Migrating A Blog Between Domains

by 1 replies
Just curious for anyone's experience here...

I have a couple of blogs that I either need to
or want to migrate to domains.

One gets a small amount of hits daily, and one
is pretty good in traffic (about 80-100 unique
a day).

I know most of the technical details, but I'm more
concerned about the reaction Google will have.

Would a 302 redirect give me decent results here,
or will moving the blog kill my traffic?

#main internet marketing discussion forum #blog #domains #migrating
  • Don't do a 302. You should do a 301. 301 is for a permanent move. 302 is for a temporary move.

    You "should" be fine if you do a correct 301. "Should" being the important word there. You can never tell with Google. It's been well reported that their approach is to pass along the love for sites that are moved using a proper 301 (or even 302) redirect. But, things are often open to interpretation with them.

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