How do you schedule your day? And what results do you see?

8 replies
How do you schedule your day, and what kind of results do you see?
#day #results #schedule
  • Profile picture of the author H3x
    I wake up at 9am, drive to my office, work till 5pm, have a quick 20min run on running machine, go home, have something to eat, have a shower, sleep.

    rinse and repeat lol

    I work mon-fri 9am - 5PM GMT in my office and at the weekend i tend to catch up on work at home.

    What kind of results do i see? money in the bank...
    *** I earnt $479,000+ Online from 2009-2010 with ONE Web Site! ***
    Read my Personal Internet Marketing Story and see how i did it!
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  • Profile picture of the author Nic Lynn
    Not sure I exactly follow the question, but I schedule my day by putting my to-do list in (then sorting it by priority). Then I use a time boxing program to "force" me to get that to-do list done in defined chunks of time.

    Results: 100% effective 99% of the time!
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    • Originally Posted by Nic Lynn View Post

      Not sure I exactly follow the question, but I schedule my day by putting my to-do list in (then sorting it by priority). It then use a time boxing program to "force" me to get that to-do list done in defined chunks of time.

      Results: 100% effective 99% of the time!
      Now that's pretty cool, thanks for the link, hadn't heard of that before.
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  • Profile picture of the author warren4321
    I just register for TEUXDEUX, never notice such useful to do list site. Thanks for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author LocoDice
    This is something I've put a lot of thought into.

    Maybe it's because I'm part of a young(ish) generation that grew up with gameboys, the internet, etc but I find focus very difficult.

    I have my strengths and I have my weaknesses and focus is not one of them.

    What has really helped me over the last 3 months is working in 90 minute sprints where I set a timer for 90 minutes, set goals. Get them done, and take a 10 minute break to do whatever.

    I know some people will say thats slack, but it's what works for me. I'm more productive than ever now.

    Proof? I'm working every day on 4-5 little projects kicking along and making progress on each one.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamian
    Originally Posted by InternetSuccess001 View Post

    How do you schedule your day, and what kind of results do you see?
    80/20 rule! Focus on the important few and ignore the rest.

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    • Profile picture of the author dooster
      I stay organized using our task management system (see signature) for keeping up with both my business tasks and my personal tasks.

      The good thing is the collaboration capabilities so my colleagues can can view our project schedule as well and we all know what we're responsible for.

      My results are great, of course I'm a bit biased in our system, but it's nice to have everything organized in once place and not have to jump around to see a big picture view of my daily schedule.
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      • Profile picture of the author Thinker1
        There is also another site that helps you keep track of a lot of things - I started using but got side tracked. I now keep my to do list with an excel spread sheet. Now, as for me being very productive is tricky as I have a two year old who's job is to distract me.
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