Video sales letter: How I typically convert 30-60% from the stage
I used to help sell seminar programs from the stage on behalf of the gurus. I found this template to work like gangbusters.
Reason why I post this up is because since video is so hot on the web right now, I guess you wanna know what to say on it.
Even though there are key factors to make a video sales pitch work, it is pretty much similiar to a written sales letter.
Oh yeah, my sales pitch from the stage converted more than the guru selling it himself.
Here it is:
1) Captivating story / State problem listener is facing in detail
2) Ask for permission to talk about pdt
3) Name of pdt
4) Who is it for
5) What you will learn is...
6) By the end of the prog, you will....
7) Permission to read some testimonials
8) Give details on how content will be delivered
9) Give comparison price
10) State reason for why your price will be lower
11) Powerful Guarantee
12) Sweeten deal for acting now
13) Call to action - thank you
Within your pitch you must cover these 5 elements in no particular order:
-Encourage their dreams
-Justify their failure
-Allay their fears
-Confirm their suspicion
-Help them throw rocks at enemies
(Credit Joe Vitale - Buying Trances)
This worked well for me. So well that I used to launch my own seminar biz. Enough of selling for other gurus. I made one mistake that caused me a 0% conversion twice though. I did not sweeten the deal to make them decide on the spot. Thanks to John Carlton in his interview with Jenkins, i knew what to tweak.
I usually convert 30-60% of the room of my target audience.
SOmething to take note if you are not used to speaking to an audience.
It is really easy to lose trust with an audience who can see your face while listening to your voice. People's internal b.s. detector is very strong when it comes to visual modality. And it is subconscious.
In the part where you wanna confirm suspicions, you must tell the truth.
I watched this speaker say this in his video recently,
"Why am I giving you this 60min video and (letting you join me on my database)? Because deep down I just wanna contribute back."
Next thing you knew, he offered a product at $1997 after capturing your details.
Like what Kern does, saying it upfront that this is a launch process and he wants to build good karma, it is soooo much more CONGRUENT. It'll also show when you are speaking. Trust me. As a hypnotherapist, I am trained to watch for psychosomatic symptoms.
And B.S.-ing will trigger something in your mind that will screw your face and body. Interrogators know this. So does your spouse.
Be authentic on camera please. We will all love you for it.
Lemme know how this works for you.
I am also open to more suggestions!
With respect,
Perry Lai
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