Ezine articles traffic stream has dried

24 replies
Warriors from fast few weeks i am noticing the traffic i used to get from ezine articles is cut to third. Actually i dont backlink most of my articles I just used to write a new one to get some more clicks from ezine directory only. But from past few weeks I am noticing that my articles are getting really less views like 5 or 13, while previously they used to get average of 80 to 150.

What should i do to get my article to get more views without backinking
#articles #dried #ezine #stream #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author Anoopchawla
    Okhey i understand, But what can i do to get more views. I can't just leave it up to them there must be some way.

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  • Profile picture of the author acrasial
    The traffic likely is not drained. Read this blog taken from blog.ezinearitcles.com:

    We're Separating the Humans from the Bots

    Our new "bot" detection technology means more accurate article view reports for you.
    If you checked your EzineArticles article reports recently, you might have noticed a slight change from the numbers you're accustomed to seeing. What the reports are showing you now is actually a more accurate profile of the traffic your articles are generating.

    After months of analyzing data, we have come up with a system that is more accurate in calculating actual "human" views versus "bot" views of your articles. This means the accuracy in the results is far more "real" and significantly reduces the number of false views from bots or scripts.
    In the past, when one of these automated devices accessed an article it would occasionally be recorded by our systems as a view from a real human being. We have placed a tremendous amount of effort into recognizing and ignoring these non-human hits. The effort has paid off and your traffic reports are now more accurate than ever!

    With our updated bot-detection technology, your article views will more accurately report how many times real human beings read your articles.
    To Find Your Article Reports
    1. Log in to your EzineArticles member account.
    2. Click on the "Author Tools" drop-down menu and select "View My Article Reports."
    3. If you're unclear about the statistical categories we use, look for easy explanations in the beige-colored copy block before your statistics

    ================================================== ============

    Therefore, it's likely that now you are actually seeing your REAL traffic, whereas before it may have simply been bots.

    if you do want more traffic, it's best not to waste any of the effort you have already put into your article marketing scheme, and you may want to actually try using back links now or other resources to increase traffic to these articles.

    Get them listed on the search engines, which may not be easy, but it's definitely worth a try, and is a way to continue getting residual income.

    If you want to know some ways, I would suggest that you search around the forum a bit, using the SEARCH function:

    A lot of tips/methods/ideas about traffic generation and article marketing have been discussed in great detail here on this forum. In fact, I may go out on a limb to say that it's one of the most discussed subjects on the main forum.

    About Article Marketing:

    But, that aside, there are plenty of ideas here in this thread (but you are advised to read this thread VERY CAREFULLY, and in it's entirety to truly understand the good tips from the bad ones)


    All in one thread about article marketing:


    Another thread discussing an article marketing challenge:


    Once again another thread discussing article marketing being put into practice:


    Related to Article Rewriting, but still related to article marketing:


    About back linking:
    Also, if you are too lazy to back link, you can try some CHEAP and effective back linking packages found here on the warrior forum. You must have heard about ANGELA'S backlinks by now, if not, you are now hearing about it.

    You can also hire or get someone to submit the back links for you, and I am not sure, but I think Angela also now offers back link submission service as well in the package.

    That is just one package I have personally used and tried, there are plenty of others. When I used her package, it was 5$ a month. That is EXTREMELY affordable.

    Link to Angela's services:


    More tips and a discussion about back linking related to Angela's package put into practice:

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  • Profile picture of the author WealthWinners
    Wow acrasial, thanks for such a great post and putting those extra links in! I was just searching because eza seems to be becoming much more strict and flagging my articles more now. They don't like the smaller articles, and actually are forcing me to tell people in my article more of the 'how' to do what the article title advertises as opposed to using the article to lead to my offer link.

    Really has been frustrating the last few weeks.
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    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Originally Posted by WealthWinners View Post

      Wow acrasial, thanks for such a great post and putting those extra links in! I was just searching because eza seems to be becoming much more strict and flagging my articles more now. They don't like the smaller articles, and actually are forcing me to tell people in my article more of the 'how' to do what the article title advertises as opposed to using the article to lead to my offer link.

      Really has been frustrating the last few weeks.

      Well, they had to crackdown because of so called "derivative" content. Other warriors may come in here and argue with you saying

      "Well why wouldn't you be writing about what the title says, that sounds shady....bla bla bla bla".

      But I won't judge there. Everyone has their own way of doing things, and yes, EzineArticles is suddenly not happy with that, because they want to be best friends with their pocket money suddenly.

      BUT, that aside, as long as you are using their website, you still have to play by their rules. If you do what they say long enough, they will however eventually upgrade you, or so I am told by my mentor.

      Some people are not patient enough for that, others are. I guess if you only have to submit a few articles once in a while that definitely can be a drag, and it's even more of a drag if you are trying to be more consistent with submission.

      As for the smaller articles, that comes alongside it, definitely, they are looking for articles that are 400 words or more now.

      I suggest you check out their blog: blog.ezinearticles.com

      In there they vaguely discuss the measures they took a while back, and how you can sortof get past that or get around it. Given these facts, you may also want to try other directories, although each directory is sort of having their own little limit contest going on between each other now.

      I guess it's just finding the one which can do the most for you, regardless of it's rules or implementation of those rules, or go all out, as RichJerksNet would tell you, and simply start doing all of the things on your own website(s).

      RichJerksJet discusses that frequently in his posts, and all over, so you may want to check out his posts too if that is something which you are considering doing now. He has commented a bit in this post on the matter:

      Article on site or EZA first ?

      Also, on a side note, if you're promoting in a very hot niche, or very competitive niche on EZA, they will definitely give you a harder time than if you were not. Some of these niches are the relationship niche, health niche, money making niche etc...

      Since these niches often have products which can convert like crazy, they ended up having an influx of crappy articles, till they finally had to put their foot down and make it more difficult for just any joe blow to come in and flood the niche some more.

      Also, if they believe your articles are "derivative", which they probably will just suggest that anyways, they will also slap you around a bit with that. But, if you stand your ground, they will eventually just be discriminating against someone, or they will say "ok, this person obviously means business and is serious", and will finally let you in. But ...of course...that's still forcing you to work on their terms.
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      • Profile picture of the author WealthWinners
        Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

        Well, they had to crackdown because of so called "derivative" content. Other warriors may come in here and argue with you saying

        "Well why wouldn't you be writing about what the title says, that sounds shady....bla bla bla bla".

        But I won't judge there. Everyone has their own way of doing things, and yes, EzineArticles is suddenly not happy with that, because they want to be best friends with their pocket money suddenly.

        Not sure what you mean by "derivative" content.

        But I will say this. I write all of my own. It isn't spun, it is all from me.

        I just made a different post about this on the main thread about what I am doing and asking if others were noticing the change.

        Thanks for the blog tip. I will definitely check it out and see if I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.

        I try to base all of my content on the title like the guidelines state. But even after that they are still flagging me saying that my content doesn't deliver on the title when it does. That is why I am really frustrated now.

        I knew ahead of time the premium doesn't do anything other than expedite the publishing process with no favoritism.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1900448].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author acrasial
          Originally Posted by WealthWinners View Post

          Not sure what you mean by "derivative" content.

          But I will say this. I write all of my own. It isn't spun, it is all from me.

          I just made a different post about this on the main thread about what I am doing and asking if others were noticing the change.

          Thanks for the blog tip. I will definitely check it out and see if I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.

          I try to base all of my content on the title like the guidelines state. But even after that they are still flagging me saying that my content doesn't deliver on the title when it does. That is why I am really frustrated now.

          I knew ahead of time the premium doesn't do anything other than expedite the publishing process with no favoritism.

          Alright, I answered your question/rant in your other thread you posted, and it's not what I mean by "derivative" but rather what ezinearticles means.

          They have posted about this on their blog some time back. What THEY mean by the use of the word derivative is this:

          Content which is re-hashed, or simply sounds too similar to what is already existing on their website.

          So for instance, if you head over to the weight loss niche on ezinearticles.com, and noticed that every other article had the following tips:

          --eat healthy
          --join a gym

          They would say that this is derivative content if it went like this:

          --Run around because it's good exercise, choose to be active everyday through exercise, take up a good exercise routine,
          --Eat healthy because it helps you lose weight, choose to eat healthy, eat healthy or you will only gain more weight
          --Join a gym so that you have a mentor, join a gym to target hard to reach fatty areas, join a gym to motivate yourself

          All of these points still say the same thing, in essence. This would be derivative content, saying the same thing over and over, only through other means.

          What they are asking for then, is for you to be more creative and generate new tips and ideas which are not already floating around on every website as of right now. Or at least be creative enough not to keep on repeating the same tips in your articles, or using the same tips that everyone seems to use.

          That's what it means. But honestly, can you please just read their blogs, then you will know exactly what I am talking about:


          It's discussed in the post entitled:
          From My Desk to Yours - 9th Edition

          It's also discussed on page 8 in DETAIL:

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          • Profile picture of the author x3xsolxdierx3x
            I need to ask this...

            I understand the search engine authority associated with Ezine Articles....it is a very established website that MANY use worldwide...

            however....as far as I understand, it doesn't even share a dime of revenue with users....

            In fact, I had read a post from a gentleman who said that he had contacted the owner of the site, asking how much revenue they shared with writers, on ALL their hosted advertisements, and he received a rather stern response along the lines of "Why should we share revenue? We already give people alot already...."

            .....this tells me that there is ALOT of space in this industry for websites that actually share revenue with writers....not only can a writer be incentivized to contribute a large amount of quality content (and, get paid a revenue share), but they can also benefit from the search engine authority....

            ....there are several other websites that are slowly, yet surely, chipping away at websites like Ezine....gradually taking market share and traffic....
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            • Profile picture of the author acrasial
              Originally Posted by x3xsolxdierx3x View Post

              however....as far as I understand, it doesn't even share a dime of revenue with users....

              Is this a question, a discussion, or a statement? Put it this way:

              You own a website which is making 10,000$ a month. People notice that it is making this kind of money, and they start to email you.

              You get all kinds of emails from people asking you to promote their products on your page as well (adswaps), and they also ask if you can show them how you did what you did (tell me your secrets), and they also ask you to do a joint venture (give me a chunk of your money buddy!).

              So you did all of this hard work to get your website running and going, and NOW people expect you to pay them and give your money away?

              Obviously that is not going to happen.

              Try to understand the FACT that EZINEARTICLES is a WEBSITE owned by SOMEONE. That SOMEONE created the website to earn a living in the first place!

              IT IS A BUSINESS. Now although it may not appear to be a business, because they do have a lot of potentially "free" customers who can join and get their articles reviewed and published for free, but they have adsense on every page.

              Therefore it is a business. You cannot seriously expect them, therefore, to literally hand out the revenue from their business, just because they make a lot of money.

              They are already giving other people the chance to make money using their business, because they are highly ranked. Now for some, that is not enough, and some people feel as if a chunk of their revenue is being ripped off by EZA with the ads and whatnot.

              HOWEVER, as long as you are posting your work on their website, and as long as you are dependent on them to keep your OWN business afloat, you really can't complain or can't ask them to give you a dime really.

              And does EZA have competition? DEFINITELY.
              Are they going to stay on top forever? Well that depends to them, right now they are trying really hard to get back on top. LOL.

              Are there other article submission/marketing websites beating them out, and doing more for their customers? Of course there are! But those websites are ALSO businesses too, so they too don't have to share any of their revenue with the people who use their website either.

              To me that just makes sense. If someone has adsense on their website, they want to make money, and obviously wouldn't be too thrilled if everyone started asking them for a share in that money. That just sounds ridiculous.
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              • Profile picture of the author x3xsolxdierx3x
                Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

                Is this a question, a discussion, or a statement? Put it this way:

                You own a website which is making 10,000$ a month. People notice that it is making this kind of money, and they start to email you.

                You get all kinds of emails from people asking you to promote their products on your page as well (adswaps), and they also ask if you can show them how you did what you did (tell me your secrets), and they also ask you to do a joint venture (give me a chunk of your money buddy!).

                So you did all of this hard work to get your website running and going, and NOW people expect you to pay them and give your money away?

                Obviously that is not going to happen.

                Try to understand the FACT that EZINEARTICLES is a WEBSITE owned by SOMEONE. That SOMEONE created the website to earn a living in the first place!

                IT IS A BUSINESS. Now although it may not appear to be a business, because they do have a lot of potentially "free" customers who can join and get their articles reviewed and published for free, but they have adsense on every page.

                Therefore it is a business. You cannot seriously expect them, therefore, to literally hand out the revenue from their business, just because they make a lot of money.

                They are already giving other people the chance to make money using their business, because they are highly ranked. Now for some, that is not enough, and some people feel as if a chunk of their revenue is being ripped off by EZA with the ads and whatnot.

                HOWEVER, as long as you are posting your work on their website, and as long as you are dependent on them to keep your OWN business afloat, you really can't complain or can't ask them to give you a dime really.
                I didn't say I "expect" them to....

                I agree, it is a business....and, like any business, in the content provision industry, I'm merely pointing out that there are alot of emerging business models and websites that do exactly what Ezine Articles does, but they also share revenue....

                Ezine is pretty well established, but that doesn't mean that new businesses, with competitive revenue share models and search engine authority can't come in...and, take "market share" away....

                It all comes down to who ultimately ends up offering users the most. I realize that it is a person running the website, that needs to make a living as well, however, the industry has gotten so competitive. It's the nature of the beast.

                If you create a great sneaker, someone is always bound to come up with a better product or innovate in a way that pulls away market share from a brand/product, no matter how solidified they may perceive their brand as being.
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                • Profile picture of the author acrasial
                  Originally Posted by x3xsolxdierx3x View Post

                  I didn't say I "expect" them to....
                  That was all in theory. But yes, there will always be someone else coming out on top offering people more. EzineArticles was never perfect anyways. Back in the day people loved them, I guess, but now that they are cracking down, they are taking a lot of hard hits.

                  I guess they have their reasons for wanting to take these hard hits and for willingly allowing their competition to be better in some aspects. I guess they figure the pain right now will not outweigh the gains in the end, so they are doing what they need to do to continue running their business as they think is best for them.

                  I also believe that they are now going for the more prestigious sort of approach. Wherein the content on their website will now have to be high quality and this and that, which means they are trying to be known as the authentic place to go for quality "free" advice, whereas other competition may still allow all kinds of junk through. *(not saying EZA doesn't...hahaa, because I could prove they do).

                  But they are making that effort, so, I guess they have now decided they want to distinguish themselves and set themselves apart as an article directory, and that may be a bold and smart move, or it may be a very risky move that costs them.
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                  • Profile picture of the author x3xsolxdierx3x
                    Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

                    That was all in theory. But yes, there will always be someone else coming out on top offering people more. EzineArticles was never perfect anyways. Back in the day people loved them, I guess, but now that they are cracking down, they are taking a lot of hard hits.

                    I guess they have their reasons for wanting to take these hard hits and for willingly allowing their competition to be better in some aspects. I guess they figure the pain right now will not outweigh the gains in the end, so they are doing what they need to do to continue running their business as they think is best for them.

                    I also believe that they are now going for the more prestigious sort of approach. Wherein the content on their website will now have to be high quality and this and that, which means they are trying to be known as the authentic place to go for quality "free" advice, whereas other competition may still allow all kinds of junk through. *(not saying EZA doesn't...hahaa, because I could prove they do).

                    But they are making that effort, so, I guess they have now decided they want to distinguish themselves and set themselves apart as an article directory, and that may be a bold and smart move, or it may be a very risky move that costs them.
                    ...I've been a firm believer, based on some things I have seen in this industry, that the website(s) that best control quality will emerge on top.

                    We can see several case studies of website failing to do so, and they have taken a hit in the search engines. Squidoo's 'google slap' was a prime example.....eHow's recent "article sweeps"....

                    There is a definite trend towards not only transparency, but also safeguarding quality of content. I think some websites neglected implementing these controls, and are paying/have paid for it in the past.

                    Unfortunately, the major catch 22 with ensuring quality is that sometimes it is just more of a headache and process to the website owners. It may require them to keep articles in a "qeue" for a few days, at least until they are manually reviewed by staff....in that time, the content originator may have become impatient for their work to finally go live on the site, and may just leave and forget about the website altogether....

                    So, there is definitely an element of instant gratification....especially when people hope/expect for their articles to go live right away....
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Downward
    That was great. Thank you for sharing that post. That gave me a lot of answers as to traffic from ezine.
    Personally, I think that it is good that they made this change because chances are, we are now getting better data for our articles. Then we can make better decisions as to which way we need to move our businesses.
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  • Profile picture of the author x3xsolxdierx3x
    Anyone notice that there's like 3 or 4 threads about Ezine Articles right at the Top of the forum, right now? lol....
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    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Originally Posted by x3xsolxdierx3x View Post

      Anyone notice that there's like 3 or 4 threads about Ezine Articles right at the Top of the forum, right now? lol....

      Article marketing is the #1 thing discussed in the main marketing forum, from what I have noticed. Many people are interested in it, because it's BUM marketing.

      It's supposed to be simple and easy, and it's generally free to get into at first. So it's something which a lot of internet marketers may find appealing...write a bit, rake in the cash.

      But when it doesn't work that way, you most definitely see posts and threads about it, because it doesn't always work that way. EZA is also widely discussed, since they were #1, and to some people still are #1.

      You will also see article marketing discussed a lot, in contrast, with those who market on their own websites, rather than use an article directory.

      It's a way to get free traffic, and many other things, and may also be a way to back link for websites...so it's definitely going to be discussed frequently.

      So heck, if one were to ever make a product and put that in their sig on this forum, what do you suppose the product should be about?

      (But I think a lot of people know that already)
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      • Profile picture of the author Eric Lorence
        About time ...

        Maybe now we can loose all the jokers selling "How I get 10k views on my EZA articles" ... to people not realizing 9000 of those were from bots.
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        • Profile picture of the author acrasial
          Originally Posted by Eric Lorence View Post

          About time ...

          Maybe now we can loose all the jokers selling "How I get 10k views on my EZA articles" ... to people not realizing 9000 of those were from bots.

          Some people actually do get those kinds of views. There is a lady I have been watching now, she had 2 million views on an article dated from 2 years ago. Other articles of hers had similar views (of course not all articles), this lady had done some careful back linking as well.

          But I also don't think she is on here selling that kind of a product, but I don't doubt that people get it, I just doubt that they are ever consistent with that for EVERY SINGLE article they have ever put out.

          I also doubt that they will really reveal the REAL secrets to getting those kinds of views in a product either, because if they did, they would no longer be getting those views, since their competition would come in, do the same thing, and would take the views away then.
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          • Profile picture of the author Eric Lorence
            Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

            I also doubt that they will really reveal the REAL secrets to getting those kinds of views in a product either, because if they did, they would no longer be getting those views, since their competition would come in, do the same thing, and would take the views away then.
            The "real" secret ...

            For-hire botnets and Automated Turk driving drone traffic to drive up views to land on the most viewed list.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1903296].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author x3xsolxdierx3x
        Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

        Article marketing is the #1 thing discussed in the main marketing forum, from what I have noticed. Many people are interested in it, because it's BUM marketing.

        It's supposed to be simple and easy, and it's generally free to get into at first. So it's something which a lot of internet marketers may find appealing...write a bit, rake in the cash.

        But when it doesn't work that way, you most definitely see posts and threads about it, because it doesn't always work that way. EZA is also widely discussed, since they were #1, and to some people still are #1.

        You will also see article marketing discussed a lot, in contrast, with those who market on their own websites, rather than use an article directory.

        It's a way to get free traffic, and many other things, and may also be a way to back link for websites...so it's definitely going to be discussed frequently.

        So heck, if one were to ever make a product and put that in their sig on this forum, what do you suppose the product should be about?

        (But I think a lot of people know that already)
        Are there ALOT of products, out on the market, specifically for Ezine Articles?
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  • Profile picture of the author acrasial
    I think this answered more questions for others than it did for Anoopchawla!
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    Do You SUCK At Writing & Marketing Articles? Just Wait Till You Get Your Hands On My Book! (Coming Soon!)
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  • Profile picture of the author Dhira
    Or maybe people should realize you can use the articles as a database to create more articles to create more income. They make $$$ off of articles.

    So why don't you do the same?
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  • Profile picture of the author J Bold
    Without backlinking?

    One of the best ways to truly dominate article marketing is with backlinking.

    If you are having trouble with ezinearticles, use articlesbase. Must easier to deal with and can get ranked in the search engines just as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author PCRoger
    Boy, this is good news.

    I am so tired of answering the posts about views, when views mean so very little!

    I write articles to make sales, and only real people with a problem to solve are going to be buyers.

    If I make my pitch to one real person I have chance at 1 sale. Making a pitch to 100 bots is useless to anything but me ego.

    Track your affiliate sales back to the ARTICLE or WEBSITE that generated the sale. CBSaleTracker

    I was making money in days with the 4 Day Money Making Blueprint

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