Here is Why You're Not Successful in IM
If your focus is on finding fault with how other marketers conduct their business, what will that result in? We get that all the time here, and all that leads to is finding more things to find fault with. Creating your own little black clouds of self-pity aren't going to take you where you want to go.
What you focus on expands.
Those aren't my words. Self-made millionaire T Harv Eker wrote that in Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.
If your focus is on how EZA, or Facebook, or Squidoo is doing you wrong, guess what you get? More things to complain about because more things will go wrong, or you'll perceive things that way, which makes it your reality just the same.
What you focus on expands.
If you compare yourself to someone else in IM, disparaging over how far ahead of you they are, guess what you get? A continuing gap between you and them. If you believe others are just lucky and you're not, you'll keep having a lack of luck.
What you focus on expands.
If you focus on what you lack, what do you get? More of what you focus on...more lack! If you're not making money and that's your goal, why are you focusing on things that aren't going to help you reach your goal?
We also get a lot of what I'd call "socializing" type questions here. Those are questions designed to start a discussion but which are not likely to evoke responses that are useful to doing business. When you learn to ask better questions, you'll get back better information.
What you focus on expands - but it goes deeper than what our conscious mind envisions. What we really look for is often determined by what lies deep in our subconscious. It lies in our long-term attitudes and patterns of behavior.
I'm not going deep into psychology here, but I will say that any significant change we want in our external world often means making a change in our attitudes and ways of habitual thinking.
If we keep thinking like we've always thought, and keep doing what we've always done, we'll get the same results over and over. It's foolish to walk the down the same path every day and expect to come out in a different place. If you want different results than your getting, you have to do something different.
I like how Jim Rohn put it, "If you want more than you have, become more than you are."
One more psychological point: If you see rich people or successful people as bad, then you will self-sabotage your efforts at becoming rich and successful.
Because deep down most of us want to be and believe we are a good person, but by equating rich with being bad, your subconscious desire to be good will win out and overrule your conscious desire to be rich in order to eliminate the internal conflict. Guru bashing is a dangerous game, not to them, but to your own wealth.
Not making it? Take note of what you've been focusing on and you'll likely discover why you're not making it, because what you focus on expands.
Next, look at what distracts you from keeping your focus on your goal and you'll discover where you need to make changes. Here are some common things that go wrong:
- too much television
- too much random surfing on the net
- too much game playing
- too much partying
- too much negative thinking (you ever met a rich, happy pessimist?)
- lack of self-discipline
- lack of clearly defined goals
- lack of self-motivation
- lack of self-worth/self-esteem/self-respect
- laziness in thought and action
- anything that veers you off course
When you learn to better focus your thinking and actions toward a worthwhile goal, you'll start to realize the results you want. Be grateful for any positive results no matter how meager they may be, for what you focus on expands.
What are you focusing on?
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