why are there so many bad article writers?

by ponty
55 replies

can anyone suggest a good article writer? I have had a few but never anyone who is great at what they do!

If you are dont want everybody knowing about someone you have in mind for whatever reasons, it would be great if you could just send me a PM with there name, site etc.

much appreciated
#article #bad #writers
  • Profile picture of the author JonAlfredsson
    I've experienced this before. It depends my friend where you got your writers. There are some writers that needs intensive training before they get the right thing. You can get article writers from warrior for hire section or online jobs but remember that they can always fake what they are posting. What you actually need to do is to make them sets of sample articles. Then, you rate their ability to write. You can also go to that job's prefound workers - I believe, they undergo tests from the job site. Their scores are also posted.

    Hope this helps
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  • Profile picture of the author aandersen
    if you want good quality right from the start be willing to pay for it. then just target writers that speak the language natively and have writing experience

    if you want cheap labor be prepared to test many writers before picking one that can do the job and do it for the right price. you can eventually find one but you will probably have to hire and fire many before you find one that works for you.

    @JonAlfredsson - thanks for that site, i never seen it before but i will be checking it out

    signature goes here

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    • Profile picture of the author geegel
      Originally Posted by aandersen View Post

      if you want good quality right from the start be willing to pay for it. then just target writers that speak the language natively and have writing experience

      if you want cheap labor be prepared to test many writers before picking one that can do the job and do it for the right price. you can eventually find one but you will probably have to hire and fire many before you find one that works for you.
      I call BS on this one. Of course, the mere fact that I am not a native English speaker might have something to do with it.

      Nonetheless I believe I'm right. Now let me explain you why.

      Grammar plays the role of a threshold. Someone "good enough" (as in readable without major hiccups) can obtain (and should) the same fees as someone who finished Philology at the Oxford University. The differences are simply starting to be meaningless. From a point on, the differentiation occurs at the level of know-how. The requirements stiffen once you ask for originality, interesting angles and humor. And for these, my friend, you DO NOT need to be a native English speaker.

      I'm tired of hearing the same argument over and over again. If you're a native English speaker and that's your ONLY marketing advantage, there's a world of hurt coming your way.

      Just saying.

      Best regards,
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3721443].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Originally Posted by geegel View Post

        Grammar plays the role of a threshold. Someone "good enough" (as in readable without major hiccups) can obtain (and should) the same fees as someone who finished Philology at the Oxford University. The differences are simply starting to be meaningless. From a point on, the differentiation occurs at the level of know-how. The requirements stiffen once you ask for originality, interesting angles and humor. And for these, my friend, you DO NOT need to be a native English speaker.

        Best regards,
        In this scenario, you need a two-person team. The writer who can inject originality, interesting angles and humor, and an editor who can fix that writer's "let me explain you why" hiccups.
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        • Profile picture of the author Warrior Markets
          Why are there so many bad article writers?

          One of the main reasons is this:

          There are so many (not necessarily all bad) marketers who are willing to pay those article writers "pennies-a-word" in order to help the marketer achieve his/her aim. This is not a bad thing - from the point of view of the successful marketer who has fine-tuned his machine in order to attain a ROI that makes it worth his while to hire the article writer. (I believe Jeremy Kelsall is one of those marketers who stresses this, and he explains it in more detail than I can here.)

          Other marketers then take it as a given that "pennies a word" is the "going rate" for "article writers". No; that is the going rate for content-produced-in-order-to-achieve-a-certain-aim-according-to-the-needs-of-certain-successful-marketers. This is not the same as the going rate for articles-written-by-quality-article-writers.*

          *Yes, I concede that some of those "pennies-a-word" article writers produce "quality" articles.

          So, yes, ultimately, it boils down to: "you get what you pay for" - and for some, what they get from their "pennies-a-word" writers satisfies their needs.

          I have nothing of value to add here. But we can't let a signature go to waste now, can we?
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  • Profile picture of the author SEOExpert104

    Check that, He has a team, I've ordered 10 articles 400 words each, he delivered it really quick, and it was perfect for me His articles that I ordered from him are on Fitness deluxe and you can check and ask for samples and etc, but I will use him for future always.... really great hard worker for me.
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    • Profile picture of the author Midas3 Consulting
      Originally Posted by denomardin View Post


      Check that, He has a team, I've ordered 10 articles 400 words each, he delivered it really quick, and it was perfect for me His articles that I ordered from him are on Fitness deluxe and you can check and ask for samples and etc, but I will use him for future always.... really great hard worker for me.
      Is the content on your site based on the same deal they are offering on their WSO ?

      Did you have to tidy it up like crazy or is what's on your site actually what you received?

      Did they really write FIFTY 500 word articles of that quality for $230 ?????
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      • Profile picture of the author SEOExpert104
        Originally Posted by SimonHarrison View Post

        Is the content on your site based on the same deal they are offering on their WSO ?

        Did you have to tidy it up like crazy or is what's on your site actually what you received?

        Did they really write FIFTY 500 word articles of that quality for $230 ?????
        not fifty? I've ordered 10 articles of 400 words each not fifty ???
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        • Profile picture of the author Midas3 Consulting
          Originally Posted by denomardin View Post

          not fifty? I've ordered 10 articles of 400 words each not fifty ???
          Didn't mean to confuse , my bad.

          They are offering 50 x500 word articles for $230.00

          Looking at the content on your site, it's extremely good for that kind of cheap service.
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  • Profile picture of the author aa411853
    Have you tried textbroker.com? I've had pretty good luck with their quality. And they've got 5 levels of quality. I'm usually ok with the middle tier quality.
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    • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
      The reason there are so many bad article writers is because whenever someone comes along and say what can I do to make money fast, a bunch of people always say write some articles. Unfortunately, most of these people can't write their way out of a paper bag.

      My recommendations are to not expect superb work for incredibly cheap prices and to test several writers. Even higher prices are not necessarily indicative of higher quality writing but the likelihood of getting better work is increased.

      Discover how to have fabulous, engaging content with
      Fast & Easy Content Creation
      ***Especially if you don't have enough time, money, or just plain HATE writing***
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      • Profile picture of the author All Night Cafe
        Originally Posted by TMG Enterprises View Post

        The reason there are so many bad article writers is because whenever someone comes along and say what can I do to make money fast, a bunch of people always say write some articles. Unfortunately, most of these people can't write their way out of a paper bag.

        My recommendations are to not expect superb work for incredibly cheap prices and to test several writers. Even higher prices are not necessarily indicative of higher quality writing but the likelihood of getting better work is increased.

        OP, hire Tina. Pay for high quality. Great great quality. She will
        over deliver, your search will be over. Tina all the way.
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      • Profile picture of the author joinmyclub
        Originally Posted by Tina Golden View Post

        The reason there are so many bad article writers is because whenever someone comes along and say what can I do to make money fast, a bunch of people always say write some articles. Unfortunately, most of these people can't write their way out of a paper bag.

        My recommendations are to not expect superb work for incredibly cheap prices and to test several writers. Even higher prices are not necessarily indicative of higher quality writing but the likelihood of getting better work is increased.

        I agree on Tina, you should test several writers in order to pick for what is best.
        Watch latest online movies for FREE!
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    • Profile picture of the author cjed2061
      Originally Posted by aa411853 View Post

      Have you tried textbroker.com? I've had pretty good luck with their quality. And they've got 5 levels of quality. I'm usually ok with the middle tier quality.
      I've used textbroker.com as well. I've had better luck with the upper tiers (4 or even 5). The content I've gotten from level 2 and 3 is ok but I've had to go back and correct some stuff and fill in areas that I thought were weak. I think though that with textbroker.com (and I'd assume with all article writing) that the more info you give the writer up front the better your result. Tell them exactly what you want. I've even started giving them the link to the products I'm promoting.

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      • Profile picture of the author ladywriter
        Originally Posted by cjed2061 View Post

        the more info you give the writer up front the better your result. Tell them exactly what you want. I've even started giving them the link to the products I'm promoting.
        As a writer I find this helps a lot and I don't understand why clients don't do this as a matter of course.
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  • Profile picture of the author Allen Graves
    Every day I check the obituaries. If I don't see my name there, then I know it's going to be a good day!
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  • Profile picture of the author duia
    Perhaps I am a member of " bad article writers". About ten days ago, one advertiser asked me to write one paid review for its Pizza products. At first, I was confident with my writing skills, but later, I was refused by him because there were many errors in my writles. Although I tried many times, I couldn't been paid at last.
    What's a pity!
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    • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
      Originally Posted by duia View Post

      Perhaps I am a member of " bad article writers". About ten days ago, one advertiser asked me to write one paid review for its Pizza products. At first, I was confident with my writing skills, but later, I was refused by him because there were many errors in my writles. Although I tried many times, I couldn't been paid at last.
      What's a pity!
      It seems like English is not your first language. There are numerous errors in your post, so I imagine the same would be true of your writing. It is difficult to market writing skills if you are not proficient at English. I'm sure you'll find the perfect niche for you ... just not writing.
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      • Profile picture of the author BenAlberstadt
        Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

        It seems like English is not your first language. There are numerous errors in your post, so I imagine the same would be true of your writing. It is difficult to market writing skills if you are not proficient at English. I'm sure you'll find the perfect niche for you ... just not writing.
        Yeah, how can you expect to write correctly and convincingly when you haven't mastered the basics of syntax, grammar, etc?
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  • Profile picture of the author gotteeth
    Article outsourcing is trial and error at best. One thing to remember...what are you using the article for? Almost always, you're trying to warm up a reader, give them just enough congruent information that makes them want more...makes them want to click through. And never forget the all important resource box call to action.

    When I pay for articles, I explain in detail how I want the article structured, and exactly what the article is for. I usually provide some research resources for them. It doesn't matter if I paid $1 or $50 per article, if I've got to spend 20 minutes editing the darn thing...I should just do it myself. Whomever you hire to do your writing, better make sure they have a clear understanding of what you want, and you can easily communicate with them.

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  • Profile picture of the author Raydal
    I think the market is suffering from low pay. There is only so much
    quality you can give when you can't even pay the bills with the
    money you are making.

    Everybody wants quality for nothing. Well, quality costs.

    -Ray Edwards
    The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
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  • Profile picture of the author Zabrina
    If you really want to know why this happens, see this post I wrote not long ago.

    Everyone's definition of "good" varies. Some people are willing to pay a decent wage, so they get top-notch article writers. Some aren't willing to pay much, so they will sacrifice a little quality and spice the articles up themselves. Some will just post junk content that they get for dirt-cheap and go for the quantity-over-quality method (which, for the record, I never advocate).

    If you have a clear idea of what you're able to pay, you can get a realistic idea of what to expect and adjust accordingly.
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  • Profile picture of the author George185
    I have been writing for Constant Content. They have a pretty good editorial program to sift through all of the garbage. Check them out.
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  • Profile picture of the author chennai2020
    I am a newbie service provider in this forum for article writing.As the turnaround time expected by customers,quality,quantity and further more they want it to get approved by major directories etc needs some good effort which also has competition here.Thats the reason even good writers are delivering something not valuable.Atlast everyone thinks of a backlink to get traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author BigRedNotebook
    The two chief reasons were mentioned above: Low pricing and the fact that so many people advise others to write when they need quick cash.

    I've been writing for over five years. I've seen countless "article writers" come and go... The good ones tend to stick around.

    I'm going to stop now before I get inappropriately self-promotional!

    Good luck.
    Professional SEO Content Provider and Copywriter
    Prices that Make Sense!
    5+ Years of Full-Time Experience
    Carson Brackney
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  • Profile picture of the author popcorn9257
    how do you define a bad writer?
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  • Profile picture of the author Allen Graves
    Popcorn - it has to be compelling, dude.

    Grammar and spelling aside...if the article doesn't flow well and keep the reader's attention, it's worthless. WORTHLESS!

    Some of the master article writers I have followed can also ingeniously presell your stuff while they're at it.

    Every day I check the obituaries. If I don't see my name there, then I know it's going to be a good day!
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    • Profile picture of the author Ash91
      Originally Posted by Allen Graves View Post

      Popcorn - it has to be compelling, dude.

      Grammar and spelling aside...if the article doesn't flow well and keep the reader's attention, it's worthless. WORTHLESS!

      Some of the master article writers I have followed can also ingeniously presell your stuff while they're at it.

      Can you name some of these "master article writers"? I am having a difficult time trying to find quality writers and the cheap ones.., well u get what you pay for and i know good work will pay for itself over and over and over.

      Thanks for whatever you can provide!
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      • Profile picture of the author Allen Graves
        Originally Posted by Ash91 View Post

        Can you name some of these "master article writers"? I am having a difficult time trying to find quality writers and the cheap ones.., well u get what you pay for and i know good work will pay for itself over and over and over.

        Thanks for whatever you can provide!
        Perhaps I misled you. The writers that I mentioned do not sell their work. They are writing for their own businesses. I was just trying to help define a good writer.

        Here's an idea...

        Since you have a knack for searching old threads (sorry, couldn't help it), go back and see what writers were on this forum 13 months ago and who are still here today, like Kay or Tina.

        Odds are that if a writer sucks, they won't be doing it for that long.

        Plus, any good writers should have a diverse set of testimonials over 13 months worth of selling them here.

        Good luck!
        Every day I check the obituaries. If I don't see my name there, then I know it's going to be a good day!
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  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    why are there so many bad article writers?
    Because there are exactly as many "bad article buyers"

    When I was a newbie here I bought a few "articles" at discount price from an allegedly known warrior... and it was all spun garbage. But it was cheap.
    In real life I never go for the cheapest stuff, I prefer quality but we all make mistakes.
    The bad article writers live on our mistakes

    Since then I've learned which writers to trust and fortunately, that "warrior" disappeared from the forum.

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  • Profile picture of the author Henry White
    It's a challenge! But are we entirely rational in assuming that the craft really can/should transfer equally among any niche? Isn't it OUR responsbility to seek out writers who have proven they are up to our needs? E.g. do you really expect someone who has never been fishing to be up to writing for your niche about trout fishing? Or, if our niche is dog training, someone who only "likes" dogs - but not enough to have one?

    Or am I being totally unrealistic?
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  • Profile picture of the author donhx
    Originally Posted by ponty View Post


    can anyone suggest a good article writer? I have had a few but never anyone who is great at what they do!

    If you are dont want everybody knowing about someone you have in mind for whatever reasons, it would be great if you could just send me a PM with there name, site etc.

    much appreciated
    There so many bad article writers because most IM Marketers don't know what good writing is. These people have thrown away millions of dollars, one cent per word at a time.

    Unfortunately, these same IM Marketers have also animated an army of lifeless writers around the world who have driven price and quality down. I use the word "writers" lightly in this context. People who don't even speak English as a first language fancy themselves as writers just because they can put words on a page.

    Sadly, many IM Marketers think they are doing themselves and these poor, desperate people a favor by paying pennies a word, but in reality they are both conspiring to litter the Internet with trash. Thankfully, Google's Feb 28 algorithm change is sending this trash to a place where no one will find it.

    Good writing is more than putting words on the screen. Good writing requires a knowledge of sales psychology and idiomatic language, at the very least, if people are interested in high conversions. You can't get that for a few cents per word. Some people say they can get that from cheap writers, but in all my years in IM I have never seen a case where that is true.
    Quality content to beat the competition. Personalized Author Services
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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      For the same reason why there are so many bad marketers.

      Everybody and their grandmother thinks that they can do this. News flash...not
      everybody and their grandmother can do this.

      And writing...there are plenty of bad writers, period. So naturally there are
      going to be plenty of bad article writers.

      Ultimately, the cream rises to the top. So for those who know their stuff,
      they'll succeed. The rest, well...you can figure out what will eventually
      happen to them.
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    i went through about 18 bad ones before I found an awesome dude. Right here on the forum.

    No im not going to give you his details, as he is my little prized possession.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      ! But are we entirely rational in assuming that the craft really can/should transfer equally among any niche?
      That is a good point - and one I had to consider when I began writing for others. My choice was to specialize in niches where I have knowledge/interest. Thus, I work in 3-4 broad niches, all of which have many subniches.

      I can't remember when I've written 500 word articles as the jobs I get are usually 750-1200 words per article in batches of 10-30 articles per job. There are decent content writers who can write about cell phones or grass seed - but I avoid boredom by sticking with subjects that interest me.

      I'm not inexpensive yet have regular clients that use me for all their work and that works well for me, too.

      No im not going to give you his details, as he is my little prized possession.
      That's fine if you have enough work to keep the writer busy - but if he wants or needs more work, I hope you would recommend his work to a friend or two.

      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    why are there so many bad article writers?
    Because so many buyers are cheap & want something for nothing...
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    • Profile picture of the author myob
      Originally Posted by yukon View Post

      Because so many buyers are cheap & want something for nothing...
      Exactly this. The market sets the price.
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    • Profile picture of the author pdrs
      Originally Posted by yukon View Post

      Because so many buyers are cheap & want something for nothing...
      Yep, this is the just of it. Combined with the fact that there are a ton of individuals who are willing to offer substandard product at ridiculously cheap prices to make people feel like they're getting a deal.

      Which in turn breeds the belief that paying $10 for a basic 500 word article written by an actual English speaker is highway robbery and it had better be a masterwork of the highest quality if you're going to charge such an "exorbitant" amount of money for it!
      RemoteControlHelicopterReviews.(com/net) - Up for sale! No reasonable offer refused. Great branding for a super hot niche!
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  • Profile picture of the author Colin Palfrey

    I have a list of people that have paid to improve their writing. I've been considering making a platform for them to advertise because I've seen their work and it's top notch.

    Do you want me to PM you some names? These aren't your normal run of the mill writers but professionals, so probably not the cheapest.

    Let me know if you do.

    Colin Palfrey

    I write articles and eBooks - PM me for details!
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  • Profile picture of the author christopher jon
    why are there so many bad article writers?
    Because writing is hard work.

    It's treated like an entry level job that anybody can do, it's not.

    Really good writers are few and far between.
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  • Profile picture of the author erichammer
    The problem is quite simply that the barrier to entry is really low. Any idiot who can string words together can call themselves a writer. Unfortunately, any idiot can also call themselves an Internet marketer and pretend that by paying $4 for an article they are getting high quality writing. It just isn't so. I charge $20 per article and even with that, all I can do is research online. I've done real interviews where I did the research myself, where I went to meet with people, arranged interviews and spent the time to do it right. This is the kind of truly top notch writing people want. Unfortunately, they aren't willing to pay the $200-$400 I have to charge since we're talking about days of work, not a half hour to an hour of work.

    Reality check: you want to pay next to nothing, you'll get crap writers. You want quality? You pay for it. Mind you, you may be able to find a happy medium. I've had clients who told me they thought I was really cheap because my writing is incredible and engaging. I've also had other clients who told me I'm expensive as hell because they can hire some guy who doesn't speak English properly to write something for a dollar.

    I've also had several people contact me through this forum and ask about my prices. What I find so amusing is that I have the prices listed, including a special price for warriors in a thread in the Warriors for Hire section. However, the moment they realize they can't get a pack of 50 articles for $50, they immediately cut off contact. This despite the fact that I publish my prices clearly and provide a substantial discount for warriors.

    Why waste your time hiring a cheap writer? Cheap writers don't write stuff that converts!

    Get the conversions you need and deserve with my professional, viral writing services.

    Free SEO included at no additional charge!
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  • Profile picture of the author buckeyes09
    Any photographers here? A parallel exists with photography because of the relatively cheap price of dSLRS, albeit subpar photography nets much more.


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  • Profile picture of the author AFI
    God tell me about it. Someone just approached me for an article writing position and misspelled practically everything in their appeal. It's sad how people think because they can type that they can write.

    Learn about Internet Marketing from my dofollow comment blog.....Make Extra Money At Home...
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Why are there so many bad article writers?

      For one thing, until this latest Google update, there was a thriving market for bad articles. As long as the article met the required word count and included the desired keywords, it was "good enough for government work."

      Quantity was far more important than quality, and price more important than competence.

      Couple that with Tina's point about 'writing articles for quick cash', and you had the perfect storm of verbal manure.

      I've had folks ask me to look at their writing and offer feedback. Some had some talent and just needed practice. Some sent me samples I wouldn't let a second-grader turn in.

      Finding good people to outsource tasks to is like panning for gold - you have to wash away a lot of mud before you get the valuable stuff...
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  • Profile picture of the author calfred
    Among many bad writers, you can find gold. But you have to sift through. This way, you don't have to pay so much, aka low rate writers. You also have to train them.

    For good writers, they are expensive. They have experience. But you will have to pay more as they are high rate writers.

    Method 1 requires you to invest a little of your time initially.

    Method 2 saves your time but is generally more expensive.

    Please do not use affiliate links in signatures

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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    Q: why are there so many bad article writers?

    A: Why are there so many cheap employers willing to pay bad article writers, in order to save a few bucks?
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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    • Profile picture of the author Warrior X
      As a professional writer I would say this: if you're looking to get a quality article done for 10 bucks, it just ain't going to happen.

      Sure, you may get lucky to find a college kid who is a good writer and looking to land some paying writing jobs, but that's really a needle in a haystack find.

      Most writers working for that price don't have a clue what good sales writing is all about.

      My 2 cents
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    • Profile picture of the author Marvin Johnston
      Originally Posted by tpw View Post

      A: Why are there so many cheap employers willing to pay bad article writers, in order to save a few bucks?
      The saying "penny wise, pound foolish" comes to mind.

      I think it is also probably fair to say these employers are not very high on the ladder of success.

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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    I think there are MORE super-cheap buyers than bad writers, seriously.

    And, to be honest, the people who pay $0.50 per 100 words dont deserve better
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  • Profile picture of the author paologiannone
    If you need quality articles to be written but you don't have the ability. Pay good price for it. If you are looking for the cheap options, you will get cheap articles that you might write yourself.

    Look for professional writers with a proven record of article writing in their native language.
    a good search on the internet should solve your problems and yes, you might have to test several writers before you get the right one for your needs and budget

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