Free Desktop Apps For Internet Marketing
Things like Microsoft Office 2000, Adobe Elements 3 and other applications won't install under Win 7 for a lack of compatibility.
I've decided to replace them with as many free and open source applications as I can, because I am frustrated with the lack of backward compatibility and have decided not to buy any more proprietary products unless there is simply no alternative.
I've installed Firefox browser, Thunderbird email, Open Office, FileZilla, and the Gimp graphics editor, plus Irfanview image editing and GlobalFind text string search and replace utility among others.
I'm looking for suggestions for every other need imaginable, such as how to do video and audio recording, PDF editing and conversion (to and from graphics) or anything that you can think of that I haven't.
Got suggestions? Post them here, please.
Dr. Samuel Johnson (Presiding at the sale of Thrales brewery, London, 1781)
Dr. Samuel Johnson (Presiding at the sale of Thrales brewery, London, 1781)
Dr. Samuel Johnson (Presiding at the sale of Thrales brewery, London, 1781)
Dr. Samuel Johnson (Presiding at the sale of Thrales brewery, London, 1781)
Dr. Samuel Johnson (Presiding at the sale of Thrales brewery, London, 1781)