Who Are The Site Flipping Experts?

40 replies
Hey all,

I've been wanting to learn site flipping - basics all the way up to pro. :-) I think it's cool to do alongside whatever else I'm doing for my online business at the moment, and I think the overall synergy's just right for my business nature.

Who are the renowned site flipping masters, or know of any good courses on site flipping you'd recommend? Thanks!
#experts #flipping #site
  • Profile picture of the author isha
    Hi there,

    Site flipping is probably my main money maker, and i've been doing it for around 2 years.

    Give me a PM when your free, and i'll see if I can give you some basic ideas!

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    • Profile picture of the author EquestrianGal
      On our first site flip we earned over $700 . Our customer came back to us and asked us to build them a site so we made even more afterwards. If you make good looking sites with decent content with traffic, you're going to have interested buyers.

      Since we started we've learned some basic tricks to make the site earn more. If you incorporate what you know from IM, creating websites, SEO, and getting your site out there through article marketing, you'll be well on your way. I think the most difficult part was the transfer process. Some will not transfer the site for people; others charge a fee. We did it the *hard* way and did it ourselves through a lot of up front research and asking a lot of questions and of course taking good notes (your host can sometimes help if you get stuck) but it was important for us to offer a good memorable service for our buyers.

      One REALLY good way of saving yourself some time is to get a package of ready-made templates that can be sold so you save the time of designing the theme yourself. Then just concentrate on the writing and you have a site in no-time. You can use article feeds as content but your site will be much more valuable with unique content.

      I know of one WSO up right now with ready-made templates you can grab for only $10.00.

      Or you could grab some PLR articles from the WSO area and re-write them... use them solely to save yourself some of the time that it takes to research but make sure you re-write them. Again I do my writing the old fashioned way which is going to a library, obtaining the best reference material, and then writing my own reports and articles just as I did in college. It may take more time but that way I know that what I write is accurate.
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    • Profile picture of the author theemperor
      Wow judging by the Flippa link she is just knocking together some sales letter pages, no proof of traffic or income and selling them for $400+. If you use PLR could be very easy to knock out these.

      However I would be wrestling with my conscience using that system as the buyers won't be getting good value for money (IMHO).
      Learn to code faster, and remove the roadblocks. Get stuff done and shipped! PM me and I can help you with programming tutoring, specialising in Web and the following languages: Javascript ~ HTML ~ CSS ~ React ~ JQuery ~ Typescript ~ NodeJS ~ C#.
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      • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
        Originally Posted by theemperor View Post

        Wow judging by the Flippa link she is just knocking together some sales letter pages, no proof of traffic or income and selling them for $400+. If you use PLR could be very easy to knock out these.

        However I would be wrestling with my conscience using that system as the buyers won't be getting good value for money (IMHO).
        There's a big difference between Kate Anderson's original sales letters/ebooks and joining in with the hundreds of people who submit PLR and think that people are going to pay for something that there's already hundreds out there.
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      • Profile picture of the author Aaarrrggghhh
        Originally Posted by theemperor View Post

        Wow judging by the Flippa link she is just knocking together some sales letter pages, no proof of traffic or income and selling them for $400+. If you use PLR could be very easy to knock out these.

        However I would be wrestling with my conscience using that system as the buyers won't be getting good value for money (IMHO).
        The value in those items is that the buyer has a complete website to work with that they can focus on building upon and promoting. There are some awesome PLR blogs available right here in the WarriorForum and they offer great opportunities for marketers to really get started down the right path.

        Kate's products varied greatly, some were PLR, some were unique content, some were both unique content and unique graphics.

        If you look closely at Kate's products, she made a 'killing' in creating 'unique' content and graphic packages ready to promote, primarily Clickbank products. Originally, she started doing it ALL on her own, then she outsourced and focused selling the products (according to her FlipMastery course anyway

        If the buyer knows how to market aggressively, they got a killer package where they could focus on marketing...without paying several thousands of dollars to have their own ghost-writer, sales / copywriter, graphics, etc.

        The important thing is to be honest in whatever product you are putting up for sale. If the content is PLR, say so. If the graphics aren't unique, says so. The benefit is that the seller took the time to actually set it all up...it's got hosting, it's got a domain name, it's ready to be promoted with your name all over it. But it is still the buyers JOB to market and promote it.

        As with any business, you still have to do your own due diligence.

        I personally love PLR and use it often so I can focus on design and branding a site for marketing in any given niche and I personally make it a point to disclose that fact, but many sellers do not so this is where you would need to check....as there are many sellers selling .99 PLR for hundreds of dollars...some may say that is great marketing...for me tho that does not fit into any long-term goals and I am one that is all about treating others as you would want to be treated...and better.

        Just like any website venture, you will have to work it as any business...BUT, with these websites that have 0 revenue and 0 traffic, they are to help give newbies and those technically challenged a head-start in that your site is completely done for you and ready for you to add UNIQUE content and focus on marketing. I personally love doing all the techie stuff and if it helps someone out, all the better in creating win-win situations.

        You still have to be diligent in checking out the seller and the offerings, but Flippa and the WarriorForum is pretty transparent and you can get some great deals from great sellers.

        I haven't seen the following mentioned yet so I'll post em here as far as more site flipping experts (in no particular order and only IMHO) that deal primarily in PLR blogs to help get marketers started who are here on WarriorForum and at Flippa:


        "What Can The Source Publishing Do For My Business?"
        We Grow Your Business On-Line
        >> TheSourcePublishing.com <<

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        • Profile picture of the author snazzy
          Trevor Somerville has a fantastic thread in the War Room on flipping (or flopping as he calls his model ie set up sites, keep the great ones and sell the "flops")
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  • Profile picture of the author EdmundLoh
    @Isha oh cool! You gotta tell me more. :-P I'll drop you a PM in awhile?

    @MattGreen where did you get started on your basics? My knowledge is almost zilch here, and I'm keen to learn this new IM skill. Yeah experts are busy as always, I don't mind at all snapping up their course.

    @BlueSquares thanks for the tip. Looks like I need to register with Flippa.com first to see that. I'll sign up first.

    I'm sure there are at least some more renowned experts here on the forum, or outside. Doing a bit of homework before I start investing both money and time there!
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  • Profile picture of the author Marhelper
    I have done well with it but just recently have an epiphany (I need to get more proactive in flipping). I have sold many sites and had others that I sold to coming to me asking for more sites, build them sites, etc..
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    I've gotten rave reviews on my site flipping ebook and it's really cheap. Site Flipping is my main income.
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  • Profile picture of the author SEOExpert104
    I am a site flipper, not yet an expert Hopefully soon to be the youngest Site flipper pro
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  • Profile picture of the author JEL0221
    Originally Posted by EdmundLoh View Post

    Hey all,

    I've been wanting to learn site flipping - basics all the way up to pro. :-) I think it's cool to do alongside whatever else I'm doing for my online business at the moment, and I think the overall synergy's just right for my business nature.

    Who are the renowned site flipping masters, or know of any good courses on site flipping you'd recommend? Thanks!
    Yommys01 is a major up-and-coming expert thats always around WF. I found his Site Flipping eBook to be an excellent guide for people wanting to get started in the flipping business.

    He was also just recently interviewed in the news for his online business success.
    Future Options Trading, a free subscription on trading the commodity markets.
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    • Profile picture of the author Why9999
      Here's my question:

      What do buyers want to see? Do they want simple traffic? Do they ask to see your adsense/sales data?

      How does it usually work?
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      • Profile picture of the author Marhelper
        Originally Posted by Why9999 View Post

        Here's my question:

        What do buyers want to see? Do they want simple traffic? Do they ask to see your adsense/sales data?

        How does it usually work?
        Proof of income, money coming from SERPS not PPC, good domain name, Adsense sites, etc..
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      • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
        Originally Posted by Why9999 View Post

        Here's my question:

        What do buyers want to see? Do they want simple traffic? Do they ask to see your adsense/sales data?

        How does it usually work?

        The main thing they want to see is revenue, whether it's Adsense, CPA, sales of a product, etc. Other things they like to see is traffic, a list, a Twitter acct with a lot of followers, etc. You don't have to have all of those things, but the more you do have, the more money you will make. That being said, revenue is what they look for the most.
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        • Profile picture of the author Why9999
          Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

          The main thing they want to see is revenue, whether it's Adsense, CPA, sales of a product, etc. Other things they like to see is traffic, a list, a Twitter acct with a lot of followers, etc. You don't have to have all of those things, but the more you do have, the more money you will make. That being said, revenue is what they look for the most.
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  • Profile picture of the author novintabligh
    Where can I find a free or cheap training like a video or a pdf article for site flipping?
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  • Profile picture of the author Melvin Ng
    Ed, you prolly might want to zoom in later in what type of flipping you'd want to do. Some build and sell at the low end of the price range (quantity makes up for the lower pricing). Some build and sell at the high end (in the 6 figure range). Some buy and sell, both in the low and high price points. It would be great to look for someone who does what you want to do specifically.

    I've nothing to PimP

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  • Profile picture of the author EdmundLoh
    I've got started with buying an online course on this topic. Pouring over it in a while. :-P
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  • Profile picture of the author Aaarrrggghhh
    Well if Edmund has any desire to sign-up on Flippa, I have no doubts he will probably be the next flipping 'expert'

    Flippa is another great marketing adventure in making money on-line. I only put a few out on the open marketplace to help build my list and they are super-responsive.

    There are LOTS of courses on flipping websites, the only ones I have picked up were Kate Anderson's Flip Mastery: Get Your Masters Degree In Website Flipping! and sbucciarel ebook ... both are well worth the money.

    Flippa is really transparent in what sells...you can easily see what is selling on the front side of things, but, as you know, there is MUCH MUCH more going on AFTER the sales for all the additional work and sales you receive after GETTING that customer, at least that is what has worked for me. I throw out sites to lure them into my weblog weave really tho, my passion is developing sites and thanks to Flippa, I don't have to list too many their except when I am ready to grow my list a little more.

    It is also a great place for instant cash too.

    "What Can The Source Publishing Do For My Business?"
    We Grow Your Business On-Line
    >> TheSourcePublishing.com <<

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    • Profile picture of the author steven90210
      Look up Justin Brooke. A top site flipper and a warrior as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author yommys01
    Thanks for the mention JEL0221, where have you been these days? Back on topic, I believe my ebook will work for you if you are just starting out.
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  • Profile picture of the author Akky
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    • Profile picture of the author Pragun
      Originally Posted by Akky View Post

      Swastik in the forum is quite an amazing dude involved heavily in siteflipping
      I'll give a +1 to that mate.

      Swastik is a site flipper, and he really is good at what he does. I'm a flipper now, and he was my mentor !

      Look out for him

      Web development problem? No problem! Contact me and let's make it happen!
      Color Coding the world, one pixel at a time.
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  • Profile picture of the author trytolearnmore
    A question about Kate Anderson's course. What is her method: "Do it yourself" or "Outsorce everything"?
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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Then
    Wah... Edmund, what happened?

    Want to be Site Flipper Extraordinaire?

    Remember we met a lady in a meeting in AMK, who also does site flipping?
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  • Profile picture of the author DesktopDayjobs
    Chris Parker from Australia should probably get a mention here as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author EdmundLoh
    @Joseph hey man! How are you? Haha, why not? Goes hand-in-hand with PLR I believe, in a way :-) Yeah I remember that girl. Must be a millionaire-ess now huh? LOL! :-P What's her name again?

    Thanks for more suggestions people. I bought a course earlier (haven't read it yet since I'm about to take off to Jakarta in a while!) I'll be back to read this thread again when I return on 20th April.

    P.S. Your Warrior buddy "semmyw" Semmy Wijayanto is getting married!
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    • Profile picture of the author Joseph Then
      Originally Posted by EdmundLoh View Post

      @Joseph hey man! How are you? Haha, why not? Goes hand-in-hand with PLR I believe, in a way :-) Yeah I remember that girl. Must be a millionaire-ess now huh? LOL! :-P What's her name again?
      I don't remember her name... Is it Angel, Angeline or Angela? Alvin's blog will have her name...

      You know, site flipping with PLR vs site flipping with original content can be very, very different.

      Right promotion is also important here.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    I'm not really an expert in flipping but I've flipped 6 sites for $40k.

    There's not really much to say that hasn't been said already, but I'd be interested to hear what some real experts say.


    nothing to see here.

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    • Profile picture of the author Akky
      Originally Posted by Andyhenry View Post

      I'm not really an expert in flipping but I've flipped 6 sites for $40k.

      There's not really much to say that hasn't been said already, but I'd be interested to hear what some real experts say.

      Each at $40k or net?

      Just a random guy. Learning Ruby On Rails at the moment.

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      • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
        Originally Posted by Akky View Post

        Each at $40k or net?
        Net unfortunately.

        I tend to sell a lot of sites for under $1000 as the domains age and I decide I'm not going to focus on them. So I've only sold few after having actually put time into them.

        nothing to see here.

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  • Profile picture of the author Karan Goel
    Hey Edmund.

    Basically, herein you will hardly find any genuine help. Everyone needs an opportunity to promote themselves/their service/product. And threads like these are a feeder to them. (No offense to anyone, really).

    I would very briefly tell you how flipping is done and some resources.

    1. Research Keywords
    Use https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal to find keywords with least competition, and high search index. I prefer to use the Phrase setting.'

    Collect preferable 5-7 keywords that contain 3-4 words. - These are the long tail keywords.

    Of those, 1 should be the one with the highest searches but least competition ratio. And the one that you think you can rank in Google for.

    2. Register a domain

    Register a domain that contains your mail keyword.

    3. Get you site up.

    I recommend you use Wordpress. Install some plugins like All in One SEO, Sitemap Generator, Some themes to suite your niche.

    Write or outsource 5-7 articles and post them on your blog. Keep the frequency of say 1 every 3 days.

    4. Time to work.

    For this step, I recommend you use SENuke. You can outsource too, or even do it yourself. I'll proceed by taking into consideration that you will use SENuke.

    Note: For this step, actually the SENuke 7 day free trial should be enough.

    Using SENuke, build backlinks to your site everyday. Yes, everyday. You'll see improvements in SERPS the very first day.

    5. Monetize

    Now the moolah time. All Adsense to your sites. Add Clickbank products to add a powerful income source.

    6. Wait

    Now, wait. Keep the traffic rolling, and people clicking.

    7. Flip

    Go to Flippa and list your website. Present the traffic and revenue stats and screenshots.


    How much your site is worth?

    There's a proper and famous formula for this.

    Simply sell it for 8-10x the monthly revenue. For ex. You site makes $5 per day, you can flip it for upto $1000.


    Bottom line.

    Now, the bottom line is that you MUST choose good keywords and do proper SEO. Then you might also get offers.

    You can try my methods in my free ebook. These are really some golden nuggets.

    Hope that helps you and others.

    To your success,
    Penalty Safe, Long Term, 100% Whitehat Backlinks
    Love your site? Then check out SafeSpokes!
    karan996@irchiver.com karan997@irchiver.com
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    • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
      Originally Posted by Karan Goel View Post

      Hey Edmund.

      Basically, herein you will hardly find any genuine help. Everyone needs an opportunity to promote themselves/their service/product. And threads like these are a feeder to them. (No offense to anyone, really).


      You can try my methods in my free ebook. These are really some golden nuggets.

      Haha - you criticised people and then did it yourself.

      I'm sure you're right about some people using such threads to subtly push their products, but to then end your post with a reference to your own product - makes your comment seem silly.

      nothing to see here.

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      • Profile picture of the author Karan Goel
        Originally Posted by Andyhenry View Post

        Haha - you criticised people and then did it yourself.

        I'm sure you're right about some people using such threads to subtly push their products, but to then end your post with a reference to your own product - makes your comment seem silly.
        Hey Andy

        I didn't criticized anyone. At least I didn't say "I'm an expert, call me. I'll make you a flipping millionaire."

        I provided a basic sort of layout to Edmund. I can't make a 10k word post, explaining in depth of every step. For that we have some really good WSO's, as well as contributions by our members.

        Again, the link was just to help Edmund. I'm not selling anything. I'm just guiding. I've been also guided my a ton of people - on WF and in real life too.

        Seems like I went too much Off the topic.

        Penalty Safe, Long Term, 100% Whitehat Backlinks
        Love your site? Then check out SafeSpokes!
        karan996@irchiver.com karan997@irchiver.com
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        • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
          Originally Posted by Karan Goel View Post

          Hey Andy

          I didn't criticized anyone.
          Maybe you should re-read your post - "Basically, herein you will hardly find any genuine help. "

          I know I don't have a site flipping product and will happily talk about it, so maybe your comment came off wrong to me because my main purpose for being in this forum is to help people, so when someone says to a poster that they won't get genuine advice just veiled sales messages and then posts a link to their product - it makes the comment seem like a self-fulfilling prophecy.

          Anyway, I don't want to detract from this thread so I won't say any more.

          nothing to see here.

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  • Profile picture of the author rg0205
    I would recommend Yommys01 but I see he's already been mentioned and has responded here. He has great ebooks/ guides on site flipping that are tailored to newbies.
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  • Profile picture of the author Flipfilter
    I always seem to arrive at the party late - damn you Google Alerts

    There are some good people on this forum that will point you in the right direction - Yommys01 and Swastik to name two. You can also get some quality free advice from Travis's blog - Flip Websites ? How To Make REAL Money by Website Flipping and Glen - Viral Marketing : ViperChill.

    The basics are easy to find and is essentially web marketing 101 with a little investment theory, but to become a pro, the information is a little harder to come by.

    Here are a few ideas (I'll be covering some of these in more detail on our blog soon)

    1) If you create, do something original

    Selling starter sites (no revenue, PLR articles, no traffic) will make you money, but with the average starter site selling for $129 (http://www.flipfilter.com/site-valuation-tool.php) you will need to sell a good number of sites if you plan to earn a significant amount doing this. It's like taking an old office block and converting it to several luxury apartments versus revovating a small house. The former will come with more stress, and take three times as long but will make 15X as much money (figures are just an example!)

    Currently, the category attracting the most revenue per sale on Flippa is Web Applications and Software. Most people are put off creating something in this space due to a lack of technical skills, however creating a small web application is as simple as creating a blog, if you outsource the programming on somewhere like Elance.com or Rentacoder. (You can post a project for free and work out how much it will cost before you spend any cash.)

    The best ideas for web applications come from something you need personally, or the moments you think to yourself "wouldn't it be cool if I could...".

    Some ideas are

    1) Wordpress Plugins (average cost to develop a WP plugin on Elance is less than $300)
    2) Data Mashups - Combining data from different sources to create new useful data
    3) Iphone and Ipad Apps (surprisingly, they're still doing ok)
    4) Platforms that allow regular people to become entrepreneurs (e.g. a site that allows people to rent out spare rooms or storage space)

    Try not to be limited to what you can personally do as there are always people willing to do tasks for you, either as a partnership or as an outsourcer. Think Big!

    2) If you buy, appreciate you'll make your money in the purchase and not the sale

    There are two ways to make a profit flipping - buy at value, add more value then sell, or buy below value and sell at value. The latter is much quicker and will allow you to flip more in a shorter space of time, which means more profit at the end of the year.

    To find good purchases
    1) Be obsessive about scanning listings and look for sites that are undervalued at their buy it now price. Ask the right questions then snap them up!

    2) Use good tools to make searching for sites easier. Naturally, I would recommend ours - Website Flipping made Effortless by FlipFilter

    3) Look for sites that aren't publicly available. Small, neglected forums run by hobbyists and enthusiasts make some of the best deals for unmonetised, aged sites with built in PR and lots of backlinks.

    3) If you do create starter sites, make additional revenue on the backend and save costs at the front.

    Most people overlook offering hosting on the sites they sell as a way to generate additional income from starter sites, but this can generate a significant amount of 'true' residual income.

    Also try to save money by saving time, and standardise repetitive task that you need to do for each flip. For example, a cut and paste 'owner's manual' with answers to frequently asked questions by newbies can save time further down the line.

    I hope this helps - best of luck!

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  • Profile picture of the author Peggy Baron
    Hi Edmund,
    I recommend Michelle Adams www.michelleadams.com She has a free report on flipping that I found very helpful.

    I'd say good luck with it, but I have no doubt you'll do very well.

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