Profitable Undiscovered Niches!
I was wondering if there was a way to discover unsaturated markets where all the traffic isn't gobbled up by big-time marketers.
I tend to stick to saturated markets because I know there is money there. But I'm unsure when I try to look at other niches because I don't know which ones have buyers and which don't. My only clue is the number of sniper sites on the first page.
Right now I only promote in the IM niche. The only ones that I know can deliver are the IM and Weight Loss niches. Going into new markets is a hit and miss, I am hesitant because I don't want to lose money outsourcing on a keyword/niche that won't deliver.
When I search for new niches in market samurai I often look for "(product name) review" and the keyword is so new that it doesn't have data.
How can I fix this hit and miss situation?
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