Your Product Sucks!!!

20 replies
Dear Scam Artist..

I bought your product about article marketing last night. Now that I have reviewed the materials I feel totally ripped off. Not only is everything in your stuff available for free on the internet, but I've seen it over and over again.

I fell for your scam once, I'll never buy from you again.


Dear Sir;

I bought your product about article marketing last night. It was wonderful. I learned so much. I can't wait to put these methods into practice. Thank you so much for teachng me such great stuff.

I can't wait to buy the next thing you author.


5 months later

Dear Sir;

This is Sue, remember me? I bought your product about article marketing about 5 months ago. I wanted to tell you that I'm making about $3,500 a month on the side now. It has been a real blessing to our family.

All I did was put into practice the methods and ideas you had in your materials.

By the way, I met a guy named Robert at the last Super Mega Conference and he was interested in what I was doing. He said he has not found success yet but has looked into article marketing, CPA, co-reg, lead generation, MLM, and product creation. He said most courses you buy are rip-offs.

When I told him your name he quickly said "scammer". He bought your course and got a refund but was angry that you did not compensate his time for reading the materials. I didn't have the heart to tell him that by putting in place your ideas I have found my golden goose.

#product #sucks
  • Profile picture of the author mainstreetcm
    I always get a kick out of people who say "everything you wrote is available for free on the internet" and then further their point by saying "I've seen it over and over again."

    My question to them is, "so why did you my product?" I personally value my time. Sure there are countless threads on forums, articles, you name it on how to do keyword research. But if I find a 20 page ebook that takes all that information and COMBINES it in an easy to read format, then I see the value immediately...

    If all the information is old news to you, why in the hell were you interested in purchasing the product in the first place? Why aren't you acting upon all of this "information you have already seen" instead of buying yet another IM product?

    My philosophy on life is that everyone is a critic, and the reason they are critics is because they can't figure out why THEY aren't doing what YOUR doing... plain and simple.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jimian
      Originally Posted by mainstreetcm View Post

      I always get a kick out of people who say "everything you wrote is available for free on the internet" and then further their point by saying "I've seen it over and over again."

      My question to them is, "so why did you my product?" I personally value my time. Sure there are countless threads on forums, articles, you name it on how to do keyword research. But if I find a 20 page ebook that takes all that information and COMBINES it in an easy to read format, then I see the value immediately...

      If all the information is old news to you, why in the hell were you interested in purchasing the product in the first place? Why aren't you acting upon all of this "information you have already seen" instead of buying yet another IM product?

      My philosophy on life is that everyone is a critic, and the reason they are critics is because they can't figure out why THEY aren't doing what YOUR doing... plain and simple.
      Yes... COMBINED & Implemented is the key.

      You can an have a plain piece of cold chicken all by itself, a jar of mayo sittin' in the fridge, some lonely celery stalks in a crisper draw... yet when you take action and combine everything, you now have delicious chicken salad.

      By themselves they were okay... had potential. BUT someone had to use their imagination and toss it together.

      One guy might have said, "There's nothin' good to eat, while the other used his grey matter.

      Same thing happens with internet marketing.


      OFFLINE Marketing Strategies For The OFFLINE Warrior
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  • Profile picture of the author R Hagel
    Ain't that the truth.

    It's the "Sues" of the world that make it worthwhile to be in business. It's the Roberts who give me grey hair.

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  • Profile picture of the author Frodr
    This is such a great post.

    You cant please everyone. But the ones you do please will continue to spend their money with you.

    Maybe you should have pitched that Robert guy an ebook on taking action, for a discounted rate of course.. then see how much he likes you.


    Ever wonder how to use simple words to drive your customers to act now and not later?

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  • Profile picture of the author AaronSnider
    lol, one mans garbage is another womans treasure.
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  • Profile picture of the author Allen Graves
    Thanks Scott!

    Very cool writing.

    Every day I check the obituaries. If I don't see my name there, then I know it's going to be a good day!
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    • Profile picture of the author JRCarson
      You really have to focus on the "Sue's", huh? "Robert" is just mad at himself for not trying a single thing that he's read about....
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  • Profile picture of the author Sue McDonald
    Hey my name Sue and it has nothing to do with me - so be nice to me please.
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    • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
      Just as long as your not a guy who's father named you Sue, your good to go!

      Great post, I have seen the exact same thing happen with salesmen in my old brick and mortar company. One who does what I tell them, makes money. The other thinks he knows better and is the one coming each Friday asking for a draw that he does not deserve to keep his light bill on.

      It all comes down to action!

      Originally Posted by Sue McDonald View Post

      Hey my name Sue and it has nothing to do with me - so be nice to me please.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tyson Faulkner
    Awesome post, I love reading stuff like that, thanks for sharing.

    Just goes to show that no matter how good your product is or how hard you try, you can't please everybody.
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  • Profile picture of the author Emily Meeks
    I guess Robert was expecting the seller to magically set everything up as soon as he'd hit the Pay Now button >

    In all that you do, know your True INTENT...

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    • Profile picture of the author Aaron.Scott
      Wow this is sooo true! If you just laser focus on one form of reliable traffic then you WILL make money.
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      • Profile picture of the author LindseyRainwater
        People like that just leave me speechless. One time I bought something and I really did have all that information already. (It really wasn't worth the money. It wasn't even an organized product, just a bunch of information squashed into a pdf file.)

        So I wrote to the author and politely said that I already had that info, I didn't feel their product was worth $60, and asked for my money back. I got my refund.

        I did NOT proceed to tell everyone that they "scammed" me. I was fortunate enough to have all that info already. That wasn't the fault of the author who made that product. I would recommend that people make sure they lay their products out nicer than that company did, but the information wasn't BAD.

        So, someone said "one man's trash is another woman's treasure." Very true. Just because it doesn't work for one person doesn't mean it is a "scam."

        My goodness. Do people really have nothing better to do than rant and rave over little things like that?
        Limited Time: Grab the "Pay Your Way" option, and get a complete website with content created - without having to pay the full amount up-front! Pay what you can today, and make payments from there! Click HERE for more info!
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  • lol... i love it.
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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    but I've seen it over and over again.
    Here we have the kicker!

    Because people NEED to realize that the huge majority of WORKING methods are indeed solid and proven and NO SECRET at all.

    People are making the mistake looking for the holy grail, or some "secret" never before seen method which will trigger dollar bills raining from the Sky from one minute to the other.

    99% of success in IM is DOING stuff which is available and all out in the open, AND DOING IT CONSEQUENTLY and CONSISTENTLY. ( It doesnt matter whether you read about this 1000 times already. There are some BRAIN DEAD simple things you can do..but simply knowing them and not applying them wont get you anywhere!)

    If people looking for some unknown miracle method, they are already on the wrong track and will never be successful in IM. "I know this already" is NOT a criteria whether a method works or not.

    ( Personal Example: Press Releases. I probably read about 100 times already that press releases are really good for google rankings. But i never did it, until not long ago. I had Google #1 within hours for some good keywords. Difference: I SIMPLY DID IT instead of keeping it always in the back of my head. Yes and it took like 10 mins. Just as a side-note.)
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    Content Creation, Blogging, Articles, Converting Sales Copy, Reviews, Ebooks, Rewrites
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  • Profile picture of the author Imran Naseem
    How about this.

    "Dear Scammer.

    I hate you. You constantly release products. I hate it. It really p$£$ me off. I do not like you. In fact I am on forums all day, sharing people's products and then hating on people. I urge everyone not to buy from you. I am sick of hearing your name mr scammer. You are a scammer because you are constantly making money and I am jealous."

    I think that sums it all up.

    I just reply with a nice email to people like that "I love you too" and they never bother replying back.
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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      Scott, the more I read your posts, the more and more I am really loving the
      way you get your points across.

      Thank you for a thoroughly enjoyable read.
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  • Profile picture of the author Epicurus

    I handle several different support desks and get this kind of thing all the time: one customer loves the product and it's helped them so much, another who thinks it's all a scam and wants a refund.

    I guess you just can't please everyone :-)

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