Yahoo marking Aweber as spam?

2 replies
This might just be a statistical fluke but I'm going to ask.

In the last 24 hours I've gotten 4 sign-ups for an aweber list, but none of them have confirmed.

They were spread pretty evenly across that time period, and none of them seem to be related or spammy.

The only thing they have in common is that they are all mailing addresses.

I'm worried that yahoo might have started sending aweber confirm emails straight to spam.

Of course we all have sign ups that don't confirm, but 4 in a row from the same email service seems like quite an anomaly for the tiny list that I have. (just broke 100.)

Anybody else having this problem?
#aweber #marking #spam #yahoo
  • Profile picture of the author Troy Trump
    I've had that happen with both yahoo and gmail before when using aweber. Your best bet would be to signup to your list with a yahoo account to see if its going to spam.
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  • Profile picture of the author dsmpublishing
    Hi guys

    i havent had any problems of late but i do find that two or three emails a week from aweber confirming new members will go to spam folder and i get quite a lot every day so i dont mind this too much

    kind regards

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