Carjacking, Hijacking and now BRANDJACKING!? Are you safe anywhere these days?!

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Ladies and Gents of the warrior forum, lurkers included, are you aware of the power of your name or in IM'enese your 'Brand Equity'?

I ask this for many reasons which I will get to but let me share a quick personal victory with you.

My name is Jeremy Aragon and for the last 3 years I have been waging a silent war against... myself

IM translation: Google Jeremy Aragon and you will see my defeated foe positioned right beneath me as number 2

The cool thing is that I NEVER EVER did anything to 'help' my rankings. I just recently bought the domain name that is rocking number 1 status as but my competition was a worthy opponent, the dudes into acting and whatnot

So the point of that is this, when you googled me for the last 3 years, the first 'impression' was far from being ME yet still a very real Jeremy Aragon.

So thats brandjacking at the highest of personal levels but take it to a business level. I just blogged yesterday about how an angry panda went on a brandjacking rampage and claimed what was rightfully his/hers? by putting the smack down on some overhyped actors :p (who were at one time personal heros of mine so no bad blood intended)

What are you doing to protect your Name? I understand alot of people like to play "OZ" and hide behind the curtain but still, your in it for one thing, yourself right?

For example maybe some of you are trying to support a family like I am, (GF + 3 dogs) and when you get serious about working with somebody that has ANGEL INVESTMENT abilities or might just be a GREAT JV partner, what do they find when they 'google' you?

I use the term 'google' loosely, what I mean is they check you out online, we all leave footprints. Not to brag but I just recently found a blog post from a pretty popular dude that mentioned me in it from March 14th 2006!! Heres the link and YES I am bragging and NO I'm not spamming You Suck And I Love You - by Yaro Starak

That blog post drove like 50 hits to my page that morning and I had NO CLUE what I was doing at the time but definitely became encouraged to keep going...

So now I'm here. I learned SOOOO much from the warrior forum over the past years but what I regret the most is the 'experimenting' I did after forking out MAD ca$h in the WSO section. If you've spent as much money as I have over there you know exactly what I'm talking about. There are some VERY GOOD wso's that I have purchased, gleaned from, implemented and profited. But with the good always seems to come the bad right?

By playing around with black hattery we often get burned in more ways than one and despite the thousands of dollars I lost in refused commissions the thing I regret the most is the brandjacking I was doing to myself.

I'm not sure how hard it would be to find some of the 'junk' and 'spam' I contributed to the internet through the learning years but its there and I'm sorry about that.

With that said, does anybody wanna keep this convo going? I have all kinds of ideas that revolve around this new/old concept of brandjacking, are you familiar with the history of S E X dot com ? Its incredible!!!!! ok your turn...
#brandjacking #carjacking #days #hijacking #safe

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