Video sales letter: How I typically convert 30-60% from the stage

34 replies
Hi warriors,

I used to help sell seminar programs from the stage on behalf of the gurus. I found this template to work like gangbusters.

Reason why I post this up is because since video is so hot on the web right now, I guess you wanna know what to say on it.

Even though there are key factors to make a video sales pitch work, it is pretty much similiar to a written sales letter.

Oh yeah, my sales pitch from the stage converted more than the guru selling it himself.

Here it is:

1) Captivating story / State problem listener is facing in detail

2) Ask for permission to talk about pdt

3) Name of pdt

4) Who is it for

5) What you will learn is...

6) By the end of the prog, you will....

7) Permission to read some testimonials

8) Give details on how content will be delivered

9) Give comparison price

10) State reason for why your price will be lower

11) Powerful Guarantee

12) Sweeten deal for acting now

13) Call to action - thank you

Within your pitch you must cover these 5 elements in no particular order:

-Encourage their dreams
-Justify their failure
-Allay their fears
-Confirm their suspicion
-Help them throw rocks at enemies

(Credit Joe Vitale - Buying Trances)

This worked well for me. So well that I used to launch my own seminar biz. Enough of selling for other gurus. I made one mistake that caused me a 0% conversion twice though. I did not sweeten the deal to make them decide on the spot. Thanks to John Carlton in his interview with Jenkins, i knew what to tweak.

I usually convert 30-60% of the room of my target audience.

SOmething to take note if you are not used to speaking to an audience.

It is really easy to lose trust with an audience who can see your face while listening to your voice. People's internal b.s. detector is very strong when it comes to visual modality. And it is subconscious.

In the part where you wanna confirm suspicions, you must tell the truth.

I watched this speaker say this in his video recently,

"Why am I giving you this 60min video and (letting you join me on my database)? Because deep down I just wanna contribute back."

Next thing you knew, he offered a product at $1997 after capturing your details.

Like what Kern does, saying it upfront that this is a launch process and he wants to build good karma, it is soooo much more CONGRUENT. It'll also show when you are speaking. Trust me. As a hypnotherapist, I am trained to watch for psychosomatic symptoms.

And B.S.-ing will trigger something in your mind that will screw your face and body. Interrogators know this. So does your spouse.

Be authentic on camera please. We will all love you for it.

Lemme know how this works for you.

I am also open to more suggestions!

With respect,
Perry Lai
#3060% #convert #letter #page not found #sales #stage #typically #video
  • Profile picture of the author konradbraun
    That is some good info!

    The best I ever heard done was by Marshall Sylver. I mean of course it was good... he teaches people how to sell so he better do a good job himself!

    Thanks for posting!

    See my blog's income reports? Watch me make them increase. Come, follow the journey!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1936237].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author perryims
      Hey Konrad,

      Where can I get his/her stuff? No wait... google. THanks for the comments anyway.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jesus Perez
    This is PERFECT for webinars. Thank you for this excellent blueprint.

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  • Profile picture of the author eQuus
    Nice share, Perry, thank you.
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    • Profile picture of the author James Schramko
      These points are straight from Blair Warren:

      -Encourage their dreams
      -Justify their failure
      -Allay their fears
      -Confirm their suspicion
      -Help them throw rocks at enemies

      Who came up with this first?

      (very powerful by the way).

      I was taught by a very good speaker to never thank the audience
      they are lucky to hear from the speaker!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1940020].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Shaun Lee
        Originally Posted by James Schramko View Post

        These points are straight from Blair Warren:

        -Encourage their dreams
        -Justify their failure
        -Allay their fears
        -Confirm their suspicion
        -Help them throw rocks at enemies

        Who came up with this first?

        (very powerful by the way).

        I was taught by a very good speaker to never thank the audience
        they are lucky to hear from the speaker!
        Yes, those are from "One Word Persuasion" by Blair Warren.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1940039].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author perryims
        Thanks for the feedback.

        Yeah, I first read about the 5 persuasion pointers from Joe's book. I think he credited Warren for the work too.

        About the tq thing.

        2 schools of thought:

        We have the speakers like Chet Holmes who teaches dont thank.

        Then we have the Harv Eker and Blair Singer league of trainers who teach Must thank.

        What I found worked best for me to quickly build rapport with the audience and get them to know, like and trust me is to acknowlege them.

        I belief this ties in with the Law of Reciprocity and just some good ole humility.

        I am not a big timer on stage yet, so I needa work the audience to warm them up to me first.

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  • Profile picture of the author TerrieS
    Wow - this is some excellent information!

    Thanks for sharing it.

    And thank you for reading my post. I really appreciate it. Do you think Harv Eker and Blair Singer would be proud?
    Visit my Custom Video Designs website!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1941296].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author James Schramko
    I'll add that opening up a loop (telling part of the story)
    and not closing it till later can help people pay attention.
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Silvester
      Originally Posted by James Schramko View Post

      I'll add that opening up a loop (telling part of the story)
      and not closing it till later can help people pay attention.

      Damn those open loops...they get me every time.

      And they work

      Take Care,

      Michael Silvester
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1944636].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
      Originally Posted by James Schramko View Post

      I'll add that opening up a loop (telling part of the story)
      and not closing it till later can help people pay attention.
      Hey James - that's a very good point - but it's REALLY important that you do close it later.

      Nothing pisses peoples subconscious off more than lack of closure.

      Perry - thanks for sharing your thoughts, they may just be part of the story but they're very good observations so you definitely are looking at the right things.

      When I was living in Singapore I found over 120 Toastmasters groups and was impressed with how many Singaporeans focus on good speaking abilities.



      nothing to see here.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1944673].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author James Schramko
        Originally Posted by Andyhenry View Post

        Hey James - that's a very good point - but it's REALLY important that you do close it later.

        Nothing pisses peoples subconscious off more than lack of closure.
        Agreed, I close the loops in the close.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1944844].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author perryims
        Originally Posted by Andyhenry View Post

        Hey James - that's a very good point - but it's REALLY important that you do close it later.

        Nothing pisses peoples subconscious off more than lack of closure.

        Perry - thanks for sharing your thoughts, they may just be part of the story but they're very good observations so you definitely are looking at the right things.

        When I was living in Singapore I found over 120 Toastmasters groups and was impressed with how many Singaporeans focus on good speaking abilities.


        Hey Andy,

        Thanks for the comment. I wanted to explain a little on "loops" that everyone here have been tossing around. For the not-so-passionate about persuasion crowd.

        We are referring to "nested loops" here. It is populated by NLP, but first used by Milton Erickson, a master world class superhuman in a wheelchair godlike hypnotherapist. (can u tell we respect him?)

        Here is what a nested loop sounds like:

        Start story A
        Start story B
        Start story C
        Give command
        End story C
        End story B
        End story A

        The reason why an "open loop" (not ending a story) is detrimental to persuasion is due to your subconscious mind.

        Open loops causes "amnesia". A term we hypnotherapists use to signify forgetting what heppened before.

        Shan't go into details of why here (One reason being that I am not that clear myself), but the rule always work.

        Just as the light turns on and off because of wiring, your mind is also hardwired to produce predictable results.

        Hope this helps anyone confused.


        P.S. Andy! Thank you about your comments about Singapore! We are a competitive buncha people. Always mugging and finding every advantage to get ahead...
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  • Profile picture of the author Mrs S
    Thanks for sharing this one - can anyone point us to some videos where we can see this in practice?
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  • Profile picture of the author Tony M.
    My client was doing a free webinar for his customers tonight...
    We added your script at the end (we weren't supposed to sell anything but I figured, money is attracted by motion right ?)

    We made 3,000 $ from just these 5 additional minutes.

    Thanks !


    Originally Posted by perryims View Post

    Hi warriors,

    I used to help sell seminar programs from the stage on behalf of the gurus. I found this template to work like gangbusters.

    Reason why I post this up is because since video is so hot on the web right now, I guess you wanna know what to say on it.

    Even though there are key factors to make a video sales pitch work, it is pretty much similiar to a written sales letter.

    Oh yeah, my sales pitch from the stage converted more than the guru selling it himself.

    Here it is:

    1) Captivating story / State problem listener is facing in detail

    2) Ask for permission to talk about pdt

    3) Name of pdt

    4) Who is it for

    5) What you will learn is...

    6) By the end of the prog, you will....

    7) Permission to read some testimonials

    8) Give details on how content will be delivered

    9) Give comparison price

    10) State reason for why your price will be lower

    11) Powerful Guarantee

    12) Sweeten deal for acting now

    13) Call to action - thank you

    Within your pitch you must cover these 5 elements in no particular order:

    -Encourage their dreams
    -Justify their failure
    -Allay their fears
    -Confirm their suspicion
    -Help them throw rocks at enemies

    (Credit Joe Vitale - Buying Trances)

    This worked well for me. So well that I used to launch my own seminar biz. Enough of selling for other gurus. I made one mistake that caused me a 0% conversion twice though. I did not sweeten the deal to make them decide on the spot. Thanks to John Carlton in his interview with Jenkins, i knew what to tweak.

    I usually convert 30-60% of the room of my target audience.

    SOmething to take note if you are not used to speaking to an audience.

    It is really easy to lose trust with an audience who can see your face while listening to your voice. People's internal b.s. detector is very strong when it comes to visual modality. And it is subconscious.

    In the part where you wanna confirm suspicions, you must tell the truth.

    I watched this speaker say this in his video recently,

    "Why am I giving you this 60min video and (letting you join me on my database)? Because deep down I just wanna contribute back."

    Next thing you knew, he offered a product at $1997 after capturing your details.

    Like what Kern does, saying it upfront that this is a launch process and he wants to build good karma, it is soooo much more CONGRUENT. It'll also show when you are speaking. Trust me. As a hypnotherapist, I am trained to watch for psychosomatic symptoms.

    And B.S.-ing will trigger something in your mind that will screw your face and body. Interrogators know this. So does your spouse.

    Be authentic on camera please. We will all love you for it.

    Lemme know how this works for you.

    I am also open to more suggestions!

    With respect,
    Perry Lai

    Mass Control users might want to read this :
    How you can multiply the results of the 4 day Cash Machine

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1953540].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author perryims
      Wow! That's great! $3000 in 5 mins. Sounds good enough for a headline too yeah?

      I'll post more of these verbal persuasion stuff to serve you and everyone on WF. This post by you definitely inspired me You are most welcome friend.

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  • Profile picture of the author Global Citizen
    thanks perry for the tips!
    Nothing is Faster Than the Speed of Trust
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  • Profile picture of the author Dale Fisher
    Very good! Right on the money, and good reminder!

    The harder we work, the luckier we get!
    SEO for Wordpress

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  • Profile picture of the author tylerdrun
    Okay, here's a variation of the same video presell. I learnt a bit of it from Eben Pagan's famous Double Your Dating squeeze. Back in 2004, you enter your name, you see the kiss test which is one of the most profound and effective dating tests. The kiss test is the only unique one of it's kind. So he's basically giving it away an important technique. And this is how you could implement in your videos(I haven't tried - downloading xp and then I'll format my pc and create these videos. Virus problems)

    Here's a sure fire way to blah blah blah... This is the most important video you'll ever see (the opening I learnt from Eben's Hot Seat altitude interview with Ira)

    And then you share a profound technique from the product or your product. After that, you tell them that about your benefit from using the product and at the same time aligning with their dreams and justifying their mistakes.

    And introduce the product. Give some overview or benefits of the product, testimonials and your compelling bonus. Boom, get them to buy through your link...

    That's it...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2005338].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author perryims
      Originally Posted by tylerdrun View Post

      Here's a sure fire way to blah blah blah... This is the most important video you'll ever see (the opening I learnt from Eben's Hot Seat altitude interview with Ira)
      Could you gimme a link I can watch this? Thanks

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  • Profile picture of the author rstanley
    Great stuff. I a going to use this for sure!
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  • Profile picture of the author Glyn
    Perry, thanks for posting this! It kicks booty!

    I wish I would have seen this a couple of months back. I had been dissecting other peoples stuff to create my own template. I got most of this the hard way... and even found a couple of points that needed tweaking. I guess you can only watch a video so many times before you get lulled into a trance.

    Thanks again.

    Wishing I was at Tweetsie Railroad

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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Fullman
    Very interesting read, and a great thread, Perry! I love all that psycho-stuff.


    Not promoting right now

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  • Profile picture of the author LeeWise
    Great material. Thanks for sharing your points!

    A Beautiful Moment In Time" Treasuring all of life for all the right reasons." (Lee Wise)

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2021438].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author J. Barry Mandel
    Would anyone care to comment on step #2?

    It actually seems like a critical piece of the puzzle...

    Originally Posted by perryims View Post

    2) Ask for permission to talk about pdt

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2022042].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author perryims
      Originally Posted by Justin Mandel View Post

      Would anyone care to comment on step #2?

      It actually seems like a critical piece of the puzzle...
      Let me shed some light on this...

      All I say is this,

      "If it's okay, I'll like to share with you a ____ that I put together specially for ______"

      And you are right Justin! It is a critical step! I come from the seminar world where I can see my prospects faces when I do a pitch. Having my audience to nod their heads and say yes to me to go into my pitch sets me up for trust and rapport.

      Even though you can't see your prospects online, as an internet marketer, it is even more crucial to gain trust and rapport going into the pitch because they can always click "back" or "close".


      You must do a little bit of seeding before you launch into the sequence.

      I go into detail in this video training.

      (Free, no opt in) => Attention entrepreneurs: How to Use Public Speaking to Generate Profits For Your Business
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  • Thanks for this thread,
    I've been using your formula a few times recently and I hover around 10% conversion rate (when running a webinar to an audience of front-end buyers).
    How could I improve this ? What's the crucial part I might be underperforming on ?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2024952].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author perryims
      Hi Sebastien,

      Conversion is dependant on critical factors. Here are the ones within your control. (Not limited to list)

      1. Price vs value.
      2. Your enthusiasm and passion
      3. Momentum of selling

      Here are the ones not in your control

      1. What your market is willing to pay
      2. What your market values

      Here is a checklist from Michael Masterson's book - Changing the Channel;

      It will help you craft your offer better

      1. Is offer specific?
      2. Is offer exclusive?
      3. Is offer valuable?
      4. Is offer useful?
      5. Is offer relevant?
      6. Is offer plausible?
      7. Is offer easy to acquire?
      8. Is offer unique?
      9. Is offer urgent?
      10. Does offer have a money back guarantee?

      As for selling, there must be a momentum towards the close. Harv Eker likens it to a train gaining speed and acceleration.

      Sales is energy and highest energy wins!

      Start gaining momentum in your speaking when you are into your close.

      Read up on Joe Sugarman's take on "slippery slope". From his book Copywriting Handbook

      Hope this sheds some light.

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  • Profile picture of the author sunnygal
    Really excellent info in this thread. I just bookmarked it for future reference.
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    • Profile picture of the author perryims
      i am glad you found value from this
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  • Profile picture of the author filmmaker

    your websites are down???

    can you post links to interviews

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    • Profile picture of the author perryims
      Originally Posted by filmmaker View Post


      your websites are down???

      can you post links to interviews

      Hi Mike,

      I no longer maintain my Hightrustspeaking sites.

      What would you like to find out? Perhaps I could point you to a resource?

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8227209].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author filmmaker
        Hi Perry,

        Anything from your signature and site which is down

        """Free Audio Training to Offline Consultants Who Give Talks -
        "Former Teacher Turned Seminar Pitchman Reveals Secrets
        to Get Your Audience to Know, Like and Trust You
        in Less Than 5 Mins Flat"


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