Best PLR Sites of All Time?

by momo3
29 replies
I am looking for PLR sites -- yet when I use the search tool on the WF it wont give me a nic answer.

Does anyone have a resource for the best PLR Sites around?
#plr #sites #time
  • Profile picture of the author heenal
    Hi Denningmedia

    How did you get that list?Is it using a command? I would like to know which from the list allows free PLR articles. Basically want to get free plr articles ,rewrite them and submit them to Web 2 sites to get backlinks

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  • Profile picture of the author Will Edwards
    Well, I'll add one here because it's not a membership, but it is a top PLR offering ...

    Exclusive PLR

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    • Profile picture of the author Carl Hughes
      Will I just looked at your site and i must say that i am quite intrigued however i have one question...if you sell the plr rights to 300 people and they in turn sell the rights to each book to only 100 people if my math is correct isn't that 30,000 of each book out there with plr? and that is assuming that the 300 only sell 100. What is the reality of how this all really works?
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  • Profile picture of the author Mrs S
    @Heenal - just ask Google. Do a search for Free PLR + Your keyword and you'll find lots to choose from. It's not likely to be great quality though so you'll have to take the time to rewrite it.
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    • Profile picture of the author ChrisJamesG
      Originally Posted by Mrs S View Post

      @Heenal - just ask Google. Do a search for Free PLR + Your keyword and you'll find lots to choose from. It's not likely to be great quality though so you'll have to take the time to rewrite it.
      Agreed. Some PLR content, even stuff you pay for, can be very poorly written.
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  • Profile picture of the author money2k
    You can also check out my website. I do offer exclusive plr that you cannot find anywhere else as well. Money2k

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  • Profile picture of the author humbledmarket
    There are tons of PLR membership sites. Are you looking for something free or something paid. It's pretty hard to evaluate which is the best since there are thousands unless you try all of them how will you really know. I guess you must just do a search and check it out.
    Maybe try a free trial or free membership before deciding to continue to paid membership. I have one free membership PLR site which is pretty good especially cause it's free. They have a few hundreds of free PLR products including software like buzz software and so forth. If you want to know it just give me a pm and I'll be happy to share it with you.
    Best regards,
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    • Profile picture of the author Alex Lehiste

      I have a ton of PLR Content. FREE and Paid options available. Just visit my website!

      Kind Regards,

      PLR Products Elite - Instantly own 57,300+ in-demand digital products and revolutionize your content with our AI-powered tools...
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  • Profile picture of the author RoyChan
    If you have $3,000 to spare, check out John Delavera's farewell package which is only offered this month, one time. It will give you enough material to work for the rest of your IM life. Hope it helps.

    Turbo Farewell - Ensure Your Next 8 Years Of Internet Marketing Success in One Bold Move (not affiliation)

    Launch Plan: Watch Me Build A Business From Zero To 5k Per Month​​​
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  • this is some good stuff.. i'm a newbie so thanks for everyone sharing
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  • Profile picture of the author gottahave
    Here's another:
    Wide selection of high quality niche products, including internet marketing.
    Full satisfaction guarantee... rare!
    AND you get to see the site and the licence before you purchase.
    Also... stacks of free info on using PLR.
    Yes... it's self-promotion... FastPLR is mine.
    And to go the whole hog!... We're always looking for good affiliates.
    Happy marketing!
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  • Profile picture of the author ianbong
    Easyplr has the highest quality PLR articles I've seen so far. If you need articles, Nicole's site is the place to go. It's not a membership site, you buy what you need and stock up and the articles are limited so once they're sold out, you'll never get them again (to make them valuable and unique and not flood the market with junk).
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  • Profile picture of the author anthony2
    you should checkout

    they have hundreds of ebooks,software,articles,videos,audios

    anything you are looking for they will have.
    "I Leveled The Playing Field And Removed Every Roadblock
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    Click Here Now To Find Out How!
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  • Profile picture of the author Goran Zinic - daily updated plr site with over 5000 products.
    I will promote your business to my 100,000 members for free. Find out more
    Find out more
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  • Profile picture of the author Toby Couchman
    No ones mentioned (click here to visit) yet. One of the best ones I've seen. is also good for one off purchases if thats more your thing.

    Hope that helps
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Here's a huge list that was put together by Michael Mayo
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  • Profile picture of the author PhiladelphiaSeo
    Tiffany Dow has a great PLR site so does Ruth From Net PLR. I would also like to throw my hat in the ring. We are adding new PLR Articles all the time.
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  • Profile picture of the author gushy0202
    Tiffany Dow, Ruth of Ruth PLR offer great valued PLR products better than all other plr downloads. Im in their list and its worth it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Charles Harper
    I would have to agree with Tiffany Dow, but it really depends on what you want. Like PhiladelphiaSEO (Go PA) we write original PLR for specific circumstances. I would also take a look at a good course on how to use the PLR to get the most bang for your buck out of it.

    For a while, PLR was all the rage because people were throwing up Ebooks without changing any of it. So Amazon slapped things back into reality and things have returned to normalcy. That said, I think that you should look for PLR, that you don't have to write extensively or if you are going to hire a writer anyway just go and get a "brick" of PLR.

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  • Profile picture of the author Rach72
    This list was also put together earlier this year by Stephen Ayer

    Checking out WSO's is also a great idea as there are some great writers with fresh PLR there.

    For PLR that Kicks Ass and Freelance Writing that'll Rock Your World
    ** New Guide for the Digital Writer**
    101 Writing Tips
    That Separate You From The Pack

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Fied
    In my opinion I like

    Check it you!!
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  • Profile picture of the author gully
    I would have to second the recommendation for Tiffany Dow's PLR Site, PLR Minimart.
    High Quality Writing! Fast Turnaround Time
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  • Profile picture of the author Sheryl Polomka
    Try Ruth Pound, Tiffany Dow, Peggy Baron, Tina Golden, Lisa Stoops - they all have great PLR sites!
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  • Profile picture of the author NikkiBlue
    Can anyone recommend a good source for Entertainment/Arts PLR articles ?
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  • Profile picture of the author richardpm
    I am releasing a product soon where members will get upto 10 unique PLR websites every month - Easy Niche Sites - I will be releasing 10 Niche websites on a dime sale on the 15th of June
    Easy Niche Sites - Get 10 Amazing Niche Websites With PLR Articles & Full PLR for a measily $5.00! ==> Easy Niche Sites
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  • Profile picture of the author Yaros
    I am releasing a product that will include 100 turnkey websites with adding another 5 every week.
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  • Profile picture of the author Beverley Boorer
    I have to agree that Tiffany Dow writes excellent plr material. There are also many other websites where you can find quality plr at affordable prices if you google the term
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