Help me to make best author bio / resource box pls

6 replies
I would like to promote a clickbank mall with article marketing. I am planning to use articles from PLR. What is the best way to put the bio so the CTR can be optimized if I were to use the same bio for PLR of all niches.

I know it's not smart to do so but I wish to try to see how things work..

And the only way to put such a bio that I can think of is something like
"This article is brought to you by Name of site".

Is there any better way to put it?

#author #bio #box #make #pls #resource
  • Profile picture of the author Mohsin Rasool
    Have you looked at the top authors' bios and bylies at top article directories like:

    EzineAritcles, ArticleCity and sites like that...

    You can learn from their experience, and choose the best ones for you.

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  • Profile picture of the author fattysolo
    Hi Mohsin,
    Thanks. That would be a good idea if I am targeting a niche but I am now targeting a bookstore all niches there.

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  • Profile picture of the author Gasen
    Perhaps your articles should each target an individual book. This way you receive deep links and can optimise for each book.
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  • Profile picture of the author patey88
    Even though you have decided you need a generic resource box, I think you still need to involve the reader in some way. You need to say more than, "I have a site. Come to it."

    Maybe a first sentence like this: "Are you blah blah blah?" ...or "Do you blah blah blah?"

    Then a second sentence to give the reader some urgency: "Never blah blah blah." ...or "Don't wait for blah blah blah."

    And end with your call to action: "Come see our blah blah blah at"

    If you're working on a bookstore site, then fill in those blanks by talking about problems and solutions. "Are you looking for..." or "Do you need to find..."

    -- Patey88
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    • Profile picture of the author fattysolo
      Originally Posted by patey88 View Post

      Even though you have decided you need a generic resource box, I think you still need to involve the reader in some way. You need to say more than, "I have a site. Come to it."

      Maybe a first sentence like this: "Are you blah blah blah?" ...or "Do you blah blah blah?"

      Then a second sentence to give the reader some urgency: "Never blah blah blah." ...or "Don't wait for blah blah blah."

      And end with your call to action: "Come see our blah blah blah at"

      If you're working on a bookstore site, then fill in those blanks by talking about problems and solutions. "Are you looking for..." or "Do you need to find..."

      -- Patey88
      Wow!! Cool! You have got me thinking Patey! Thanks a lot!
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      • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
        If you are planning to use PLR articles do NOT submit them to EZA.

        Your account will be banned...period.

        As for the resource box, I use a simple 3 step approach.

        1. Remind prospect of their pain.
        2. Give URL
        3. Tell benefit of going there.


        Tired of waking up every morning with a splitting headache the size of
        Texas? Go to my site at (URL) and discover a natural treatment for
        headaches that will stop your suffering...permanently.

        The above formula works for me.

        Naturally, you will want to test this out and see if it works for you.
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