Your Number One Video Marketing Tip and Trick?

31 replies
What is Your Number One Video Marketing Tip and Trick?

It can be anything that helped you generate REAL youtube views.

Share it with the group.
#marketing #number #tip #trick #video
  • Profile picture of the author Vanquish
    Look at Google trends and find if any of the searches relate to your product and make a video respones with a very extreme opinion either agreeing or compeltely disagreeing with the status quo. This will generate tons of comments and views and people will either love you and hate you for it.
    Nothing to sell, only value to give and new knowledge to learn.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mohammad Afaq
    The title matters!

    Optimize your title just like you do for your article.

    “The first draft of anything is shit.” ~Ernest Hemingway

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  • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
    Make it funny. Use the word "funny" in the title.

    Using the word "funny" in email subj. lines can double open
    rates in my experience. I don't often use it though because
    I don't find IM funny and I respect my subscribers enough
    not to tell them a video is "funny" or "cool" when it really

    Funny-stupid is very popular. Sex too. Use picture of
    pretty women in the middle of your video so you can get
    it to show for the thumbnail.

    I am not saying this is good marketing. It is a way to get
    views only - mostly from people who have no interest in
    buying from you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Aira Bongco
    Base your video titles on the keywords that people are actually searching for.
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  • Profile picture of the author mikemac1
    A good title will get someone to check out your video at first, but content will get them to be counted as a view.

    Also, posting a video response or posting a video with a similar title as another popular one, really helps to draw in views.
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  • Profile picture of the author matrix1989
    dont ever download (slightly modify) and then reupload a video on youtube....

    They've been cracking down on that like white on rice for the past couple weeks.
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  • Profile picture of the author jamesparker100
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    • Profile picture of the author Adam Nolan
      Put backlinks of related youtube videos you've created pointing to 1 other youtube video to help it in organic rankings.
      Marketing Hacks Workshop Tonight at 8PM EST.

      Tonights Hack: The incredible hidden traffic source you haven't heard about that can send thousands of targeted visitors to your website for 1.9 cents per click.
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  • Profile picture of the author dondada1
    Copy the top video in your marketed take their keyword and title. After people watch there video they will see yours. Then bookmark the video on bookmarking site then put the video as a video response on related high view videos. This Wil Give you crazy traffic and views.


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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Jordan
    Provide updated, relevant content/title and promote your site using social media. You can invite viewers to subscribe to your feed as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Always-A-Warrior
    I learned this simple trick from a video sometime ago and it's really easy and works pretty good.

    Goal: improve the pagerank for your youtube channel/video's.

    First get the firefox addon SeoQuake, link below.

    Install it and make sure it works, you should see a toolbar appear once you open a website.
    It shows the pagerank of that page and more.

    Go to google's advanced search option and type in your target keyword between quotes.
    Under that you fill in ''Channel Comments'' without the quotes. Select 100 results per page, any language, any format.
    After Search within.. type: '''' Without the quotes.

    You should see all sorts of youtube users pages and their Pagerank. Sort the results by pagerank (use the seoquake addon).
    Start going to a few pages and see if they are relevant to your channel. Then start making comments on these high pr channels.
    Just make the comments look real, no links are needed, your username automatically links to your account.

    I did this on 15-20 channels a few days ago and my channel went up 1 pagerank.
    Now I don't know if this is common knowledge around here, but I decided to post it anyway, hopefully someone finds it usefull!

    NOTE: I c/p from a website but I've used this trick many times and it does work.
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  • Profile picture of the author Christian York
    Um how about creating a really good video that you target market would like?

    Seriously, there's no point having something funny and clever if no one is ever going to buy your product. Unless your just trying to create flat out brand awareness.
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    • Profile picture of the author shmeeko69
      I've used Tube Increaser to set my number of daily views with You Tube & also found that, making video comments on other related video's an excellent way to gain exposure for your website's.

      The Rock n Roll of Marketing Reviews
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  • Profile picture of the author DPM70
    I keep hearing this "post your video as a video response" thing, but in my experience, the other user has to approve your video and if you're in any kind of related niche or your video is in any way designed to sell something they see you as competition and 99% of the time refuse it!?
    I don't build in order to have clients. I have clients in order to build. - Ayn Rand
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  • Profile picture of the author badboy_Nick
    Originally Posted by ArnelRicafranca View Post

    What is Your Number One Video Marketing Tip and Trick?

    It can be anything that helped you generate REAL youtube views.

    Share it with the group.
    Make a video reply to a popular video or make a similar video. This should give you some decent amount of views.

    Any questions let me know

    Read my incredible story:
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    My best trick.

    While your video is running edit your website to show or flash down the bottom the entire way through the video. This way those that dont click your link in the description will see this everytime your video plays.

    If you have a dog training video, lets say that runs for 5 mins....and it is very good, and you leave your website in nice big letters down the bottom of your video, expect people to remember it, and as if it goes viral expect to get lots of traffic and some sales as well.

    I have over 100 videos with my website branded down the bottom. The website never leaves the bottom part of the video. two video I have received over 88, 000 views. You do the maths.

    youtube is one of the best ways to market at the moment. Get it right and expect to get a lot of money.
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    • Profile picture of the author Heidi White
      Originally Posted by celente View Post

      My best trick.

      While your video is running edit your website to show or flash down the bottom the entire way through the video. This way those that dont click your link in the description will see this everytime your video plays.

      If you have a dog training video, lets say that runs for 5 mins....and it is very good, and you leave your website in nice big letters down the bottom of your video, expect people to remember it, and as if it goes viral expect to get lots of traffic and some sales as well.

      I have over 100 videos with my website branded down the bottom. The website never leaves the bottom part of the video. two video I have received over 88, 000 views. You do the maths.

      youtube is one of the best ways to market at the moment. Get it right and expect to get a lot of money.
      That's a cool technique. What editing software do you use to make your videos?
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      • Profile picture of the author mpeters7
        Originally Posted by MostlyHarmless View Post

        That's a cool technique. What editing software do you use to make your videos?
        That's something you can do in any software...including Windows Movie Maker and iMovie...just look at the text tool.
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        • Profile picture of the author Heidi White
          Originally Posted by mpeters7 View Post

          That's something you can do in any software...including Windows Movie Maker and iMovie...just look at the text tool.
          LOL - not ANY software. So far, I've only used the software that came with my Flipcam which is pretty limited, and for some reason, the video format of my Flip videos couldn't be read by Windows Movie Maker.

          Glad I'm in that Video Production Lab Workshop - I need better tools!
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  • Profile picture of the author YanKirby
    For serious video marketing, I am using traffic geyser. Used to think it was too expensive but I came to realize, it does wonders.

    With some nifty little tricks, my videos go to page 1 of google even surpassing .gov sites!

    Employing these tricks my videos constitute to 20-40% of the traffic of my sites.

    Not bad for a set-and-forget system.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bryan Douglas
    Think outside the box. Make something that people are going to like. If you make a video like everyone else, you will get results like everyone else. If you make something unique, you never know what will happen. Atleast it won't be boring.
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  • Profile picture of the author netgain1
    DO this..

    1. Create short, direct response videos with a hard hitting call to action and direct them to..(see below)

    Call to actions don't always have to be attached to a dollar amount. This is where many video marketers get it wrong. They only mention something that pertains to BUYING something with their CTA. People are so conditioned to this already and often you get placed in "sales pitch" territory right from the start.

    Instead, here are a few.

    Send viewers of a direct response video to ...

    Part two of your video on a landing page
    A second video that answers a question from the first video.
    A second video that solves a problem mentioned in first video
    A landing page to download part two of video (through AR of course) Best if second video is longer, education type video
    A landing page where they can use refer a friend and send video to others for a free gift
    (through AR of course)

    Why is this important?

    We need to get out of "I am selling you something" land and get into, " I have something cool to show you that you need and want"

    Build credibility by removing the initial hard sell, then come back and offer true value and wallets will open.

    What's cool is many just go after the first sale (quick buck) and instant gratification. This is where you shine by showing patience and providing something of true value for free, while waiting for your selling opportunity to come. People are so darn tired of being sold on the internet, aren't you?

    Time to do something different and put dollars behind benefit.

    PROJECT 777 - Leverage Massive Traffic from Charity Facebook Pages and Groups for 100% Hand's Off Income. 0 SELLING!
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  • Profile picture of the author Heidi White
    Pay to get things rolling.

    Spend $10 (or so) for 100 unique comments to your YouTube video from 100 different users.

    The more comments a video gets, the better and faster it ranks.

    Then if it's any good - the rest is viral.
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Bruno
    Use video on your oto (one time offer) sales pages.

    When I use video on my oto niche sites (when I'm not lazy) this typically doubles my sales conversions and you already know how profitable an oto can be for your business.

    Frank Bruno
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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    Originally Posted by ArnelRicafranca View Post

    What is Your Number One Video Marketing Tip and Trick?

    It can be anything that helped you generate REAL youtube views.

    Share it with the group.
    Analyze what gets the most hits on will realise its stuff like "funny videos" ("Woman falls on her nose etc..."....) ...not your average marketing sales-video.

    Its always good to get an idea about who actually the audience is..and then target your videos/product for that audience. Many people go to YT simple to laugh and getting entertained.
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