again in 30 minutes. The forum was up yesterday and it said that the owner Jan has been very ill but gradually getting back to things.
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            • Profile picture of the author Eric Lorence
              The forum is working now ...

              Usually you can ignore the redirect, close the browser window, then try again in a few minutes and it should work.
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          • Profile picture of the author dljmktg1
            Adsense is doing well. I average about 1 click per 9 views. But, as with anything else, it depends on the traffic you are getting. I have a bunch on niche sites with "for more articles on..." type of links pointing to that particular category. So that part of my traffic is highly targeted. And, the relevant ads help.


            Originally Posted by hotftuna View Post

            Thanks Dan,

            How are you doing with adsense on that site?

            My directory was getting 60k+ article views/week and I was making just about $15/week. I had 92k articles and the site has been around a few years.

            I decided to remove all but 9k articles related to finance. I'm going to keep to that niche.
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            • Profile picture of the author dmpeterson

              I use Article Friendly Pro and love it. The only problem I have is like you I occasionally get the license issue. That's because Article Friendly Pro must call home to verify the license before you can log in to the admin area. Once in a while the license server will go down and until it is restarted Article Friendly can't call home.
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              • Profile picture of the author hotftuna
                Originally Posted by dmpeterson View Post


                I use Article Friendly Pro and love it. The only problem I have is like you I occasionally get the license issue. That's because Article Friendly Pro must call home to verify the license before you can log in to the admin area. Once in a while the license server will go down and until it is restarted Article Friendly can't call home.
                Yes. The problem was only for an hour and now I realize that the license server has to be up in order to access the admin.

                Not a great system from my point of view. It means that my site could be useless if the creator closes shop.
       ranks #1 for "human edited web directory"

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        • Profile picture of the author Success
          Originally Posted by dljmktg1 View Post

          I have had similar problems with AF through the years to the point that I stopped using it.

          I switched to ArticleMS at articlems dot com quite a while back and have never had a problem. They just had a new update to the script. It's also the only article directory software I've used that gets relevant adsense ads 99% of the time.

          Dan, did you import article friendly database into ArticleMS?

          Which is the best article directory script now?

          Which one has an importer that can import Article Friendly database?


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  • Profile picture of the author aruba
    I guess you can add Article Friendly (AF) to the list of AD scripts which have almost no support. There is a directory owner using AF who has been locked out for 2 months with no support (see the link below). See this ..

    Well, he (Jan, Article friendly owner) got married and moved, and I (Eric, another Moderator) had family and business issues as well so we haven't talked in a long while.
    I'm just bumping this so he can see it and respond to the matter.
    I knew he had some cart and paypal issues, but hopefully he can see this and respond today.

    Looks like many AF users are having licensing issues after buying AF Pro. I was planning tostart an article directory of my own, I will not be using Article Friendly now. Glad I waited before making my purchase.
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    • Profile picture of the author Eric Lorence
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          • Profile picture of the author hotftuna
            Originally Posted by articlegallery View Post

            Have Allen Says investigate the OP's IP and ban them please.

            This is horrible!
            By "OP", I hope you are not referring to me. I have not said squat about you.
   ranks #1 for "human edited web directory"

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            • Profile picture of the author Eric Lorence
              Originally Posted by hotftuna View Post

              By "OP", I hope you are not referring to me. I have not said squat about you.
              No not you ...

              Thank you articlegallery, and I apologize for jumping the gun.

              These threads are usually the same, with a bunch of people pointing fingers and flogging their wares.

              Anyone can pay an overseas coder a few hundred bucks to "develop" a cms/"article directory" - that's nothing new.

              Jan prides himself on support, and what's "seen" on the forum is different from what's going on behind the scenes thru support emails.

              He's a small business owner, and don't have a "team" of developers working tirelessly on the code, and since major surgery it's been a tough road.

              At the price point, the support is great - and thank you Allen for the thumbs up.
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              • Profile picture of the author Gallery Sites
                Originally Posted by hotftuna View Post

                By "OP", I hope you are not referring to me. I have not said squat about you.
                I'm so sorry, I meant the post from aruba not you as the original poster.
                Please accept my apology.

                Eric thought this might have been me in disguise, but it was NOT.
                I was too quick to come in here to defend myself and I failed to read every post thoroughly.

                The user 'aruba' is trying to stir up controversy, so let's move past it.

                For the record, the Article Friendly script has been great and Jan has provided top notch support for the last 2 years, so I highly recommend him and his product.
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  • Profile picture of the author Allen Graves
    I have been running multiple article directories using multiple scripts on multiple domains for multiple years. LOL I'm even running a very popular html (no script) version right now.

    Let's just say I've been around. And to date, I have not found a better script or better, more prompt support than Jan and Article Friendly...and I have (I think) used them all at one point or another.

    If I were laid up with staples in my chest and sitting through pain to give as much support as I could, I sure hope I would be praised for my efforts instead of having me and my product bashed at a completey unrelated Internet marketing forum that gets hundred of thousands of page views a day.

    The OP didn't even ask for how to resolve the issue. It just sounds like pure bashing to me. Sorry if that's not the case, but that's what it looks like. Same with Aruba's post.

    Nonetheless, the support I have received from Jan over the years has literally been stellar - hell, even before I was a client of his, he would respond to my questions and comments within MINUTES!

    This too shall pass.

    Allen Graves
    Every day I check the obituaries. If I don't see my name there, then I know it's going to be a good day!
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  • Profile picture of the author hotftuna
    "The OP didn't even ask for how to resolve the issue. It just sounds like pure bashing to me. Sorry if that's not the case, but that's what it looks like. Same with Aruba's post."

    I was not bashing. Simply wanted to know if I was having a problem with my site, or if it was AF wide.

    I like my AF directory. It get tons of traffic. I am concerned that it the license key server goes out, we can not access admin. Other than this concern, I would recommend the script.
    Signature ranks #1 for "human edited web directory"

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    • Profile picture of the author howinfo
      I have had missing license key error message few times but it always resolves itself just by closing the browser window. Other than that very happy with the script and support.
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